Hello everyone!
It's been a while~
Finally…after a really long time…I get to complete this story of mine. It's exciting!
I'll get sentimental at the end of the chapter, so let's get right into it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of its characters.
Chapter 14- Epilogue
A month later…
Sakura was working in her office at the hospital as usual. She looked out through her window at the vast expansion that was her beloved village during the cool November day. How quickly the seasons seemed to have shifted, blurring past her to change the color of the leaves and alter the temperature. She was, for once, thankful to be within the confines of her office to escape from the cold autumn winds that would encase her body whenever she stepped outside.
With the hospital gradually slowing down to a normal murmur compared to the fiery commotion from the summer months, Sakura only had to finish up paperwork and she would be free to leave for the day. She smiled fully, realizing that this will be the first time off early in a month. Granted, she would be coming back to work the next day, but that fact didn't faze her in the slightest.
Her gaze now wandered from the village outside to the picture on her desk. It was a picture taken outside of the grand hall after the shinobi ball last month. Sakura couldn't help but think about her friends' reactions to her regaining her memories. They were beyond thrilled to say the least. To commemorate the wondrous day, Naruto (of course) convinced the whole group to take the said picture.
It was her favorite picture. Not only because it was the only one where the Konoha 12 came together, but because of the tall figure standing next to her in the image.
As expected, Sasuke hated taking pictures. Thought it a waste of time and a distraction. But even he had the semblance of happiness etched on his face, which only the few could actually recognize. But he wasn't looking at the camera. He was looking at her, standing close by to his left.
A blush arose on Sakura's cheeks. That idiot! He's supposed look at the camera!
She remembered all the taunting of her friends once the photo was developed and distributed. She mused over how much had changed since that fateful day and just how happy she was with her life.
But, I should get all this paperwork done first. Sasuke-kun wouldn't be too happy if I make him wait.
Thus Sakura pushed those fleeting thoughts to the back of her mind and worked to finish the paperwork with care.
Her pleasant smile, however, couldn't be erased.
Sasuke was walking around the village.
Unlike most people in Konohagakure, he enjoyed the colder seasons. They gave him a sense of peace and stillness. Plus, the cooler weather helped during his rigorous trainings. But for once, he wasn't training his heart away and took time to admire how the village was in the fall.
He like what he saw—the village was beautiful.
He realized with a pang of regret that in all the years he's lived here before, he's never stopped and appreciated the beauty that surrounded him. All he thought of was revenge.
But he was past that now. Thanks to those who cared about him enough to pull him out of the darkness.
Now that his health was doing well, he was placed in chakra-suppressing binds until the elders and the Hokage decided on his fate. He would be set before a trial and would have to defend his life. As predicted, Naruto and Sakura vehemently disagreed, speaking of how he was fine and didn't cause trouble before while recovering. Although Tsunade agreed with their observations, there were protocols that still needed to be followed for dealing with a missing-nin.
Sasuke sided with her and willingly took on the binds. If that was the only way the village would feel better about this whole situation, about him, then so be it. He didn't feel like adding more distress to his life. There was enough of that already. He just wanted to live life and explore all the small, precious things he had blown away in the rage of his vengeance.
That was why he was aimlessly walking around. Training helped, but sometimes he would get carried away and his body would try to use chakra, only to get zapped by the binds digging into his arms.
Sasuke thought to himself. His life was now actually…peaceful. He was, surprisingly, happy.
Though he would never admit that out loud. There was still fear that if he felt too happy, those things, those people responsible for that joy would be taken away from him again. And this time, he knew he couldn't survive if it happened. If Naruto or Sakura for God's sake—
No. Stop.
He shook his head. Those thoughts weren't going to strengthen him. He just would have to become stronger to protect those precious things.
To protect and be with them meant he would need to be accepted back into the village. In order for that to happen, he had to obey. Even if he didn't want to and thought the elders ridiculous.
He stopped walking and now stood in front of the huge white building in front of him. He admired how enormous the building was and the authoritative yet warm feeling that emanated from its insides. He smirked and resumed walking. And with every step, all the negative and troubling thoughts were dispelled.
