
by Dorthey Star

Chapter Four

          Ginny was sprawled across her bed, reading a book on the history of witches and wizards during the Renaissance era, when there was a knock on the door and Ron entered her room. She blinked in surprise, then, figuring that Hermione had told him about their meeting in the library, closed her book.

          "Hallo, Ginny," Ron said, sitting in the chair.

          "Wow, he remembers my name, I'm impressed," Ginny muttered to herself, then, louder, said, "What do you want, Ron?"

          "I just came to see my baby sister, that's all. Or is it against the law now?" Ron asked sarcastically. Ginny rolled her eyes.

          "If you're going to ask why I've changed, I'm not going to tell you. It's a very personal reason. If that's your only reason for being here, leave," Ginny said, almost growling. Ron studied her then left the room. Ginny threw her book at the far wall out of frustration.


          Draco sat in a dark corner of the library, waiting. Finally, he saw them come in. Harry, Ron, and Hermione moved to a table at the far end of the library. Draco took a deep breath, then walked over to them. With each step he could feel a little bit of his nerve drain out of him. Twice he had to stop to regain it. Being in love with the enemy is not going to make you scared of Potter and Weasley! Draco scolded himself.

          He resumed his walking once again. As soon as he neared their table, the dream team shut their mouths.

          "What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, practically spitting his name out.

          "I know what you're doing. You're trying to defeat You-Know-Who," he said, sitting in a chair, not caring whether they wanted him to or not.

          "Yeah, so?" Ron asked, cracking his knuckles.

          "That's gross, stop it," Hermione said, glaring at Ron.

          "Well, you're not going to get it done without help," Draco said.

          "And what's that to us?"

          "I could help you."

          "How do we know you're not a Death Eater?" Hermione asked, looking at him suspiciously. Draco sighed heavily and pulled up the shirt on his left arm. The smooth pale skin held no Dark Mark.

          "I'm still not convinced," Ron said, folding his arms across his chest.

          "What is it with Weasleys not believing me?" Draco muttered. He glared at Ron. "Fine. Veritas." He heard Hermione gasp-she knew what the spell was, surely-then he felt pain like he'd only known once before. When he'd used it for Ginny.


          Ginny and Hope headed for the Library. Hope was failing Potions and Ginny was going to tutor her.

          "I still don't know how I passed Potions last year without you helping me," Hope said, smiling at her friend.

          "Ah, you know you were secretly cheating from me," Ginny said distractedly. When she thought about Potions she thought about Snape which brought Slytherins to mind which brought Draco to her mind. Stop it, she told herself angrily, stop thinking about him.

          "In Potions? Yeah, you wish!" Hope laughed. Ginny smiled and shook her head. It was good to have a friend again, but she had enjoyed having Draco as a friend. The thoughts of that fateful night came rushing back to her. She stopped dead in her tracks. She had tried her hardest to block the thoughts out. Quickly, she put up a mental barrier before the memories could wash over her.

          "Are you okay, Gin?" Hope asked, laying a hand on her friend's arm.

          "Yeah, I just…memories were coming back to me…" she said quietly, a single tear falling down her cheek.

          "You sure you want to study?"

          "Yeah, I just miss him so much. He was one of the best friends that I've ever had, but I'm not going back. Everything will end up happening again, and I'll be heart broken again." Ginny wiped away another tear that had escaped and they walked into the library.


          "What's that spell do?" Ron asked, fascinated. He loved seeing Malfoy in pain. Draco grimaced.

          "Ask me anything," he said. Harry and Ron both grinned evilly, then opened their mouths to asked something that Draco was sure he wasn't going to like, when Hermione stopped them.

          "Are you a Death Eater?" she asked quietly.

          "No. I was taught by my father that Muggles were bad and the Dark Lord was good. A friend taught me that Muggles are good and the Dark Lord is bad."

          "Who-" Ron started, but Hermione interrupted once again.

          "Why do you want to help us?"

          "To get her back, to get my friend back."

          "Are you going hand Harry over to your father IF we let you help us?" Hermione asked.

          "No. I hate all of you, but it would hurt her. I don't want to hurt her."

          "Who-" Harry started. Hermione glared at him and he shut his mouth.

          "Are you…" Hermione's voiced trailed off when he saw the longing in Draco's eyes. She followed his look to the doorway. Ginny and her friend- Hope?- had just walked through the door. Ginny looked a little pale, but she was smiling weakly. Suddenly, Hermione understood. Ginny was Draco's friend that he was willing to help them for.

          "Finite Incatatem!" Hermione said, waving her wand at Draco. His eyes became slightly unfocused, but they focused quickly.

          "Well?" he asked, slightly impatient. He didn't want Ginny to see him talking to these three.


          Out of the corner of her eye, Ginny saw a hint of the infamous Weasley red hair. She turned to see Harry, Hermione, Ron, and…

          "Draco?!" she said quietly. Hope's head shot over to the table that Ginny was looking at.

          "What in the world is he doing with them?" Hope asked, staring open mouthed. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Draco stood up and swept out of the room, but not before looking at Ginny. He gave her a look that plainly said, I'm sorry.

Disclaimer: um, in this chapter nothing is mine except for Hope, but I don't really want her….

Author's Note: sorry about chapter 3's author's note…I kind of said I'd put more things in it that I didn't. So anyways, Draco might or might not be helping Harry & Co., Hermione understands the situation, and Ginny is a tutor for Potions. In the next chapter we find out whether Draco is helping or not, Hermione confronts Ginny, Draco confronts Ginny, and Hope, well, she's in there, I can promise you that. I'm sorry if I'm making Ron sound evil. I just…I guess I don't like him too much. I'm a Ravenclaw (in my own little world…) or maybe a Slytherin…*blinks* or not.