The very last chapter for this story! And I'm really crying now… T_T
Enjoy it and have a nice day everyone… *sob*
The Fuuka Girlz
Special Chapter: Meet the Fujinos
It had been 3 months after the final game.
"It's freaking hot out there…" Natsuki unzipped her leather jacket, shrugging it off her shoulder and she tossed it to the couch nearby, leaving only a black sleeveless shirt on. She threw herself on the leather sofa and she picked up a remote control, turning on the air conditioner.
"Ahhh…" she sighed contentedly when cold breezes from the air conditioner swept on her sweating body. She closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep…until,
Urgh… My god… Nao was right… I think I really need to change that ringtone… It's starting to irritate me now… She groaned loudly, reaching up for her cell phone beside her.
"Hello, nee-chan!"
"Oh… Alyssa… How's it going…?" she asked lazily, stroking her slightly damp navy blue locks.
"I'm at the airport now..."
"Okay… so?" she took a deep breath. She could hear Alyssa chuckled on the other line.
"I mean… I'm at Narita Airport now, nee-chan…"
"You what!? What the hell are you doing there!?" she bolted up on her couch.
"It summer break, nee-chan… duh. I want to spend it here with you…" Alyssa chuckled again. Natsuki sighed heavily and she settled her back on the couch again.
"You alone? Mom's not coming?"
"Nope… Dad's already planned to take her to Italy… They're going to have another honeymoon there…"
"You're not going to tag along with them?" Natsuki asked in amuse tone, laughing at the thought of Alyssa watching their parents all over each other in Venetian boat at the center of Venice city waterways.
"No. And there's no way I'm going together with them… Urgh…It's gross…" Alyssa groaned. Natsuki burst into laughs because she knew her little sister had the same thought like her.
"Anyway, just stay where you are… I'm coming to pick you up now…" Natsuki quickly got off the couch and she grabbed her leather jacket.
"Oh, it's okay, nee-chan… I already have someone to come and pick me up…"
Natsuki froze on the doorway. "You what!? Who!?"
Alyssa chucked nervously just before she replied. "Um… Miyu…?"
Natsuki could feel her head twirling around. "W-wh-what!? What is she-don't tell me-when did you-how did her- Ohhhh… I'm so going to kill that robot girl!!"
"NEE-CHAN!! Calm down! We're just friends… She just comes to pick me up… That's all!!"
"Right! First, she picks you up from the airport. Second, she comes to pick you up for a friendly dinner! Later, she's going to pick you up for a date and then she'll pick you up to her bed!!" Natsuki barked angrily as she clutched her head.
"Urgh!! You're just over thinking about it, nee-chan!! We barely know each other and she's a nice girl!! She won't do that thing…"
"How did you know!? You've just said you barely know her!"
"I'm not going to talk about this right now… Okay! She's here… I'll see you at your apartment! Bye!"
"Wh-WAIT! Alyssa!"
But the line was off.
Natsuki stared blankly at her cell phone. Wh-what the hell? My sister just hanged up on me… My lovely little sister just hanging up on me… This must be that robot girl who influences my innocent sister!!
She stomped her way to the kitchen, retrieving a glass and she took out orange juice box from the refrigerator. She poured the juice into the glass and she quickly took a large gulp on that chill juice to cool down her head.
"Damn that robot girl… How the hell did she befriend my sister…? Did she really go and talk to Alyssa after that final game!? Argh!! I should warn her to stay away from Alyssa that time!!" she scratched her head frantically.
"Argh!! That stupid ringtone!! I'm going to delete it from my cell phone forever!!" she stomped back to the couch and she picked up her cell phone. Her brows were twitching angrily as she stared at the small screen. Just at the right time…
"You know what, Shizuru…" Natsuki straight away barked at the phone.
"…no. I don't know… And hello to you too, Natsuki…" Shizuru snickered softly to Natsuki's angry voice.
"That robot girl already befriend with my sister!! And Alyssa asked that girl to come to pick her up at the airport!!" Natsuki pinched her temple softly.
"Ara…? Who is this robot girl? And Alyssa-chan is at the airport…? Please calm down, Natsuki… I can't understand what you are trying to say to me…" Shizuru said with a soothing tone to that enraged navy haired girl.
Natsuki slowly took a deep breath and she sighed.
"Alyssa's here… She's at the airport. She's on the summer break and she wants to spend it here… But she already asked that Miyu girl to come to pick her up at the airport and I didn't even they're already know each other that close!!" she groaned loudly.
Shizuru just giggled. "Ara… I see... Big sister is angry now…"
"I'm not kidding, Shizuru!" she sighed. Shizuru giggled again.
"Ara-ara… I don't see anything to be angry about, Natsuki… Miyu-san is just being nice to Alyssa-chan… Nothing wrong with that…"
"What!? Nice!? That girl must have planned on something! My sister won't go around on random people…"
"That means Alyssa-chan didn't take Miyu-san as 'random people', Natsuki…" Shizuru sighed.
Natsuki blinked her eyes a few times. "Wh-wha-t-that means…"
"Yes, Natsuki…" Shizuru chuckled.
