Jim's Band-Aid

I looked around my classroom. As usual, everyone was talking to their friends. Why did this always happen to the gym teachers? I shook my head and groaned.

"Guys! Run two laps! Stop talking! Stern! Della Robbia! I said stop! That's two hours of detention! Now go run!" I yelled, pointing at the track. Of course, everyone walked. Of course...

And yet, I still love teaching gym. Out of all the jobs I had, this one is the best. Not even being a detective, laywer, archaeologist, or actor could add up to a free (almost) place to stay, the pleasure of teaching kids, and free food. And besides, it makes my band-aid look like it was supposed to be there.

My band-aid. Possibly one of my most interesting stories is how that same band-aid has been on my face for so long.

It was the first day of first grade. We were making silly colleagues that had all our favorite things. Mine looked completely strange, of course, but then again, what first grader can make a perfect masterpiece? Unfortunately, the day before the first day of school my neighbor's dog scratched me on my face. While I was in class doing my project, a girl named Andalee told me my band-aid was falling off. She was completely disgusted and squeeled like that Delmas girl does now. Everyone heard and stared at my nasty scratch that had even turned a little green. The teacher came over and asked me if I needed to go to the nurse. I chose not to, because I was too afraid that everyone would think I was a little baby. A reputation in first grade sticks with you forever. Instead I just took off my band-aid and lived through the day.

When I got home, my mom commanded me to put a band-aid on so I did. A boring, peach-tan band-aid... the only kind my family ever had. Once again, the bandage fell off. I got so frustrated I decided to use my dad's Gorilla Glue and I stuck the band-aid on. Ever since I've been trying to get rid of my bandage, but I never can.

I smiled as I saw all the kids jog by me, panting and groaning, and I realized that being a gym teacher would be my job until I was forced to retire.

Author's Note: Okay, this is just a short little fic I made. I got this idea because my friend Bobby was getting annoyed from his band-aid on his arm and got his glue out, and he glued his band-aid to his hand. lol I was laughing at him so much until I was like, "Oh my gosh! Bobby, you rock! Thanks for glueing your band-aid to your cut! You're so inspiring!" lol Yeah... I'm that weird. So I hope you enjoyed this story I made because I enjoyed writing it! Please review! :)