Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Bored on watch late one night as the HMAS Hammersley sat at the dock Rebecca 'Bomber' Brown wandered over to RO's desk looking for something to do. If her memory served right, RO kept a book of sudoku puzzles in his desk somewhere.

Finding the desktop neat and orderly, Bomber turns to RO's shelves. Finally discovering the slimline cover of the puzzle book, she pulls it out, but as she does so an envelope falls out with it. Noting the quality of the envelope and the fancy typing, Bomber can't help herself. She opens the envelope and pulls out the card inside.

Opening it, she realises that it is an invitation to a high school reunion. Taking note of the school name, she whistles appreciatively. Hauman Prep was a high end private school in Sydney's eastern suburbs. RO had gone there?

Noting the date on the invitation, Bomber notes that the party is this Saturday night – four days away. Sliding the invitation back into the envelope and popping it back up on the shelf, Bomber gets comfortable on his desk, propping up her feet as she starts a sudoku puzzle. As she filled in the numbers, the reunion invitation sticks in her head and won't go away.


It wasn't until two days later, late in the afternoon that Bomber was able to speak with RO about her discovery. She, RO and 2 Dads are on an FFV undercover - RO for his language skills, Bomber being a female, and 2 Dads being the lookout - as they wait for another fishing vessel to make their rendezvous. It was the boss's hope that they'd be able to catch an ice boat.

Sitting side by side with RO against the bulkhead as the minutes pass, Bomber takes this as an ideal opportunity to bring up the reunion – now two nights away. 'Doing anything this Saturday?' asked Bomber casually, as RO looked at her suspiciously. 'No,' he said shortly.

'Are you sure?' persisted Bomber. 'No prior engagements or a place to be?'

'No,' said RO again, shifting his body into defensive mode. 'What are you getting at?'

'Oh, I just thought that maybe you'd be out of the state this weekend,' said Bomber, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly. RO saw straight through her pretence and narrowed his eyes at her. 'How did you...? Actually, on second thoughts, don't bother explaining,' said RO darkly. Unfazed by his snarky response, Bomber waited for him to answer her question. Giving her a hard look, RO then lets out a sigh of acceptance. 'The reunion,' he said. 'I'm not going.'

'Why ever not?' said Bomber. 'Reunions are seriously cool! And if your school name is anything to go by, that is going to be one upper class shindig! Hauman Prep. My god RO. That's one heck of a school.'

'Dad was a bully, but he was a bully that kept up appearances,' responded RO with a harsh laugh. 'Granted, it wasn't the worst place to go, but I didn't exactly have the time of my life there either. Ran away and joined the navy the day I finished school.'

'Oh RO,' said Bomber sympathetically resting her hand on his arm, before she suddenly became excited. 'You so have to go and show them what you've become now.'

'Go to Sydney and face those idiots alone? No thanks,' snorted RO. 'I'd rather maintain my miserable existence here amongst you idiots instead.' He shifts too late to avoid Bomber's incoming shoulder slap.

Settling back in her position, Bomber makes a proposition. 'Tell you what, I'll come with you.' It takes RO a moment to process what Bomber has just said. 'You want to go to Sydney with me for a high school reunion?' he asks in disbelief.

'Sure, why not,' said Bomber with a shrug. 'Could be fun!'

'Your idea and my idea of fun are freakishly different,' said RO as Bomber rolled her eyes. 'Oh stop it.' RO's attention is drawn from this conversation when 2 Dads' voice crackles over the radio seconds later. 'Hey lovebirds. Boat incoming.'

Bomber's still not letting go of it though as both stand. 'What do you say?'

'Odds are we'll be out here and not in port on Saturday anyway,' hedged RO.

'So it's all sorted,' declared Bomber in glee. 'If we're back in port Saturday night, we're going to Sydney! I'll call my travel agent friend and see what she can do for tickets.'

As RO tries to figure out just how he'd agreed to go to his reunion, and with Bomber Brown no less!, Bomber stood up and whacked his shoulder to bring his attention back to her. 'Let's get this show on the road.'

'You're an infuriating woman you know?' said RO as he opened the door and allowed Bomber to step through first.

'Why thank you!' said Bomber, flashing him a smile over her shoulder as she went past him, before both sailors switch into workmode. They had a job to do.


Next chapter: What happens come Saturday?