"No, Shizuru!!" Natsuki groaned in frustration.
"Why not…? Alyssa-chan is a grown up girl already…"
"That is the problem!! Oh my god… I can't believe this is happening…" Natsuki clutched her head.
"Natsuki, Natsuki… Whether you like it or not, this thing will happen eventually… And Alyssa-chan has her right to pick the one she likes… You cannot control that…"
"What if that robot girl just wanted to hurt her!?" she barked angrily.
Shizuru sighed. "How did you know that…? You barely know her, Natsuki… Don't simply judge on other people… What if Alyssa-chan heard about this? Don't you think she will get hurt with what you've said about Miyu-san? Just take yourself into her position… What if someone talking bad about me…? Won't you get angry about it…?"
"Of course I am! I will give a punch or two~"
"That's my point!" Shizuru giggled.
Natsuki blinked her eyes again. She just stared at the empty ceiling as she took a deep breath and slowly she exhaled again.
"I know you're worried… Everybody will if they're in your position right now… But we got a lot of ways to handle this matter... Just try to get to know Miyu-san better, Natsuki… That's also one of the ways if you want to know whether Miyu-san is sincere with Alyssa-chan…" Shizuru said reassuringly.
Natsuki slowly scratched her cheek. "You think so?"
"I'm sure Alyssa-chan will appreciate it… And don't try to scare Miyu-san away! It's not helping… And try to talk with your little sister about this…"
She took a deep breath again and she smiled. "Okay… I will…"
Shizuru chuckled again. "Seriously, Natsuki… I mean 'talk'... gently. Not 'yell'… okay?"
Natsuki laughed louder. "Okay! Okay! I will talk with her, gently! I promise!!" And both of them laughed heartily.
"Ne, Shizuru? Why did you call me anyway…?" she rubbed her nose.
"Ara… Finally. You didn't even give me some room to talk just now…" Shizuru chuckled. Natsuki just laughed as she scratched her head.
"I'm sorry… I was too preoccupied…"
"It's okay… Um, Natsuki? Do you free this Friday?"
"Apparently, yeah. Why?" she shifted her position on the couch when she heard Shizuru took a deep breath.
"I would like to invite you to my house…"
Natsuki blushed slightly when she heard it. Sh-she just invited me to her house… That means… A multiple of unholy thoughts ran inside her brain.
"At Kyoto…" Shizuru added.
Natsuki blinked her eyes a few times. What? Wait… Why it has to be that far…? Her campus dorm is only few minutes away from her~
"EHH!!?" her eyes widened in a split second. Shizuru just sighed.
"Yes, Natsuki… I want to invite you to my family house at Kyoto…"
"B-but why-?" she stuttered. Don't tell me…
"My parents wish to see you, Natsuki…"
She could feel the whole room spinning around her. "B-but-how come they know about me!?"
"Blame your dad for this…" Shizuru sighed heavily.
Natsuki twitched her brows. "Dad!? What it has anything to do with him?"
"It seems that recently he had a few meetings with my father and their topic of discussion is not entirely on their business…"
Natsuki clutched her head again. "My dad told your father about us!?" she sighed heavily. She also could hear Shizuru sighed on the other line.
"That's what my father said… And he immediately called me yesterday and asked me to bring you home this Friday…"
Natsuki leaned her head on the sofa and she sighed again. "I'm so screwed…"
"But my father seems so excited to meet you, Natsuki…" Shizuru chuckled.
"Yeah… of course he is… He's so excited to kill me for taking her only daughter away…" Natsuki smiled. Shizuru burst into hearty laughs.
"Don't worry, Natsuki… I'm sure my father and my mother will like you…"
"I hope so… It's my turn now, huh?" she grinned. Shizuru chuckled again.
"Well… I've done my part and it is your turn to meet my parents now…"
"Oh my god…"
She already had an ice pack on her forehead. Too much information in a short time… What a 'great' day I have today…
She quickly turned to look at her door. Maybe it's Alyssa… She put down the ice pack on the coffee table and she got off the couch. She walked idly to her apartment door and she opened it.
"Hi, nee-chan!" Alyssa greeted her older sister with a bright smile on her face. Natsuki grinned widely as she moved closer to kiss Alyssa's forehead.
"How's mom and dad?" she stepped back to let her sister in.
"They're fine… They asked me to bring something for you…" Alyssa grinned as she took off her shoes.
"Good afternoon, Kuga-san…" Natsuki quickly tilted her head to look and she saw Miyu stood outside her apartment with Alyssa's bags in her hands. Miyu beamed the navy haired girl a small smile.
"H-hey… Good afternoon, Miyu-san…" Natsuki forced a smile on her face. Just great… Calm down, Kuga Natsuki…
"I just help Alyssa with her bags…" Miyu gently put down the bags at the doorway. Natsuki just watched with an observant gaze.
"Thanks… Um, you wanna come inside…? Have some drinks?" Natsuki scratched her head. Miyu smiled again and she shook her head.
"I would love too but I have other errands to attend now…"
"Oh? O-okay… Maybe some other time…" Natsuki nodded her head. Better you don't come at all!
