Heey everyone, I am sooo sorry that this isn't a chapter and I haven't updated this story for a while because I've been really busy, but It's the October Holidays for me so I should be getting this story up and running again this week.

I'm really stuck on ideas for chapter 3, I'm going to put Zoey and Kenny in, but I don't know what the chapter is going to be about. If you have any ideas please put it in a review, and I'll try my best to fit it in. (no OC)

And another thing, on the 22nd - 25th of October I'm going down to London to an Anime Convention, so I won't be able to update around those dates.

Thank you for all your kind reviews, and I'll try my best to get chapter 3 up as soon as possible. =)

Signed: AshXDawn4Ever