Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters in the movie 'The Haunting in Connecticut,' but I do own Shay, Steve, Diego, and Kathryn and anybody else you realize wasn't in the movie.

+A Happy Ending+

I sat in a hospital bed opposite Matt as his family attended to our needs and watched over us carefully. Sara was overjoyed to see us alive, but unhappy that we both had done such a stupid thing.

The locket that I had saved was now safely in the hands of Wendy as she took care of it for me. I didn't feel like looking at the thing that had almost caused my death, and had supposedly, according to the doctor, caused me to never have any future children. He tried explaining it in layman's terms as to why I would never be able to produce, but I was to busy tuning him out. I was already too upset. The burns I had received on my arms and legs were probably going to leave permanent scaring. Some of my hair had been burnt so according to Sara I'd more than likely had to get some of it chopped off. It's not like it would grow back though, but still for a while I would have to go around with really short hair.

The doctor had long since came in hours ago though, so everyone was just beginning to settle down from all the hype. See, while he was here he had also announced that somehow Matt had been miraculously cured of his cancer. Something that first the family didn't believe until the doctor showed us the tests. It was almost like Matt had never had cancer at all.

Popescu had come to visit once before he was hauled off into a hospital room of his own. He was sick, terribly sick, and Matt and I both knew he didn't have long. Well at least I did, because when he had been standing by me I was sure I could also see another person standing beside him, and since they weren't wearing nurse attire and no one else seemed to notice, I was sure it was the ghost of his wife.

"Miss. Phillips you have another visitor," a nurse said from the doorway. I turned my attention on her, however before I could say anything to her that certain visitor came bounding into the room without so much as a 'hey.'

"MOM," I yelled out in surprise as she walked to the side of my bed and pulled me too her as she cried silently. "I'm so sorry. I lost my phone back in New York, and I got stuck at your great grandma's up in the middle of nowhere with a broke down car, and of course she's old fashioned so she doesn't have a phone. If I had known what was happening I would have been down here in a blink of an eye," my mother cried as Matt's family looked over at us with curious eyes.

"How did you find out what happened," I asked curiously looking her over.

"You're grandmother seemed to get this sort of feeling, and all I know was she told me I needed to get to Connecticut fast, so I walked into town and asked someone if they could take me over to a place that rents cars out. Anyway your grandmother said something had gone wrong or something and that you needed me. Turns out the old bat was right," she chuckled through her tears.

I smiled and pulled her in tighter. I didn't care about what had happened, and what had prevented her from talking or seeing me, just as long as I had my mother here holding onto me. I sobbed into her arms as everything that had happened to me this summer hit me all at once. It literally felt like a ton of bricks had just collided into me. Weeks ago I was innocent, so carefree, but now looking at myself I can see I had grown, matured into a woman by living with the Campbell's in their haunted house. This was definitely a summer I would never forget.


Later that week I stood in front of the Campbell's 'real' home in New York. Mom and I were saying our thank yous and goodbye's as we were getting ready to head home. I was standing beside the car watching as my mother hugged Peter and Sara when I heard Matt coming up behind me. Turning around I smiled brightly at the changes he had undergone. He was slowly getting his color back, and the burns were slowly receding. His hair and grown out even further, and his eyes no longer held their dark circles but, instead seemed bright and happy. The cuts he had sustained though were taking much longer to heal, but I'm sure when they did some of them would leave permanent marks on his skin. I guess that was God's way of reminding him of our horrific ordeal, just like mine was my short hair, burn scars, and finally my non-fertility.

"You'll call me right, and we'll keep in contact," he asked with a questioning gaze.

"Of course," I smiled at him as he pulled me into his arms.

"When are you planning to tell her you're moving back up here for college," He asked glancing over to our mom's

"As soon as she settles down about my near death experience," I replied nuzzling my head against his chest.

"I love you," I whispered into his chest. It was words I was so happy to use for him now. I had been afraid for so long to tell him, but after what had happened, and seeing how awful it had been for Emily to never tell Jonah; it was just such a good thing I had finally gained the courage. I was even happier Matt had admitted it first. When I had awoken to him telling me he loved me after nearly leaving this world, he had made me want to live all the more. It had also made Jonah let me go so that he could cross over with Emily, which was something they needed to do after the long wait they had endured.

"I love you too, Shay," he smiled at hearing my words. He pulled me in even tighter almost as if he was silently refusing to let me go. He had already protested when my mother had pronounced it was time for me head home about a two days ago. He reluctantly listened to his mother though when she told him it was for the best that I went home so that I too could recover for a while with my own family.

Somehow I managed to pull away from him when it was finally time to go. Hugging the rest of his family I jumped into the car with my mother, as she started it up. Waving goodbye we pulled out of their driveway and onto the main road as we finally headed home.

3 Years Later

I was heading back up to New York after visiting with my Mom. I had been down south working on a case; a paranormal case involving a haunted house. Yes, I had finally given into my medium abilities and I had gone to college to be a paranormal investigator. It wasn't a bad job, in fact it was kind of fun, unless I encountered some much eviler entities. I guess I could thank my experience with Campbell's for the love of my job, even if it was an ironic thing to be working in that kind of job even after the hell that the Campbell's old home had put me through.