Alyssa quickly walked to stand next to her sister. "Thank you, Miyu! I really appreciate it!" she grinned widely to the taller girl in front of her.
"Sure, Alyssa… You're welcome…" Miyu smiled softly to the younger girl.
Natsuki raised her brow as she watched the exchanged look between two girls in front of her. Okay… That's enough… Better stop now if you didn't want me to dig your eyes out for staring at my little sister… Natsuki quickly let out a soft cough.
The other two girls quickly averted their eyes with cheeks blushing slightly.
"I'll go now… See you again, Alyssa, Kuga-san…" Miyu bowed her head.
"See you again, Miyu!" Alyssa waved her hand delightedly but she quickly stopped when she saw Natsuki glared at her.
Miyu just smiled and she nodded her head. She slowly walked to the elevator.
"Uh, Miyu-san…"
Miyu quickly turned her head and she saw Natsuki smiled softly at her.
"Thanks for picking up my sister at the airport…" she scratched her head. Miyu just smiled and she nodded her head.
"No problem, Kuga-san…" she bowed her head again and she walked into the elevator.
Natsuki took a deep breath and she walked into her apartment. Alyssa was already in the guest room, unpacking her bags. Natsuki leaned on the doorframe, folding her arms as she watched her little sister doing her job.
Alyssa was humming happily while talking out her clothes from her bags. Natsuki frowned slightly as she watched such unlikely event right before her eyes. I barely see her smiling like that… I wonder if that Miyu girl was the one to give such effect on her that much…
"Here you go, nee-chan!" Alyssa handed her a brown box. Natsuki arched her brow as she took it.
"What is it?" she asked, looking at the box in her hands. Alyssa just grinned.
"What else? Your favorite mayo when you're in America…" Alyssa laughed when she saw Natsuki unwrap the box excitedly.
"Geez! This is so awesome! You can't find this one here!!" Natsuki grinned as she waved the blue bottle delightedly. Alyssa laughed again as she continued with unpacking her stuff.
"Hey, Alyssa…" Natsuki scratched her head. Talk… Just talk… gently. Just like Shizuru asked me to…
She didn't bother to look at her sister when she replied. "Yes…?"
"Wanna tell me about you and Miyu?"
Alyssa stopped her hands from her task as she stared at her bags. "What nee-chan wants to know about?" she slowly continued her unpacking.
Natsuki took a deep breath. "How did you guys met?"
"After your final game 3 months ago… She came up to me and she introduced herself… With mom and dad beside me…" Alyssa smiled as she folded her clothes and she placed it on the bed.
Natsuki chuckled softly. That girl sure is extreme… I never thought she could be that bold to do such things…
"And then…?" Natsuki exhaled. Alyssa seemed to ponder for awhile as she rubbed her chin.
"Well… we exchanged e-mail addresses… And we're e-mailing with each other ever since…" Alyssa picked up her empty bag and she placed it next to the locker.
"She seems nice…" Natsuki leaned on the doorframe again. She could see Alyssa's lips curved into a warm smile.
"She is…" she replied.
Natsuki took a deep breath again. "Are you happy?"
Alyssa promptly turned her head to look at the navy haired girl. Natsuki simply raised her brows with a smile on her face.
"Very…" her cheeks blushed slightly. Natsuki snorted and she nodded her head.
"Okay…" she walked out to the kitchen, leaving her bewildered sister alone in the guest room.
Alyssa just watched her sister walked to the kitchen and she slowly turned to look at the empty bed. Her lips curved into soft smile.
"I'll get it…" Natsuki jogged to the door and she turned the knob.
"TADAA!!" Nao and Chie grinned widely as they spread their arms wide. Natsuki twitched her brows in the speed of lightning.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" she nevertheless stepped back to let those two in. Nao and Chie quickly ran into the kitchen while laughing loudly.
"We're hungry and we're broke. We come here to finish up your food stock!" Nao opened the refrigerator while Chie already climbed on the counter, opening each cabinet in that kitchen.
"What!? Why didn't you guys go to Mai's and ask her some food?" Natsuki leaned on the counter, watching at those two fighting for French sticks.
"You think we want to be here if Mai opened her café? It's Tuesday, Natsuki… You forgot about that?" Chie asked, hugging some chips and a bottle of diet coke.
"Oh, yeah… I forgot Mai closes her café on Tuesdays…" Natsuki scratched her head.
"Oi! Nao! That orange juice is mine!" Chie tried to reach for the orange carton.
"What the hell? Your name is not printed on this box…" Nao hid the orange juice carton behind her back.
"Your name is not on it either!" Chie scowled angrily.
Nao suddenly pulled out a marker pen and she wrote on that carton.
"There you go… I've got my name on it!" she grinned widely as she pointed at the box which written, 'NAO'S ORANGE JUICE! NOT CHIE!'
"Oh you cunning little spider~"
"OKAY! SHUT UP!! I'll order some pizzas for you guys! Stop fighting for food like cavemen…" Natsuki sighed heavily and she walked out the kitchen.
"Oh, my savior… My lord Natsuki… You're my angel…" Chie hugged the navy haired girl from behind.
