A/N: Alas! I've finally written a sequel...ish, but it's just regarding Mikan's past life and why she did what she did. :]

I had been a happy person and tried to stay that way despite that day where I was sexually harassed by the high school principal. But things grew worse afterwards.

It was after school, and he told me that he wanted to see me immediately as soon as the bell struck—I thought I was in trouble, but it turned out that I was elected to receive a school scholarship, and that he personally wanted to congratulate me. Yes, I was filled with joy and ecstasy until I reached the door to find it lock.

My face twisted with confusion as my eyebrows drew in, trying to unlock the knob, only to feel it not budge.

Then I started to panic. My heart throbbed as realization came fluttering down at me. I began to wonder if this was what people meant by the principal being perverted and sneaky. I've heard of girls in the same predicament as me, yet he hasn't done this for about three years. Why now?

"Mikan," he said lusciously, I cringed at the sound of his voice; he planted his strong arms on my wrist from behind as I could feel his hot breath crawl along my skin. I shivered. I was too nervous, too shocked to even think or move. His dirty hands started to explore. "There's something I want from you. Something I've always dreamt of doing, and this time I'm not holding back."


I screamed, flung my arms and legs, struggled, and whatsoever to get myself out of his filthy grip. It was a nightmare. Everything I did was futile, and tears blurred my vision as I felt him touch me everywhere. He was all over me. His lips poking at my neck, and my body pinned to the wall…every gesture, every touch felt like a searing pain to me. There was no escape as he had told me the walls in his office were soundproof. There was the window, but at the time I didn't consider suicide to be the right choice.


I woke up at home to find my grandpa next to me. He said that the principal had brought me home since he and I were having a conference, and that it was getting late.

And damn right it was getting late, I rushed up to the bathroom to cleanse myself a million times, washing and soaping every germ off me.

I had been there for so long that grandpa thought I had drowned in the bath tub, but I told him otherwise.

I didn't even know if I should tell grandpa about what really happened during the conference.

Maybe I should go seek help from a therapist, or something. I couldn't live on like this. Hopefully, I can let the thought gradually slip out of my mind like a thief sneaking into the bank in the middle of the night.

It might just work.


Talk about letting the memory go to oblivion. Next day at school, girls gossiped and later on during that day, I devastatingly found out it was the talk of the principal and me. And everything sounded exactly the way my memory replayed it. What was he up to? Or…how did the girls and students even find out?

"Well, well, if it isn't the girl who kept her silence. How was it? Did you enjoy it very much? I'm pretty sure you did since you were utterly speechless," Sumire and her friends burst in a guffaw, and I stood there, my fist trembling and my gaze unwaveringly hostile as I attempted to send a punch directly at that pretty face of hers.

"Let me mar that face of yours!" I shouted, but a hand stopped my punch midway and disgustingly, I saw the principal who tutted at me for my brutal behavior.

"Fighting is not permitted on school grounds and out, Mikan. Must we go over the rules back at my office?" he jerked me forward, and insistently pulled me with him. My legs felt light like feathers as they obediently followed the principal's footsteps. What did he think he was doing? Putting up a fake front like that before the eyes of students. I ripped out from his grip and stood with my gaze lowered to the ground.

I said loud and clear, so that everyone in the hallway could hear, "You told her didn't you? You told Sumire to tell everyone, so that I'd feel down and depressed thinking that only you could soothe my torn heart. A torn heart filled with agony and misery because of what you immorally did." I looked up and pointed a finger at him, threateningly.

The principal shrugged as all eyes riveted at us. He said innocently with a soft face. "Now why would I do such a terrible thing Mikan? Everyone knows that I'm a wonderful and altruistic principal, and that I've quit my old habits a long time ago. How could I ever offend a student with such a rumor?" My ears popped at the sound his fabricated speech. Everything was all a lie. My eyes wanted to melt and ooze to another place. Every part of my body felt enraged and disrespected.

"Sumire, tell me," I said bitterly, never leaving my suspicious gaze off the principal. "Did he tell you what happened? Did he bribe you with something because if he did I swear I will--"

"I found out myself Mikan," I heard her say proudly. My heart skipped a beat. I flicked my wide-eyed gaze at her.

"School genius," she continued on, jabbing at her brain, and then said with a carefree shrug. "And queen of gossip."