Pulling up to Matt's mom's house I found it lined with cars. I knew very well they were having a barbecue for the fourth of July, but all the same I was tired and strongly hoping they wouldn't make me stay up to late. I really wanted to go home so I could get some sleep with Matt and cuddle up in bed with him.

As I walked into the empty house I sat my purse down onto the counter on the way into the back where everyone was hanging out. As soon as I walked in I noticed Diego and Wendy had beat me here first, even though they lived out west together, they still had managed to get here before me. That right there told you how demanding my job could be sometimes. The next thing I noticed was Matt's smile as he made his way over to me and away from his father who was currently barbecuing up some hamburgers and hotdogs.

"Hey sweetie," he replied as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"Miss me," I chuckled.

"More than you'll ever know," Matt replied as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Well there's my favorite daughter," came Sara's voice before I found I was tightly wrapped up in her arms instead of Matt's. Turning around I hugged her back just as tightly.

"How's your mom," Sara asked pulling away slightly to look at me.

"As crazy as ever, but she's doing fine. She's went and got herself a new boyfriend thank god," I grinned.

"Is he her type," Sara smirked.

"Nope, which makes the guy perfect for her. No doubt they'll stay together for a long time," I chuckled as she knew my hidden meaning.

"Where's Billy, and Mary," I asked looking around the yard for them.

"Billy went over to a friend's, so he'll be back any minute now. Mary is over there with Wendy, and Diego," Sara said pointing at the 10 year old with a smile set firmly upon her face.

"Hey mom is it okay if Frank stays here tonight," Billy asked coming in through the gate before breaking out into a big grin when he noticed me.

"Hey kiddo," I said while the teenager literally came crashing into me as he squeezed me tightly into a huge bear hug. Billy had had a major growth spurt, and he now stood just as tall as Matt. His voice had even begun deepening, which made him seem just as handsome and suave as his brother now. From the conversations I had over the phone with Sara he apparently was a lady killer too.

"You know I would like to have my girlfriend all to myself now," Matt smiled as he pulled me back to him.

"Oh come one, without Shay standing beside me this place isn't even worth hanging out at," Billy joked as his friend, Frank, laughed.

"Well wait till I tell you the good news then you might just be jumping for joy," I smiled at him before Matt replied, "Yeah, by the way I have some too." With a raised eyebrow in his direction he just grinned stupidly before taking my hand. Pulling me over to where his family sat he pulled out a chair for me to sit. As I did he just stood there as he began fiddling with his watch nervously.

"Now I took some time to think about this long and hard, and after getting lectured, by not only your dad, but also big brother over here," Matt said pointing over to Diego who just smirked evilly, "I came to the final decision that you were one of the most beautiful, funny, entertaining girlfriends I have ever had, and then I said to myself I didn't want anyone else to have you so I hatched a plan. My plan was to get down on my knee," Matt said as he got down on one knee, " and pull out this ring that belonged to my grandmother," he said pulling out a box from his pocket and opening, "and ask you, 'Will you please marry me?" I just stood there stunned before my eyes began to water.

"Well say 'yes' Miss. Speechless," Wendy yelled over to me as I started nodding like a mad woman while I choked out, "Yes, Yes, of course, YES." I said as I wrapped my arms around Matt.

"Thank god, I thought you were going to say, no," he laughed in my arms.

"How could I say, no," I chuckled through my tears.

"I can think of many different ways," he said pulling away and taken out the ring as he placed it upon my finger.

"Now what did you want to tell me," he asked as he stood up.

"Well I went to the doctor while I was down in Tennessee…and well….I'm sort of… pregnant," I announced innocently as he suddenly collapsed in the chair beside him with a look of doubt in his face.

"Wow…I mean I thought they said you couldn't after what happened with the fire," he replied.

"Well I am. The doctor said it was a miracle. So how are you feeling Mr. Dad," I smiled looking over the table at all the shocked faces including Sara's and Peter's

"Well…wow…I'm guess I'm going to be a dad….Dude I'm going to be a dad," Matt said as he began laughing happily as he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. All the while Billy was jumping around screaming, "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE."

"So much good news in one day. Guess someone's looking out for us from up above," Sara whispered to Peter as she looked up at the sky, before glancing near the fence where suddenly she saw two figures standing and smiling at the happy couple. She quickly remembered the locket that was tucked away somewhere safe in the house. The two figures that stood watching over everyone were Jonah, and Shay's great, great Aunt Emily.

"I guess there are happy endings," Sara whispered to the fading ghosts.

Sweet, but corny. Just how some people like it. Hope you enjoyed the final chapter. I've had fun writing this. I've had fun reading ya'lls reviews too, and I'll miss all of you. If you want I have other stories, not like this though, but in other things like in the Four Brother's section. You should read those if you really like this one.

Okay, should I even have to make up something funny to get you all to review? You know you loved it.