"Let go of me, dammit! Or I won't call the pizza!" Natsuki barked loudly.
"Okay! Okay!" Chie quickly let go of that navy haired girl and she jumped on one of the couch.
"No wonder it's loud…" Alyssa walked into the living room with a wide grin on her face.
"Oh, Alyssa-chan! You're here for the summer vacation?" Nao appeared from the kitchen while munching on potato chips. Alyssa smiled and she nodded her head.
"Alyssa-chan… Come here! Give this charming prince a hug and a kiss…" Chie jumped on her feet and she spread her arms.
"You dare to do that… and no pizza for you!" Natsuki glared at the short haired girl as she placed her cell phone on her right ear.
"Okay! Okay!" Chie quickly settled on the couch again, shutting up her mouth.
20 minutes later, they were sitting at the living room, watching TV with pizza on their hand.
"I never saw that brand of mayo before…" Nao pointed at the blue bottle in Natsuki's hand.
Natsuki grinned widely as she scooped a spoonful of the condiment and she spread it on her slice of pizza. "Specially brought from America…"
The others just cringed in disgust when they saw Natsuki took a bite on that mayo smeared pizza.
"Anyway, spider… How the hell you're broke now? You got a lot of money in your bank account!" Natsuki slowly munched the pizza.
"Well… My mom kinda freezes up my account because I've been using it for shopping… She also cut off my cards…" Nao took a sip on her drinks.
Natsuki and Chie turned to look at each other. "Freeze your account? What did you buy anyway? I don't think Auntie Nagisa simply froze your account because you did some shopping…" Natsuki frowned slightly.
"Nina took me to buy some sex toys…" Nao said it blankly. Natsuki and Chie already choked on their pizza.
"Okay… I'm going to my room now… See you guys later…" Alyssa grinned widely as she took a few slices of pizza into her plate, grabbing her drinks and she quickly walked to her room.
After Alyssa closed the door, Natsuki quickly smacked the red head.
"Ouch! It hurts!!" Nao scowled as she rubbed her sore head.
"You should watch with what you're saying, dammit!! My sister is here!!" Natsuki barked angrily at the red head. Chie already went into laughing frenzy.
"She's a grown woman already… Don't worry about it…" Nao casually took a sip from her drinks again.
"No wonder your mother cut off your cards and froze your bank accounts… I can't imagine the look on your mother's face when she received those receipts from sex shops…" Chie laughed again. Natsuki just pinched her temple as she sighed.
"But…Nina? Seriously?" Natsuki asked with surprised and disbelieve tone in her voice.
"Yeah… she looks so pure and innocent… and she asked you to buy it?" Chie asked, grinning widely.
Nao just raised her brows with a toothy grin on her face.
"The prices were expensive like hell, but the results were damn good…" Nao grinned again. Chie went into laughs again.
"Okay… That's it… I don't want to hear any more detail…" Natsuki clutched her dizzy head. Nao just laughed loudly.
"Anyway, Natsuki… We've planned to go to the beach this Friday…" Chie took another slice of pizza.
"Beach? This Friday?" she asked back. Nao and Chie nodded their head.
"Mai, Mikoto, Takumi, Akira, Aoi, Nina, and Arika-chan also come…" Chie pulled out her fingers as she counting the total of people.
"Can I come along!?" Alyssa suddenly appeared with empty plate on her hand.
"Sure! Why not…?" Chie grinned widely.
"Can I bring Miyu too?" and Natsuki choked on her drinks this time. Nao and Chie turned to look at each other.
"Miyu? You mean Garderobe's Miyu?" Nao asked. Alyssa smiled and she nodded her head.
Nao and Chie looked at each other again, and then they turned to look at Natsuki, who was now coughing hard.
They quickly pulled Natsuki to the far corner of that living room, both circling Natsuki's shoulder.
"What is going on!?" Nao whispered.
"Your little sister is with that robot girl?" Chie asked with a faint voice. Natsuki just sighed.
"Well… Kinda… yeah!"
Nao and Chie exchanged look.
"Wow… That was kinda surprising…" Nao rubbed her chin.
"Anyway… Since you guys decided to take her together to the beach, I want you guys to take a good look on that Miyu girl…" Natsuki took a deep breath.
"You want us to do that? What are you doing then?" Nao asked with a frown.
"I can't come along with you guys…" Natsuki walked to the couch again.
"Eh? Where are you going, nee-chan?" Alyssa asked as she turned to look at her older sister. Natsuki took a deep breath and she sighed.
"Shizuru's parents want to see me…"
"WHAT!?" Chie and Nao yelled at the same time. Alyssa cupped her mouth in shock. Natsuki nodded her head.
"For real!?" Chie asked, her eyes widened in shock.
"Yeah… for real. We'll be taking a flight to Osaka this Friday…" Natsuki scratched her cheek. Nao just gasped loudly.
"But… are you ready for this, mutt? I mean… it's Fujino's parents, you know… the predecessor of the Almighty Fujino Shizuru…" Nao twitched her brows.
