
by Dorthey Star

Chapter One

          5th year Ginny Weasley sat at a table in the Library, watching her brother, Ron, discussing something with his two best friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. She felt like throwing the book at them. All they ever seemed to do was plan. They planned how to find Voldemort. They planned how to fight Voldemort. They planned how to defeat Voldemort. Ginny sighed. They always left her out. Sure, Hermione was great in every subject, and Ginny was no good in any but Charms, but she could be help.

          In her 1st year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ginny had been used by Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, to almost kill many students including Hermione. She felt hatred like Harry, who had lost both his parents to Voldemort, did. She didn't feel as much because she hadn't been hurt like he had, but she herself had almost been killed.

          Hermione was the cleverest witch in her year. Ginny had figured that Hermione would get Harry and Ron to ask her to help once she figured out the hatred that she had. But no, they had been planning since the beginning of their 5th year-Ginny's 4th- and now it was Christmas of their 6th.

          Ginny abruptly got up, not able to hold it down any longer. For a year and a half she'd been tough and hadn't said anything to them and usually just ignored them like they did her. Now she couldn't take it anymore. Every once in a while a girl needs a good cry. Ginny figured she hadn't had her since the end of her 3rd year when Cedric Diggory had been murdered by Voldemort-another reason that Harry wanted to get to Voldemort.

          She blindly ran to the rose garden and sat at the base of a willow tree. She started to sob, ignoring the cold that was biting at her very soul. She was so caught up in her self misery that she didn't hear him walk up.

          "What's with you, Weasley?" a sneering voice asked. Ginny's head shot up to see Draco Malfoy's head looking at her from in between the branches.

          "Go away, Malfoy," she sniffed, wiping the tears from her eyes.

          "Not until you tell me what's wrong," Draco said and sat down next to her.

          "It's nothing," she said, turning so that she wasn't facing him.

          "You don't cry like that over nothing," he sighed, "What's Potter done this time?"

          "Harry is a way better person than you-" Ginny started angrily, but was cut off by Draco.

          "I don't make you cry, now do I? Just tell me what he's done. You'll feel better, I promise," he said gently. Ginny studied him, wondering why he was acting so, so nice to her.

          "I'm not going to tell you. You'll just go off and tell all of you Slytherin friends. Besides, everyone knows that Malfoys don't keep their promises." Ginny said sullenly.

          "Oh, sod Slytherins!" Draco burst out. Ginny blinked in surprise. "Here, I'll prove it to you." He took out his wand, and Ginny shivered, wondering what he was going to do to her. He pointed the wand at his own chest. "Veritas," he whispered. A black jet of magic flowed into his chest and he bit his lip to keep from crying out in pain.

          "What'd you do to yourself?" she gasped.

          "Truth spell. Hurry, ask me anything," he said.

          "If I were to tell you what I'm upset about, would you tell anyone at all?"

          "Not unless you told me to," he said with some difficulty.

          "Why are you being so civil?"

          "Can't a guy just want to be nice? I saw you crying and I figured I'd help you out and it would be my random act of kindness for the year," he said.

          "How do you take the spell off?" she asked softly, unable to look at him when he was in so much pain.

          "Finite Incatatem!" Ginny looked at him. He bent over and was gasping for air.

          "Oh!" She said quietly and had to restrain herself from comforting him. After all, what would everyone say if she was caught with the enemy?

          "Do you believe me now?" he asked. Ginny was silent for a long moment. "I guess you don't. Well, I tried." Draco got up to leave and Ginny spoke in a voice almost as soft as a whisper.

          "It all started last year. We all came back to school and he was obsessed. He got them obsessed, too. I could have helped, you know. I feel hatred, too. But they just don't realize. They just ignore me. Even my brother. Especially my brother," she said. Draco sat back down.

          "Who's obsessed about what?" he asked. Ginny looked up at him slowly, tears shining in her eyes.

          "Harry. Ron. Hermione. They're obsessed with him. With You-Know-Who." She said slowly.

          "That's obvious. What did you mean that you could have helped?"

          "My first year. The Chamber of Secrets. You-Know-Who…he was there, only in his younger form, Tom Riddle. He had me trusting him. He made me open the chamber, only I didn't know I was doing it." Ginny started to cry once again. Draco suddenly didn't know what to do. He'd never seen anyone like this. Sure, he'd seen many people cry-usually because of him-but somehow she was different. He put his arm around her shoulders and she leaned against him still crying. She cried for a long time while Draco whispered comforting things in her ears. Finally, as the night grew darker and darker she stopped crying.

