"You lied to me." Harry Potter was staring at the Headmaster with unveiled contempt. "And now you expect me to simply shake it off and save the world. Or die trying. Your pathetic sir."

"I'm sorry son." Albus Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling it was obvious that he was not sorry at all. "I thought that I was protecting you, protecting the world. You did not need to know. Now I believe that you are ready to embrace the prophecy. He killed your godfather you must accept your destiny Harry. Now more than ever you have reasons to want him dead Harry."

"I am leaving now Professor I do not wish to speak of this now." Harry Potter leveled Dumbledore with another glace before he stood and turned to leave.

"I am sorry Harry but we are not done." Dumbledore said just as Harry attempted to turn the door handle and failed. "Have a seat we have much to discuss." He motioned to the chair Harry had just abandoned. To say the least Harry was none to thrilled about having his hand forced. Static filled the air magic pulsed off of the boy Both of his hands glowed one white one black.

The entire castle shook


"EARTHQUAKE" Hermionie Granger screamed throwing herself under a table that was located in the Gryffindor common room.

"What are Fred and George up to now." Filch asked as his eyes narrowed.

Mugleborns throughout the school were filled with terror throwing themselves under tables and into bath tubes. Draco Malfoy simple raised his wand and created a force field around him and his friends followed suit.

"Stupid Mudbloods using useless muggle techniques. As if a desk would protect them when this castle finally does fall." Draco Malfoy smirked.

The castle shook more violently with every second that passed. Stones fell from the ceiling. The beautiful windows in the Great Hall cracked and sent glass splaying into the students nearby. Minerva managed to spare most of them and rushed the hurt children to the Hospital Wing.

Hogwarts was in madness.


"Stop this Harry. Stop it now. Control your magic or I will do it for you." Dumbledore said the twinkles finally leaving his eyes.

"We are done sir." Harry said as calm as ever. A frantic look entered the Headmasters eyes. Every object in Dumbledore's office lay in ruins Headmasters from the past were splayed on the ground. Harry reached his glowing hand towards the handle and it turned. "I'm so glad we had this talk." Harry turned his back. The sword of Gryffindor went flying at Harry. It did not cut him did not make him bleed it crumbled upon contact with his aura. "That was not nice sir I do not appreciate it I simply wish to be alone." He continued down the staircase leaving a perplexed and scare Headmaster in his wake.


As Harry walked down the Halls of Hogwarts he saw all of the pain that he had caused all of the damage . Dirt blood and tears were the students latest accessories. He did not even attempt to hide the smile that creaped onto his face at the sight of what only a fraction of his power had done. "How could I not have known how much power I have." He muttered to himself. Students stared at his robes and his pristine appearance. He laughed. For it was quite humorus that he always managed to garner attention. Harry's eyes were fixated on the Great Hall. It had been reduced to ruble. Yet that was not what Held his attention. He noticed a small group of Slytherins who were as immaculate in appearance as himself. And as we all know Harry Potter is nothing if not curious. Without any hesitation he approached the group and simply raised his eyebrow.

Draco Malfoy was not surprised often but the sight of Harry Potter willingly approaching him without a look of hatrid was suprising. Though he did not allow such a lowly emotion to display itself upon his well trained face. Even when Potter stopped a foot from him eyebrow raised.

"Well Potter what can we do for you on this fine day?" He asked matching Potters raised eyebrow.

"Lets just say I find you appearance oddly clean and wish to inquire how this group and this group alone managed to come out of the events that have recently transpired with not even a hair out of place?" Harry questioned.

"You are mistaken." Was the only reply Draco offered with a small smirk.

"How so?"

"Take a look in the mirror Potter." Draco said.

"Oh I'm sure if I looked in a mirror I would find most of my hair out of place."

"You wont receive any argument from me on that point. To answer your question though, I suspect that used the same means to remain unaffected by the recent events. Though I would have expected with your past that you would have been more likely to throw yourself under the falling ruble in order to save one of your mud blood or blood trader friends." Draco drawled with malice.

"I highly doubt you we used the same means to remain immune." Harry said with his own smirk

"Enlighten me on your methods and perhaps I shall deam you worthy to hear mine." Draco said interested.

"You really want to know?" Receiving nods from the group Harry displayed a smile that sent chills down all of those who had the unfortunate displeasure to see it. "Do you really think I would allow my mess to harm me in anyway?"

"Your mess? Not even a Gryffindor is this messy Potty." Pansy Parkinson sneered.

"Believe what you want it matter little to me." Harry did not even bother to look at her his eyes remained fixed on Draco. "Your turn."

"My father taught me a spell. A spell that does nothing to protect one from magic but does protect one from muggle means of injury. I share what I know with fellow slytherins." Draco said.

"Ahh what an unfortunate spell. Care to give me the name?"

"Hate to disappoint the savior but I don't share such useful spells with the enemy and make no mistake Potter you are my enemy."

" Make no mistake Draco I know exactly which spell you used there is only one that could even possible stand up to such an onslaught of power. I simple wished to see if you would actually tell me." Harry turned to leave but stopped suddenly. "Oh and Draco. I wouldn't be so sure about that last part. He waved his hand and everything in the Great Hall returned to its former Glory except for the once grand chair that Dumbledore always sat in. Which Harry approached. Not offering the Slytherins another look.

"Potter!" Draco called annoyed at how the conversation had ended Still Harry stared at the broken chair. "Some wizard you are you can't even fix a simple chair."

"What I do not wish to be fixed shall not be fixed." Harry said and went to sit at the Gryffindor table for dinner as if the entire school had not just crumbled to the ground. Of course looking at it now you might think that was so. Nothing was out of place every break gleamed as if it were brand new. Everything except the Headmasters chair and his office.