Natsuki sighed. "I know…"
"What you see in Fujino is originally from them, you know…" Nao added.
Natsuki sighed again. "I know…"
"They could be a lot worse than Fujino, you know…" Nao added again.
Natsuki sighed for the third times. "I know…"
"And you just agreed to go to meet them!? Are you out of your mind!?" Nao yelled.
"What are other options that I have here anyway, spider!? Besides, I think it is fair now because Shizuru was struggling all the way to meet my parents… And I think it is time for me to meet them… I am ready for it!" Natsuki smiled as she reached for her drinks, slowly drinking from it.
"Oh… my Natsuki is a step away to maturity…" Nao faked a sob as she patted on Natsuki's shoulder.
Natsuki just laughed. "What the hell it is supposed to mean…?"
"Though I think it is too early for you to meet them, but since you're okay with it… I wish you good luck, girl!" Chie grinned widely as she raised her soda can to Natsuki.
"Thanks…" Natsuki smiled as they clang their soda can together.
They walked out Kansai Airport and they stood outside the building, waiting for Fujino's driver to come pick them up.
Natsuki rubbed her sore neck as she rotated her head slightly. Shizuru watched with a smile on her face.
"Natsuki's tired…?" she reached up her hands and she slowly massaged Natsuki's neck and down to her shoulders. Natsuki just grinned and she shook her head.
"Not really… It's because I barely had some sleep last night…" she took a deep breath.
"Ara… and I don't think Natsuki will have some sleep tonight either…" Shizuru leaned down and she whispered hotly at the navy haired girl's right ear.
"What!? Are you crazy? It's your parents' house, for god sake! And like they gonna let me stay in the same room with you…" Natsuki's cheeks were already blushing as she tilted her head slightly to look at the brunette behind her.
Shizuru chuckled lightly, resting her chin on Natsuki's shoulder. "Well… I can always sneak into Natsuki's room…"
Natsuki sighed, shaking her head slightly. "I can't believe you actually thinking about those things while I've already scared to death to meet your parents here!"
"Ara-ara… You don't have to be that scared, Natsuki… My parents don't bite…" Shizuru giggled again.
"It's not about they bite other people or not~"
"Shizuru-sama…?" and they quickly turned to look.
A tall, well-built figure in a black suit, and wearing dark sunglasses stood behind them. He had a soft blue hair and he looked quite young.
Natsuki blinked her eyes a few times as she eyed the man in front of her. What is he? The 'Men in Black'?
"Ara… Hayate-san…" Shizuru slowly let go of the navy haired girl and she bowed her head slightly to the man in front of them.
"Did you wait long, Shizuru-sama…?" he asked again. Shizuru simply shook her head and she smiled.
"We barely arrived, Hayate-san… Anyway, I want you to meet someone…" Shizuru took Natsuki's hand and she entwined it together with hers.
"O-oi…" Natsuki whispered faintly. Shizuru just smiled and she faced the man named Hayate before them.
"I want you to meet my girlfriend, Kuga Natsuki…" Shizuru spoke out loud confidently.
Hayate shifted his gaze and looked at the startled navy haired girl next to Shizuru. Quickly he bowed his head.
"Hajimemashite! Kuga-sama!" Hayate said firmly.
Natsuki just blinked her eyes. W-what? Wait… Kuga-sama…? She tilted her head to look at Shizuru but that girl just giggled.
"I-uh… Yeah… H-hajimemashite, Hayate-san…" Natsuki quickly bowed her head equally.
"Do you enjoy your travel here, Kuga-sama?" Hayate asked with a warm smile.
"Um…y-yeah… It was great… And um… You can stop calling me Kuga-sama… It's Natsuki. You can call me Natsuki…" Natsuki scratched her cheek as she smiled awkwardly.
Hayate raised his brows and he turned to look at the brunette in front of him. Shizuru simply arched her brows with a playful smile on her face.
"Hai… Natsuki-sama… Shall I take you both to the car?" Hayate smiled widely.
"Yes, please…" Shizuru tugged on their entwined hands to gain Natsuki's attention. Natsuki turned her head and she saw Shizuru grinned at her.
"Shall we go, Kuga-sama?"
Natsuki snorted and she nodded her head. "Yes. Fujino-sama…"
She didn't realize how long they had been in the car since she already fell asleep during the whole ride, using Shizuru's lap as the pillow.
A soft pressure on her lips slowly stirred her from her slumber. She cracked her eyes opened and she saw a pair of crimson eyes, staring down at her lovingly.
"We're here, Natsuki…" Shizuru whispered softly at her as she stroked her blue locks.
Natsuki blinked her still sleepy eyes a few times. "Already…? How long I've been sleeping?" she slowly got up to sit on the leather seat of that limousine.
"Ara… I don't think I know either because I also fall asleep right after you dozed off on my lap…" Shizuru grinned widely. Natsuki chuckled lightly and she looked out the window.
"Holy shit!" she placed her palms on the window glass.
"Ara, Natsuki… What is it?" Shizuru shifted her position to sit closer with that navy haired girl.
"I-is that your house!?" Natsuki asked as she pointed at the building 50 meters away from them.
