Hello and thank you for reading my fan fic. This is the first story that I have written that isn't a one-shot. Please review and let me know how I am doing. Thanks.

The law of the power stated that only the first born male would receive the power. And for over a century that law stood firm. Well, until me that is.

My name is Camille Danvers and I am 18 years old. I take after my father in looks, dirty blond hair and clear blue eyes with slightly tan skin. And even though you probably know this, I am a girl.

But that's not the only way I defy the law of the covenant. I am also the second born child and the second to receive the power in one family. I have an older brother, Caleb Danvers, who is 19. Caleb is tall, dark and handsome, taking after our mother in coloring. He is the oldest in the covenant.

There are three others in our secrete little group. After Caleb there is Pogue Perry. He was also 19 and the fun-loving one of your group. He rode a Ducati motorcycle and like the other guys he was on the swim team (and between you and me, he had the best body on the team). Reid Garwin came next in our little procession. He had platinum blond hair and green eyes the made any girl swoon. He was the trouble maker of our group. Unfortunately he was also the one who liked to use the power the most. You see, the more you use the power the more addicted you become to it, until you can't stop using and it ages you. My father William Danvers III had become so addicted to the power that by the time he was 43 he looked old enough of be 100. We were all afraid the Reid would follow the same path.

The last guy in our group, and my favorite, was Tyler Simms. He was the shy boyish one with brown hair and deep brown eyes that you could almost drown in. We were closet in age, him being only 6 months older than me, so we naturally got along better but I still love all of them the same. In order it was Caleb, Pogue, Reid, Tyler and then me, the baby of the group.

One year ago the long thought extinct heir to the Putnam power showed up and fought my brother for his power. Caleb won naturally but chases body was never found, so there are chances of him still being alive. My father had willed Caleb his power to help Caleb knowing he would die. This was surprising considering that he was selfish when it came to his power and he never once had told Caleb or me that he loved us.

This is why my mother and I are moving. The house held to many memories and even though they hardly spoke to each other the last 5 years, I knew she missed him. So we packed up and left our old family house with Caleb and his girlfriend, Sarah, to move to the rainy town of Forks, Washington.

This decision would forever change my life.