All he could think of was one.
Sakura looked up at the time, then at the last remaining paper left in front of her.
Almost done…
She heard a knock at the door. She smiled.
"Come in, Sasuke-kun."
Sasuke walked in with a slight teasing look in his eyes.
"Do you always greet people at your door like that?"
"No, I just knew it was you because you're on time…and I sensed your chakra in front of the building."
Sasuke smirked and look at the leftover work. He then sat down in the chair in front of Sakura's desk. Sakura knew that meant he would wait for her to finish up.
No use trying to distract myself now. She lowered her eyes from his face and focused on completing her task. The sooner she finished, the sooner she could leave with Sasuke-kun for some well-deserved rest.
She could feel his gaze upon her as she worked, but she tried not to dwell too much on that. It was doing weird things to her stomach. But she did notice that he did a lot of that. Watching. Looking.
Maybe she'll ask him about that later.
Fifteen minutes later, they walked out of the hospital into the crisp evening air. Sakura finally broke the peaceful silence.
"So…what did you do today, Sasuke-kun? Anything fun?"
Sasuke scoffed at the word. "Hn. The usual. Training."
"Of course. But that's it?"
"I…walked around the village."
Sakura didn't expect that as a response. Of course, walking around the village was a common task, but for Sasuke, nothing common was actually common.
"Well that's good! I'm glad."
Sasuke looked over at the pink-haired woman walking next to him. She had a soft smile etched on her rosy lips. Sasuke quickly learned that her smile never had to be directed at a certain thing. She always smiled because she had hope in the world. How different she was from him. But that's why he cared about her so much.
He looked away from her smile though. His heart was pounded way too fast in his chest and he could feel blood rising into his face. What the…
Sakura looked over curiously, but decided not to bother him about it. She looked down at their feet, walking in synchronization. Her heart burst in happiness. She finally felt like they were walking together in the same direction, finally looking towards the same horizon.
She stared at the markings on his arm. Without thinking, she grazed her fingers lightly over the markings that bounded his chakra. Sasuke flinched at the sudden contact but couldn't pull away. It felt…nice. And warm. And caring.
"They must be burdensome during training, huh?..."
"Hn. Hurts like hell as well."
Sakura made eye contact with Sasuke. Sasuke could see the worry in her eyes.
After slightly hesitating, he placed his hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together.
Sakura gasped in shock, but held his hand steadily, enjoying the feeling of his warm hand encasing her own.
"I'm fine, Sakura. Stop worrying."
"But—oh fine, Sasuke-kun. But you know I always worry about you."
"I know."
Sakura looked up and locked eyes with Sasuke. "Yeah?"
"Thank you."
Her cheeks were painted rosy pink. "My pleasure…always."
Sigh…might as well say it.
"I…love you."
Sakura looked up and made eye contact. Her eyes were getting moist with each passing second. She swore she could see Sasuke's eyes getting a bit wet as well, but perhaps it was in her head. After some time, she realized Sasuke was looking at her expectantly. Duh, Sakura! He's waiting for you to say something, dang it!
Sakura cleared her throat and gave him a warm, loving smile.
"I love you too."
The side of Sasuke's mouth turned up and he held her hand tighter as he focused on walking properly, one step at a time.
Perhaps everything will be better now.
Everything is better now.
"Does this mean we're together now?"
"Like, together together?"
"Ah I see. Does that mean we'll go on double dates with Naruto and Hinata now?"
"Aww, please, please, Sasuke-kun? I'll make it fun for you, I promise!"
Hey everyone!
Thanks for reading my story Hidden Love!
You have no idea how much all of your reviews meant to me. I know there were large amounts of time when I didn't write, but if any of you have stuck with this story since the beginning, I'm so grateful!
I have a lot of ideas in my head for a new story, and I'm hoping that I can get to start writing soon! So if you liked what I have presented for you so far, please stick around!
Once again, thank you all so much!
Love, Cilla =)