"Ara… It is… Welcome to my humble house, Natsuki…" Shizuru grinned widely as she rested her head on Natsuki's back.
"It's not a 'humble house'! It's a freaking mansion!!" and Shizuru giggled again.
Hayate parked the limousine right in front the huge mansion.
Natsuki could feel her heart thumping loudly in her chest. This is it, Kuga Natsuki… Just face your greatest fear…
"Let's go, Natsuki…" Shizuru stepped out the limousine.
"Y-yeah!" she quickly opened the door and she walked out the black limousine. She tilted her head up to look at the enormous building in front of her. Damn! This place is freaking huge! I can even play baseball inside this mansion!
"I shall go inform your parents for your arrival, Shizuru-sama…" Hayate bowed his head and he quickly walked to the mansion's entrance door.
"Natsuki wants to have a tour around the garden first?" Shizuru took Natsuki's hand and she grasped it tenderly. Natsuki just smiled and she nodded her head.
"Sure…" and they walked to the garden hand-in-hand.
Natsuki roamed her eyes across the vast, beautiful area which planted with numerous flowers and plants.
"This place is awesome…" Natsuki smiled as she looked around again. She reached her hand to one of the red flowers there.
"This one here is beautiful…" she muttered as she grazed her finger on the outline of that flower.
"It reminds me of you…" she smiled at the brunette haired girl. Shizuru chuckled and she leaned closer.
"Well… It was me who planted it actually…"
Natsuki raised one brow. "Oh, really?"
"Uh-huh…" Shizuru grinned. "…never thought Natsuki is a kind of girl who fond of flowers…" she chuckled.
"Well… for the special flower which is planted by a special person only…" Natsuki grinned. Shizuru chuckled again and slowly she closed the distance between their faces.
"What about a kiss from the 'special person' herself…?" Shizuru whispered hotly to Natsuki's lips. Natsuki snorted and she also leaned closer, capturing the luscious lips before her into a deep, passionate kiss.
"Shit!" Natsuki instinctively pulled away from the brunette. She panted slightly as her cheeks flushed. Shizuru just giggled and she quickly turned to look at the caller.
"Ara… Is there anything, Hayate-san?"
Hayate nodded his head with a wide smile on his face. "Your parents are waiting for you and Natsuki-sama at the main living room…"
"We'll be there shortly, Hayate-san…" and Shizuru turned to face Natsuki again.
"Shall we go, Natsuki…?" Shizuru seized the trembling hand again.
Natsuki gulped down slowly and she nodded her head.
"Y-yeah… Let's go…"
She felt like want to pee right now. Her nervousness slowly took a best of her, and she really felt like want to die.
They hadn't spoken a word ever since she stepped into that luxurious living room until she took a seat right in front of them, which only separated by a huge wooden coffee table.
Shizuru was sitting next to her on that deluxe sofa, too calm for her liking. Natsuki quickly shifted her gaze to the two older Fujinos in front of her.
The older female was like a split image of her own girlfriend, brunette hair, only with more matured and refined façade, and a pair of lavender eyes. Her lips didn't even rest from smiling as she stared intensely at her. O-okay… I guess this is where Shizuru got her ridiculous smiling ability… But at least I know how Shizuru's going to look like when we get old… She mentally smiled to herself.
She altered her eyes to look at the serious looking man next to that older woman. His dark hair was combed sleekly, jaws perfectly shaved and he had his eyes closed. His arms were folded across his broad chest, his body postured straight and firm on his chair. He's like a general in a bunch of armies... God… Help me…
"Kuga-san…" a deep, throaty voice broke the ice between them.
"Y-yes!" Natsuki quickly sat up straight, focusing solely on the man in front of her.
She saw the older man slowly opened his eyes. Natsuki was almost taken aback when a pair of piercing crimson eyes stared intensely at her. Now I know where Shizuru got those pair of eyes! It was from her father!!
"Tell us about yourself… Kuga-san…" he spoke again, staring straight into her own emerald eyes.
"I-uh…" she turned to face the brunette beside her. Shizuru just grinned widely. Damn this woman! She's not helping at all!!
"I'm an Art and Design student, sir… I'm major in Architecture and currently in second year…" she started after took a huge amount of breath to calm herself down.
"Ara… A future architect…? Impressive…" the older woman spoke in a deep Kyoto accent with a wide smile on her face. Natsuki smiled awkwardly to the older woman.
"You're Alexander James Searrs' step daughter, I assumed?" the only man in that living room spoke again, still staring at her with unwavering eyes.
Natsuki gulped down again and she nodded her head. "Yes… I am, sir…" she replied, with certainty.
"Your step father is a remarkable man… I assumed you are too?" he asked again.
Natsuki nodded her head with more confidence after she successfully got rid of her nervousness.
"Yes, sir… I hope I will someday become like him…" she smiled. She saw Shizuru's mother smiled widely to her answer, while the older man just nodded his head.
Shizuru just watched the navy haired girl beside her with a smile on her face.
"What do you have planned in your mind after you finished with your study…?" he asked, slowly dropping his arms on the arm rest.
