Bringing Home Babies

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of this story. However the plot is mine.

Well, this title should rock your brain a little:] anyway, this fiction is dedicated to all those fans who wished that Byakuaya and Hisana had children :}


"According to the reports given to Yamamoutou, the female should be close by..." Ikkaku said while scanning the area.

"Well, there is no sign of her here..." Yumichika quickly added in while walking up the street to meet them,

"Can someone please tell me why we are looking for this female?" Ichigo whined.

"She is pregnant, Ichigio" they both answered flatly.

Blinking his eyes for a few seconds, Ichigo felt his jaw slackened before enquiring,

"Dead souls can become pregnant?"

"In rare cases Ichigo, some souls were already pregnant when they arrived. However, they had a miscarriage shortly afterwards. Unohana wants to put an end to that cycle, so the people of Rukongai have been informed that anyone seen pregnant must be reported" Yumichika said nonchalantly.

"Hmph. I guess we have to find her even if the streets are dark and I can't even see my own fingers" he replied sarcastically.

"It is definitely dark out here, but if we search-" Yumichika began before he was interrupted,

"For a faint reiatsu, we might be able to find her, easily said that done Yumichika" Ichigo sneered.

"Oh come on Ichigo, do not make up your face like makes you look so not adorable!" Yumichika replied in a sing-song voice.

"I will show you adorable..." Ichigo said while gritting his teeth.

"I have found her!" a voice in the distance shouted.

Both flabbergasted, Ichigo and Yumichika quickly stopped their argument and shunpoed to the direction of the voice. Passing the make shift huts, Ichigo couldn't help but asked,

"I thought dead souls are well taken care of in Rukongai, but it seems as if I am wrong..."

"Ichigo, don't talk about it" Yumichika replied while shoting him a sympathetic look.

Soon they arrived at the building where Ikkaku was busy waited on them and was obviously struggling to hold the woman properly.

"My, my you sure got a huge haul on your shoulders" Yumichika replied while smiling brightly,

"Yeah, and I would appreciate some help here" he said through gritted teeth.

A couple moans were heard from the female and that alerted the team that they needed to move fast.

"Where did you find her, and where is Ichigo?" Yumichika replied while wrapping her in the blanket Unohana had said they should carry.

"He is busy dealing with the family who took care of her, you know, getting their names and other stuff like that so they can be paid for their hospitality"

"So she was actually taken care of, well that could explain why she was so clean" Yumichika replied while observing her clothing.

"Guys, I am finished..." he started off calmly before yelling,

"Holy shitballs!" as he gesticulated.

"Will you shut up, can't you see she is sleeping!" Ikkaku shouted while pointing to the female.

"Don't you know who that is?" he shrieked.

"No Ichigo, don't you think if I had a clue-"

"That is Byakuya's wife!" he shrieked again.

"And so what if she is Bya-" Ikkaku started before yelling, "You are out of your freaking mind Ichigo, he is a widow!"

"Byakuya's wife looked a lot like Rukia or vice-versa, right" he stated calmly.

"Yes" Ikkaku replied flatly.

"Then tell me if she doesn't look like Rukia now" Ichigo continued while moving a couple of the long tresses from the woman's face and putting some shorter ones in front.

Realizing that she did look like Rukia he replied,

"Maybe she got reincarnated or something of the sort?"

"Well, whether or not she is reincarnated, Byakuya is going to kill us if we don't deliver her and something happens to her!"

Nodded his head, he handed Ichigo the woman and turned to face Yumichika.

"Hey, Yumich-, where the hell did he go?" Ikkaku enquired while looking from left to right.

"Hey, I gonna leave now, catch me up back later okay" Ichigo replied before turning the corner and disappearing.


"Don't you look so adorable" Yumichika said to himself as he rubbed his face and look at the figure in the broken glass admiringly.

"Hey!" a voice shouted,

'I bet that is Ikkaku coming to spoil the lovely time I have dedicated to my self' he thought as he continued to sigh and smile cutely at the figure in the glass.

"Let's get going, you self- obsessed pig!" Ikkaku shouted as he grabbed the sleeve of Yumichika's collar and began dragging him from the mirror.

"Just one more minute please" he whined while pulling himself in the other direction.

"I said come on!" Ikkaku shouted again before hauling him away once again.

Finally, he had reached the fourth division barracks and he couldn't be happier. Rukia's sister was so heavy, he felt like he would collapsed soon from the weight. So, he couldn't stop thinking how she was able to even walk during this pregnancy as he walked and shunpoed to get her here.

"Oye!" he shouted to a squad member pushing a bed to room 42. She immediately turned around to face him before gasping at him and pushing the bed in his direction. He gently laid the delicate woman on the cotton bed before saying,

"Where is captain Unohana?"