          "See? Do you feel better?" he asked her, a smile forming on his pale face.

          "Much better. Thanks…" she hesitated for a moment, then stuck out her hand. "Friends?" she asked him. Anyone she told that much to had to be a friend. Even her best friend, Hope, didn't even know.

          "Sure," Draco said and shook her hand.

          "I've got to get back. Good night Malf…I mean, Draco."

          "Night Ginny," he said, trying out her name on his lips.


          Over the next month, Draco and Ginny became the best of friends. Christmas approached and Harry, Ron, and Hermione still ignored her. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were the only ones staying in Gryffindor. Ginny decided to try and get their attention. She turned her hair black with her wand, and put on all black clothes. She painted her nails black and put on black lipstick and heavy eyeliner. She then sat down in the common room, waiting for them. Harry and Ron came down first, still tired as they'd been for a year and a half.

          "Morning, Gin," they said automatically. Ron went over to Hermione's dorm to wake her up while Harry sat down across from Ginny.

          "You know, Harry, I'm pregnant. It's a girl and I'm going to dye her hair purple and name her Terra-cotta, just so you know. You'll probably be godfather," she said calmly.

          "Really? That's nice," he said vaguely.

          "My gosh! What am I going to have to do to get a little attention around here? Strip then jump out of the North Tower?" she asked hysterically, close to tears. Ron and Hermione walked down the time just in time to miss Ginny as she ran up to her dorm.

          "What was Ginny yelling about?" Hermione asked.

          "Something about purple terra-cotta," Harry mumbled and they walked down to breakfast.

          Ginny sat in her room brushing her hair which was red again.

          "Seriously, what am I going to have to do to get a little attention around here?" she asked herself. She sighed, threw her brush at her Non-Breaking mirror and headed down to breakfast.

          "What's up with you, Ginny?" Draco asked as they sat in his room later that night.

          "No one loves me," she said in a teary voice after she'd recounted that morning's events to him.

          "I love you, Ginny," he solemnly, surprising himself and Ginny. He reached over and pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

          "Really?" she whispered breathlessly.

          "Really," he reassured her, smiling. Suddenly, his lips were on hers, kissing her in a way that he had wanted to for so long, but hadn't been sure. He put so much feeling behind the kiss; things he'd been wanting to tell her, but had been afraid to do so or had not found the words. She kissed him back after a second with as much fervor. They broke apart when they needed air again. His hand was on her upper thigh, going slightly under the short skirt that she always wore.

          "Draco…" she groaned, feeling a need for him at that moment that scared her more than anything. He didn't give either of them a chance to say anything as he captured her lips once again, his hand going the rest of the way up her skirt as they fell back on the bed.

          Ginny woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar environment. She started to sit up, but found that arms were around her. She blinked and cleared her mind. Her head was laying on the bare chest of Draco Malfoy and his arms were around her. He was still asleep and looked like the picture of innocence. Ginny smiled for a moment, then remembered the night before. Oh my God, she thought, horrified, I've just had sex with Draco Malfoy. I am not a virgin.

          After realizing what they'd done, Ginny slipped out of bed and scrambled around gathering and putting on her clothes. She gave him one last kiss before leaving the room and slowly to the Gryffindor Common room where she knew she wouldn't be missed.   

          That morning at breakfast, Ginny received an owl.


                   Look, we need to meet and talk about what happened last night. Meet me under the weeping willow at noon. See you there


          Ginny folded up the note, promising herself that she would be there.


When noon arrived, Ginny  hurried to the willow. Draco wasn't there, so she sat down under it, pulling her cloak close around her. She waited for two hours, and he never showed up. He's embarrassed. I was probably horrible, and he's too embarrassed to tell me so, the jerk, Ginny thought to herself as she walked back up to the castle. Once in the room she had to herself because of her status as a Prefect, she erupted into tears.


Disclaimer: everything belongs to JKR

Author's Note: what a tangled web we- I mean, I- weave…anyways. Coming in chapter two, Draco returns, Hermione pays attention to Ginny, and we find out how Ginny has changed…now, I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't a Draco/Ginny supporter in the beginning (Draco/Hermione still rocks!), but thanks to Cassandra Claire, I have become a shipper…Please, Review?