Natsuki pondered for awhile before she answered. "My step father already prepared a position for me in his company but I'll prefer to work with other design and architecture firms to gain some experience before I go to work with him…"
"Why won't you just work with him? It will be much easier…" his lips slowly formed a small smile.
Natsuki smiled equally just before she retorted. "I don't want other workers have the impression that I live under my step father's benevolence… I want them to respect me based on my abilities and my skills…"
Shizuru slowly closed her eyes with her lips curved into a wide smile. I never saw this side of her before… I'm so proud of you, Natsuki…
Shizuru's father nodded his head again and slowly he turned to look at his wife. The older woman just smiled and she nodded her head.
"Kuga-san…" she called with a soft voice. Natsuki quickly shifted her eyes to look at the older woman.
"Do you practice tea ceremony?" she asked with a wide smirk on her face.
Natsuki could feel her blood started to drain from her face. S-shit!! I'm so screwed!!
"No…" she replied softly.
"Do you often wear kimono?"
Oh my god… "No."
Shizuru already snickered silently.
"What club do you join in the university?" the older woman's smirk gotten wider.
This woman's questions are a lot harder than Shizuru's father!! Fuck!! She tried her best to calm herself down.
"Basketball club…" she replied hesitantly. Both Shizuru's parents turned to look at each other.
"Basketball club…?" the older woman repeated her words and slowly she nodded her head.
Natsuki gulped down a baseball size of lump inside her throat. I'm so fucking screwed right now… Just shoot me… I don't deserve your daughter!! We got nothing in common and I'm so fucking screwed!!
"What type of vehicle you drive, Kuga-san…?" the older woman smiled again.
Okay… What kind of question is this? I'm not trying to look for a job here!! "S-superbike…"
"Superbike?" this time the older man repeated her word again. Natsuki quickly nodded her head.
"What type is it?" he asked excitedly.
Natsuki blinked her eyes in surprised. "Um… A black Ducati 1098s Limited Edition…"
"Really!? Okay! She's in!" he suddenly clapped his hands with a wide grin on his face.
"Eh?" Natsuki widened her eyes and she turned to look at the older woman.
"Welcome to our family, Natsuki-han… I hope we didn't scare you…" she laughed. The man who previously looked like could burn a hole through her with his gaze already laughing heartily.
"I've told you earlier… She's the right one! A.J already explained to me about her and he really knows about his step daughter so well!" he laughed again.
Natsuki quickly turned to face the brunette haired girl beside her. Shizuru was also laughing loudly, clutching on her stomach.
"Anyway, Natsuki-han… Let me introduce myself properly… I'm Fujino Shizune, Shizuru's mother… and…" she gestured at the man beside her.
"My name is Fujino Ieyasu… Shizuru's father… Nice to meet you, Natsuki-chan!" he grinned widely as he offered a hand.
"N-nice to meet you too, Fujino-sama…" Natsuki quickly took the large hand and she shook it.
"Oh no, no, no… Just call me father…" he grinned.
Natsuki felt like her world already spinning under her feet. "Y-yes… Father…" she gulped down again.
"And you need to call me mama, Natsuki-han…" Shizune giggled softly.
"Y-yes… Mama…" Okay… What the hell is going on? And why Shizuru didn't even shock about this!? She tilted her head slightly to look at Shizuru and the older girl just raised her brows with a playful smirk on her face.
Natsuki took a deep breath as she quickly recognized the smile Shizuru gave her. She planned this with her family… I knew it!! Oh…you're so dead, Fujino Shizuru… She glared at the older girl and Shizuru just laughed.
"Since it is still early for us to have a dinner, why don't we have our early snack first?" Shizune smiled softly.
"Ne, Natsuki-chan… You want to go to look something cool? I got a superbike collection on my backyard… Why don't we go check them out?" Ieyasu suddenly circled his arm over Natsuki's shoulder with a wide grin on his face.
"U-um yes, father… Sure!" Natsuki smiled awkwardly at Ieyasu friendliness.
"Oh, not before we have our snack first…" Shizune pulled Ieyasu's collar and they walked out the living room.
"Shizuru-han... Take Natsuki-han to freshen up… You both must be tired after the long travel…" Shizune yelled from the doorway.
The living room fell into silence again.
"You knew about this!!" Natsuki hissed at Shizuru's laughing face.
"Ara… I think I am…" she giggled again. Natsuki sighed heavily as she flopped down on the sofa again.
"This is unbelievable… I almost pee on my pants when your father looking at me like that just now!!" she pinched her temple hard. Shizuru laughed again and she settled down next to the furious navy haired girl.
"Ara… did Natsuki pee on her pants?" Shizuru asked with arched brows.
"NO!!" Natsuki yelled loudly but she quickly cupped her mouth when she realized she was not at her apartment or at Mai's café. Shizuru laughed again.
"I'm sorry, Natsuki… But I think it's fair now, right? You made me meet your mother unprepared and you have yours now…" Shizuru grinned widely.
Natsuki sighed. "So, is this a kind of revenge…?"
Shizuru chuckled. "If Natsuki put it that way… yes." She laughed again.