"So if you know the truth, why don't you come with me to the police station to report this?" I asked her, but she shook her head.

"That would mean that I'm wrongly accusing the principal," she replied.

"So, you didn't see it?" I arched a frustrated eyebrow. God, this was getting annoying and confusing.

"Maybe. Maybe not," she said playfully with a smug.

"…what?" my voice started to die on me.

Then everyone started to chatter all over again. Whispers filled the hallway, and many teased, laughed, mocked, and questioned if it had really happened. The principal ended the chaos, declaring that nothing happened between the two of us, and that it was just some gossip made up by Sumire.

Slowly, people trickled away back to lunch break, and I just watched them. Where was Hotaru when I need her most?

Now the whole school knew about it, well, the general idea behind it, and now they're probably wavering if it's true or not.

Unconsciously, I blinked droplets of tears from my eyes. I've been humiliated, derided, and mistreated. Everything and everyone has seemed to turn against me.

"It's all right Mikan," the principal tried to embrace me with his half-heartedly kindness, but I peeled back, crying out loud, "You despicable liar! Pervert! Get away from me!" I ran off, not knowing when to stop. My legs didn't feel the weariness. I've wholly become numb.


I was the subject of talks for one year, and people seemed to have never grown tired of it. It constantly refreshed in a new group out there everyday.

There were many times when the principal tried to console me, but I rudely refused his comfort and tried to avoid him as much as possible.

He was probably up to something again.

Even Hotaru and Yu couldn't help me, and I'm grateful for what they've tried to do for me. It's just that everyone wasn't willing to let go of the gossip. It was that popular.

Months past, Sumire and her clique continued to mock me, and sometimes even gang up on me, especially outside of school when no one was around. I was beat to the ground, covered and spotted with ugly purple bruises, telling my grandpa that I was being clumsy.

I couldn't defend myself anymore. People would always whisper something about me if they saw me, or avoid me, as if I were cursed. Some eyed at me weirdly and would quickly walk away.

Everything I had tried was in vain; I tried to tell people that it was all a misunderstanding when it really wasn't. I didn't even know what to tell people anymore, so I gave up after a year. I tried for too long, and if it brought me no where I might as well resort to silence.

When my school life started to get out of control, the nightmares repeated and the heated gossips, I devoted myself to vengeance after reading some psychopathic novel.

Of course, at the time, I didn't intend to do it until after graduation which was right around the corner.

Revenge sounded sweet, something I could forever savor in my mouth for those who pained me.

I only resorted to this because I was psychologically frazzled and about to explode, I couldn't tolerate it anymore.


I killed and killed although I was eventually caught red-handed by Luna, some college student who sent me to jail for the right reasons, but also an obstruction to my plans, I unwillingly had to kill her as well sooner or later.

I killed everyone who knew of my homicide commitment, moreover people who have destroyed my life. I tried to become a consummate liar not to mention a mastermind at murder and schemes. That was the only way I was able to live my life until I met him, Natsume.

Sure, he didn't seem too appealing to socialize with but I'm certain that he's more than what he's willing to show. It's just that someone needed to pull the cork.

He believed me. He worried about me, but he didn't say so. Well, I just wanted to think that way because it made me sane and a little happy while sitting idly in the cell. He watched out for me, and used excuses to cover up the fact that he cared, saying that it was his duty to find the truth and apprehend those guilty.

Later on, I was released and something made me with flutter with joy inside. I didn't want Natsume to think that I was the one behind the scene, scheming all the murders, but it couldn't be helped. My hands have become tainted.

A part of my conscience told me to cease the murders, but the devil in me was bigger and more powerful than I thought. It starved for vengeance. It nearly consumed and controlled my soul, my mind, and thoughts.

He believed me. He didn't question me in suspicion. I liked him a lot. However, I know the love I imagined would never become a reality. I mean, come on, a detective and serial killer? There's definitely something wrong with the picture.

In the end, he caught me, discovered what I had really done, and I smiled. Impressive work.

We both had something up our sleeves, but unfortunately, I was a millisecond too slow. As much as I liked him, I had to kill him because he was one of those chess pieces in my way.

Before we parted, or I parted from this world, I kissed him because that's the last memory I wanted—before my death and departure.

It was a beautiful one.

Nothing to fancy, review :D Thank you! I know there are still some holes in this plot, but that's up for the reader to decide how Sumire found out o_O.