She could still hear the muted screams of the crowd as her and Tawni retreated to their dressing room. She was flushed from the warmth of the stage lights and stepped into her closet to change out of the little girl outfit Zora's sketch had called for.
Sonny found her newest shirt and put it on. Twirling happily, she stopped when Tawni huffed. "What?"
"That shirt." Sonny looked down and found that she had somehow picked out the same one as Tawni.
"Cool, we could be like twins." Tawni was silent. "Matching…" she took her lip gloss out. "Because you know, back in Wisconsin, we would…" Tawni looked at herself in the mirror and blew herself a raspberry colored kiss. Sonny threw her hands up and walked back into the closet. "Fine.
"Guys you gotta check this out!" Nico burst in the door with Grady not far behind. They reached in and grabbed Tawni's hand, pulling her out, with Sonny closely following. They ran all the way to the prop house where Nico and Grady both lunged for the remote; pushing each other out of the way, until Grady turned it on.
On a SO RANDOM! Special Event….
Mackenzie falls gets SO RANDOM! When star Chad Cooper takes off his usual uniform and guest stars on SO RANDOM! For the diabetic benefit special, C.D.C. will be working alongside Tawni Hart, Nico Harris, Sonny Munroe, Grady Mitchell, and Zora Lancaster…
The room was silent for a moment before Sonny and Tawni walked out of the room, Tawni screaming, "Marshall!" and Sonny screaming, "Chad!"
(Tawni's POV)
"Marshall!" I cried when I found him stuffing his face with turkey legs at the snack bar. How dare he let Chad on my show. He looked up, "Hey, Tawn, what's the matter?"
"What's the matter? Who says Chad can be on So Random! What do you think this is, Saturday Night Live?" Marshall chuckled. "Tawn, its for charity, you know, the people who don't have money?" He took another bite. "Mackenzie Falls and So Random! are some of the highest rated shows on day television. Besides, you guys aren't ripping each other's heads off anymore, so why not?"
"Marshall, just because we've stopped pranking each other every chance we get doesn't mean we're the best of buddies." He set down his turkey leg and reached for a pear. Maybe he didn't get it. I held up my hands like little puppets and spoke real slow. "So Random!(lift left hand) doesn't like Mackenzie Falls (lift right hand). (make fight) Ouchy, ouchy!" I raised a single brow at him.
He smiled. "Its a good thing your funny." he sighed. "Its only for one day, Tawn. You dont have to...actually, I would recommend against letting Chad write the sketches," we both nodded. "But, you have to let him perform in them."
I opened my mouth and raised my finger to say something but Marshall interupted me. "And no," he raised his fingers for air quotes, "'extra roles', Capiche? Good"
I rolled my eyes and walked away as Marshall moved farther down the snackline and stole someone's muffin.
(Sonny's POV)
I turned the corner when I heard Chad's familiar voice and stood by the door to Mackenzie Falls, waiting for him to finish up, and knowing that he would walk around the studio like he's been doing lately. After I heard the bell and footsteps, I turned.
"Chad." I rested my hands on my hips as he turned around and sneered. "Sonny." he started to walk away, but I reached out and grabbed his wrist to jerk him to a halt. "Oh, no you don't." he set his jaw and turned around, "Yes?" I crossed my arms and bit my lip. "Word on the street is So Random! is getting a guest star." He fixed his hair and exhaled. "Fascinating." He started to turn.
"Oh, it is. 'Cause word is its you." He stopped and winced. "You Chad." I stepped closer. "When did it become okay to suddenly come on our show?"
"If I remember, you almost came onto the falls."
"You invited, no tricked me on, Chad, and you know it. Its totally different."
"Is it Sonny? Is it-" I held up my hand. "Get a new comeback Cooper." He grabbed my hand and shoved it down so his eyes were six inches from mine. "I don't like this either, but unless you want to get fired I suggest we deal with it." And with that he pushed me away and walked towards his dressing room.