Natsuki just shook her head and she laughed softly. "But I never thought your family is kind of like this... It was kinda shocking too…"
"You think so…? They always said to me that I was a boring child…" Shizuru pouted.
"Well, actually you are…" Natsuki laughed and she received a soft pinch on her arm from the brunette.
"It was their fault for raising me up this way and later on they blame me for being so boring… They said they want someone who is a total opposite of me… Someone who is fun…" Shizuru put a finger on her chin in her trademark thinking pose.
"I'm not fun…" Natsuki scratched her head.
"They think you are…" Shizuru poked Natsuki's cheek playfully. Natsuki just laughed.
"I'm glad it's over…" Natsuki sighed.
"Oh, no… it's not…" the brunette grinned widely.
"Eh? It's not over yet? What? Your parents got another interrogation with me again…?" Natsuki frowned slightly.
"No. You got a 'meeting' with me after this…" she leaned closer to the navy haired girl and she whispered seductively. Natsuki just arched her brow with a wide smirk on her face.
"You know what…? During the times my father asked you questions… you're making me hot with your way of answering… So confident and assertive…" she tugged lightly on Natsuki's earlobe with her teeth.
Natsuki just laughed and she turned to look at the brunette haired girl beside her.
"Really? Why don't we start the 'meeting' now?" she whispered back.
Shizuru giggled as she bit her lower lips in playful manner. She quickly turned to look around them and she grabbed Natsuki's hand.
"You're not allowed to leave the room until the 'meeting' is finish…" she whispered at Natsuki and she pulled the younger girl to run to her room.
"Like I'm going to do that…"
"Move it to the left a bit…"
"Okay… take that one and paste it up on the new layer…"
"Give it some blurry effect… We got to make this as realistic as we could…"
"Oh my god! It looks so real!! Quick, copy this to your phone! We gotta send this to her before sunset!!"
"Oh… I can't imagine the look on her face when she sees this!! Hahahaha~"
She glanced up to look at the small table beside her. Another buzzing sound echoed across the room.
She slowly raised her arm to reach for her cell phone. A picture message…? She casually flipped her cell phone open and she pressed the button to retrieve the picture message from its folder.
Her eyes widened in an instant when she saw the picture.
"HUH!? Huh? What the hell what, Natsuki?" Shizuru quickly snapped from her sleep when she heard Natsuki yelled loudly. She saw Natsuki clenched on her phone to the limit of breaking it into pieces.
"What happened…?" she shifted her body closer to the navy haired girl and she peeked to the cell phone. Her eyes widened instantly.
"Ara…" she cupped her mouth.
"Argh!! I'm so going to kill that girl!!" Natsuki was about to jump off the bed, but an arm quickly pinned her on the mattress again.
"Calm down, Natsuki… Look at the picture carefully… I think there is something odd here…" Shizuru pushed the cell phone closer to Natsuki's face.
"You're an Art student… You can't tell if that picture is super-imposed or not?" Shizuru said with soft smile on her face.
Natsuki narrowed her eyes as she studied the picture on her cell phone screen.
"Yeah… There's something weird here… between these two images… Oh! I know… This picture is photoshopped!!"
"Let me call Mai-san to make sure about this…" Shizuru quickly grabbed her cell phone and she dialed Mai's number.
"Hello, Mai-san… I'm sorry if I'm bothering you…" but suddenly Natsuki snatched the phone from Shizuru's grasp.
"Mai!! Where's my sister and that Miyu!?"
"Whoa… Chill down, Natsuki… She's here… Building up sand castle with Mikoto and Akira-kun… Miyu, Takumi and Arika-chan also here… right in front of me right now…"
"Build sand castle…?" Natsuki blinked her eyes and she turned facing the brunette haired girl beside her. Shizuru just raised her brows with questioning look on her face.
"Yeah! We've been doing this for almost 2 hours… We're having a competition who's making the best sand castle and looks like Miyu is making the best design~"
"Okay! Okay! I don't care who make the best sand castle... Anyway, where are the other two stupid girls!?"
"Nao-chan and Chie-chan…? Oh! They're at the rest house now… Um, they're doing something with Chie's laptop… They're looking so happy…"
"Mai-chan!! Look! Look! Chie-chan made this… It looks so real, isn't it?" Natsuki could hear Aoi's voice on the other line.
"Oh my god… Miyu kiss Alyssa-chan!? How did they do this…? If Natsuki saw this, she'll sure get angry…"
"They already send it to her… Eh? Who's you're talking to, Mai-chan?"
"Oh… I'm talking to Natsuki right now~"
Outside the house at the garden…
"Ara… Finally, some noise inside this house…" Shizune smiled softly as she sipped on her green tea.
"Yes. Some noise indeed…" Ieyasu grinned as he took a sip on his tea.
*claps* Curtains down…
Thanks for being such great and awesome readers… I really appreciate your continuous support and I will do my best for my new story, X-HiME. ^_^
Hope you guys like this special chapter and don't get mad at me if there was not much of fluffiness inside this chapter… T_T
Everyone… BANZAI!!! \o/
See you guys in X-HiME!!