"You Only Live Twice"

by Dorthey Star

Chapter Fifteen: The Circle of Life

                Seven Years Later...

                "DRACO!" Hermione yelled at the top of her lungs as she struggled to zip up the back of her simple black dress. He came into the room, tying his red tie.

                "Yes, dear?" he asked mildly.

                "Zip up my dress, will you?" she said, already reaching for her strand of pearls. As Draco zipped up his wife's dress, he noticed how her engagement ring sparkled next to the simple platinum band that was her wedding band.

                "I love you, Hermione," he said into her ear before turning to go back into the bathroom and finish getting ready.

                "I love you to, ferret face," she called out and laughed as he came back into the room and tackled her on the bed.

                "You're going to wrinkle my dress," she laughed as he glared at her. He stuck his tongue out at her, looking eerily like a five year old.

                "You just wait, I'm going to get you back for that, Granger," he said, getting off of her.

                "It's Malfoy now, Draco," she said, smiling. She stood up and checked her appearance in the mirror. They were celebrating their sixth wedding anniversary by triple dating with Harry and Ginny and Pansy and Blaise. Then they would be staying the weekend at a fancy hotel in Italy.  She left the room and walked down the hall to their 5-year-old twins' room. Amelia, with her blonde hair and gray eyes, looked exactly like her father and her  late aunt. Alexander, however, had dark brown curls and big blue eyes.

                When she walked into the room, Hermione found the two kids in their telletubby pajamas, sitting in the middle of the floor playing with their miniature Quidditch set.

                "Mummy!" they cried and jumped on Hermione. She laughed and kneeled down, giving each of them a kiss.

                "Mummy and Daddy are going out with Aunty Ginny and Uncle Harry. Your Grandmmummy Narcissa and Granddaddy Sirius are coming to watch you. If you are on your best behavior for them, Daddy and I might bring you something special," she said and smiled as the two squealed. They loved their grandparents almost as much as they loved their parents.

                "Are you ready? Mother and Sirius just arrived," Draco said. Hermione looked up to see him standing in the doorway. She smiled. He was beautiful. He was her fallen angel. He reached a hand down and helped her up. Narcissa walked over to her, smiling. She was smiling more ever since she had married Sirius Black, who had been declared innocent three years ago after Peter Pettigrew was turned in.

                "You look beautiful," Narcissa said and hugged her daughter-in-law.

                "Thank you. Draco hasn't even told me that yet," Hermione said, looking expectantly at her husband.

                "You look beautiful tonight, Hermione," he said, rolling his eyes.

                "Thank you. Next time say it like you mean it. We'll see you on Sunday night. You can contact us if  anything important comes up," Hermione said, waving good bye at her parents-in-law and her children as they walked out of their penthouse apartment. As they flew to the restaurant to meet the two couples, she reflected on her life. I guess in spite of everything that happened, I've had a wonderful life, she thought and smiled.


Disclaimer: FOR THE LAST TIME! All the characters, except both Amelias and Alexander, belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling. The Chapter title belongs to Disney, I guess. The story title belongs to Ian Fleming? You know, the dude that wrote the James Bond novels.

Author's Note: You know, it is extremely sad....I've actually finished a story that has multiple chapters and is having no sequel...whoa. Now I won't have YOLT to work on this summer..*sobs* Oh well. That means I'll actually get around to working on OTHER stories...hmmm....THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that reviewed. It really meant a lot to me, I mean it. If you have any questions about anything, you can e-mail me at [email protected] or talk to me on AOL Instant Messenger : pheonixtears0921 . Good bye and have a pleasant tomorrow. ^_^