OMG I'm soooooooooooo sorry for how long it took for me to post the final chapter, but I did it. Again sorry but this one's pretty long for me and I hope it makes up for it! Read and review please and thanks! :)


McGee stood in the driveway, waiting for Ducky and trying to decide whether he should call Tony or Gibbs for an update on Ziva. But first he knew he had to call Abby and let her know that they had found Ziva, alive, and taken care of Chazan. McGee pulled out his phone and hit speed dial number one. It only rang once before she picked up and he could hear her frantic voice on the other end.

"McGee! Oh my gosh! I was starting to worry! Why didn't you call me earlier? I thought maybe something happened but then Ducky told me he was on his way there and I wanted to come but he wouldn't let me so I had to stay here and worry until you called but now you did and I-"

McGee cut off her rambling. "Abs! Please, calm down. Everything's fine. I'm fine, Gibbs is fine, Tony's fine. I'm at the house, waiting for Ducky."

He heard a sniffle on the other end before she started to speak, this time more slowly. "Sorry." It was quiet for another minute before she continued. "Is… Did you… Did you find-"

"Yeah," he interrupted, "we found Ziva. She was in pretty bad shape but we called an ambulance. It came and took her to the hospital. Gibbs and Tony followed it in the car." He hesitated for a moment but then told her the rest. "Chazan's dead. We shot him. In the basement where he was holding Ziva. He wanted her to help him kill her father, guess he was finally exacting his revenge after all these years. He told us that before he, um, died."

He heard another sniffle before she responded. "Okay, McGee."

"Hey, Abby, Ducky's here, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Alright, Timmy. I'm going to the hospital now. See you there?"

"Yeah, tell Gibbs I'll be there as soon as Ducky's finished here." He waved Ducky and Palmer over as they got out of the van.

"Kay, McGee. Bye." He hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket. He'd just have to wait for an update on Ziva.

At the hospital-

"Gibbs!" Abby came running into the ER waiting room and slammed into Gibbs full force. Uncharacteristically though, she didn't begin talking and asking questions at a million miles a minute. "Tell me she's okay," she whispered to the silver-haired team leader.

Gibbs hugged her and replied, "She'll be fine, Abs. Don't worry." He kissed her on the cheek and sat back in his chair, motioning for Abby to do the same in the empty seat on the side that wasn't occupied by Tony. She declined, deciding instead to pace the hospital and wring her hands nervously. Several people in the waiting room found it quite comical to see the Goth walking around in her strange outfit but it didn't ease the tension for either Gibbs or Tony like it normally would, not under these circumstances.

About half an hour passed before McGee showed up, Ducky and Palmer following closely behind.

"Duck," Gibbs greeted, standing up. Abby stopped pacing long enough to give the three new arrivals hugs. "What did you do with the body?" Gibbs whispered to the elderly medical examiner.

"Jethro, the autopsy of that terrible man can wait. Right now my priority is Ziva and making sure the poor dear is okay. Have you heard any news?" Ducky asked.

"Not yet, Duck. It's been almost an hour since we saw the doctor last." Gibbs sighed and took a sip of his coffee. It was the disgusting hospital kind but it was better than nothing.

"Well, that is unacceptable! I'll go see if I can get any information from the nurses. Be right back." Just as Ducky turned on his heel, ready to give the nurses a piece of his mind, a nurse in pale pink scrubs came through the door, a smile on her face and a clipboard in her hands.

"Family for…" she looked at the clipboard briefly. "Ziva Day-vid?"

Once again, they corrected her in unison. "Dah-veed."

"Oh. I'm sorry…You're her family?" The nurse replied skeptically.

Gibbs gave her the glare and glanced back down at her clipboard nervously before deciding to ignore the issue and continue. "Well, Dr. Adamson asked me to inform you that Miss David is out of surgery and in her hospital room. She's awake and he says that you can visit her for ten minutes if you'd like." She smiled up at them.

"Yes!" Abby shouted, stopping her pacing to jump up and down, clapping happily.
"Okay, right this way. Dr. Adamson told me that you could all be allowed in at once but that you should try to keep her stress levels down. Her concussion isn't as severe as we thought and she's doing well. Her vitals are excellent." The nurse led them through a door and down a hallway. Eventually they reached a hospital room and the nurse stopped and turned to them. "Here it is. Dr. Adamson or I will come back when it's time for you to go and let her get some rest." She smiled, nodded and left the way she came, leaving the team to warily enter Ziva's hospital room. Abby, in the lead, tentatively turned the handle on the door and pushed it open so they could go in.

Ziva, head resting against the bleached-white pillow of her hospital bed, smiled when they entered. "Hey," she greeted, her voice hoarse from both lack of water and her time spent in the basement. Her wrists and arm were bandaged, with a cast on her broken wrist, and unseen by the others was more gauze and bandaging underneath the stark white sheets.

Abby ran to her, embracing her in a gentle hug. "Careful, Abs." Gibbs cautioned.

She released Ziva and pulled back. "I'm glad you're okay," she told the injured Mossad officer.

Everyone took their turns welcoming her back and telling her they were glad she was okay, hugging her or patting her head or shoulder. Ziva smiled warmly at them, glad that they'd come to visit her. After a few minutes of silence she spoke.

"I... I just wanted to thank you. All of you. For what you did for me. I am... Very grateful... To say the least. Chazan... He probably would have killed me of it were not for you."

"You're family, Ziver." Gibbs replied on behalf of all of them. "We had to do all we could to get you back safe and sound again."

Just then, Dr. Adamson knocked on the door before entering. "Hello, Ziva," he greeted, then turned towards the rest of the NCIS team. "I'm sorry guys, but it's time for Miss David to take her medicine and rest. You're welcome to come back tomorrow and visit her for longer though." The team nodded and exited the room.

"See you tomorrow, Ziva!" Abby called as she left.

They were all quiet as they walked down the hall and back towards the hospital entrance until Ducky spoke up. "She seems to be doing well," he commented. "But I don't think The emotional scars will ever heal. The best thing we can do for the poor dear is treat her well and keep her happy. But frankly, I am just happy that she is alive! Ziva is quite the strong and determined woman, wouldn't you agree?"

Everyone did and they smiled as they left the hospital and headed for their cars.

Well, that's the end. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! And pretty please review? ;) Oh and don't forget to check out my new story, It Starts with a Bang. Thanks! :)