Fixing a couple pillows to support her back, she replied,

"She is in a captains' meeting right now, and I am afraid-" she started before looking up to see that he had already left. Shrugging her shoulders, she pushed the bed slowly down the hall, careful not to wake the sleeping woman. She took some time to observe the lady and found that she was very beautiful, short but petite and long ebony tresses. She smiled when she saw her hand resting on the huge bulge.

"My dear lady, I hope they will not die" she muttered softly before stopping in front of room 52 and pushing it open.


The captains were standing in the conference room, undivided attention directed at head captain Yamamoutou,

"My fellow captains, as you can see there is a lot of damaged done to Soul Society which needs to be fix soon, I want all of you to-"

"Captain Unohana!" a voice shouted as the door flew open to reveal the substitute shinigami of Soul Society. All eyes were on him as he walked passed the head captain to where she stood.

"You're needed immediately" he stated before grasping her hand and dragging her to the door.

"Ichigo!" she replied while stopping, "I am in am meeting, you cannot just haul me off like that in front of the head captain" she continued.

"Okay then..." he pushed her behind him and said flatly,

"Head Captain Yamamoutou, is needed" before proceeding to haul her off again.

"Ichigo, you are being utterly disrespe-"

"Listen , I have gone through too much hell for you to be disciplining me at this moment, besides I do not want that thing" he stated while looking at Byakuya, " kill me" he finished.

"And it has just crossed my mine, boy" Byakuya replied icily.

She looked at both of them glaring at each other before asking,

"What is it, Ichigo?" she enquired while looking into his hazel eyes.

"Remember that case you assigned me and two other members from squad twelve...?" he enquired.

"Did you find her?" she enquired frantically, suddenly remembering.

"Yes, and let's say she is not in the basic stage of the process" he replied while struggling to find the right words to avoid suspicion.

"Bring me to her immediately" she commanded while grasping his sleeve. Nodding his head, he lifted her body and disappeared in the night. A few minutes after they had left Byakuya enquired angrily,

"Does anyone know what that mission is about?"

"I think it is about a pregnant female that was reported to captain Yamamoutou a few days ago" Ukitake quickly answered trying to appease his anger.

"And what does that mission have to do with me?"

Hearing no reply, he gave the head captain a quick nod before motioning to the door and shunpoing to the fourth division barracks, not hearing the head captain's call.


Arriving at the division, Ichigo and Unohana hurried through the main door while Unohana asked him a few questions,

"How is her condition Ichigo, and what does this have to do with Lord Kuchiki" she said while removing a glove from a silver box and slipping it over her right hand.

Grasping her shoulders, he turned her to face him. Exhaling loudly he replied,

"It's Hisana"

Unohana eyes widened at the two words and remain still for a few moments before proceeding down the hall to room52.

"Then why didn't you inform Lord Kuchiki as well" she began a few seconds later.

"Inform Byakuya!" he shouted in an incredulous tone as they arrived at the room. She gently pulled the door opened to see one of her squad member tending to her.

"Oh my..." Unohana said as she beheld the sight before her. The female stopped tending to her and spun to face the entrance,

"Captain!" she gasped.

"Saya, can I see what you have recorded" she said as she moved to observe the sleeping Hisana closer. Nodding, Saya took the book and handed it to her before saying,

"She is not in a bad state captain; however she needs more nutrients and should relax often to prevent spraining of the ankle"

"Amm, I will just stay outside" Ichigo said a couple minutes after when he saw her about to remove her clothing.

Smiling, Unohana replied "I am sorry , I forgot you were here and thanks for bringing her here"

"You're welcome" and with that he stepped through the door. He was about to move before he saw him coming down the hall.

'No way in hell' he thought as he approached him.

", may I ask you why I am involved in this situ-"

Suddenly the door opened and a smiling Unohana came out, closing it behind her she was about to speak until she saw him.

"Lord Kuchiki, you're just the person I wanted to see..." she stuttered out nervously. Arching an annoyed brow at her, she continued,

"We have a very delicate situation that must be treated profess-"

And the door opened again and brought him his demise,

"Captain, she has awoken!" an exited Saya said before seeing Byakuya and removing all chirpiness,

"Who has awoken?" Byakuya enquired before pushing past her and entering the room. Unohana had tried to say something to him, but he knew something was off about this situation.

He stopped in his tracks after seeing her face, but instead of short tresses she had long ebony ones.

"Hisana" he gasped softly and he watched as she turned her head to face him, her blue piercing his heart again,

"Byakuya-sama" she muttered softly while gently rubbing the huge bulge.

He eyes widen, he had not seen that and now he suddenly felt numb.

He tried to put words together.

But his mind was jumbled.

He knew it began with why but he couldn't figure it out.

And then he found them and fitted them properly.

Why was his Hisana with child?


Well, that the end of chapter one:) I intend for this fiction to be my first completed story and I want to finish it in five days for it is five chapters long:)

I need motivation though, one chapter each day, (I have to do it:)

Now what will Byakua do with a pregnant Hisana?(chuckles evily)

Review please:)