Okay, I thought I might try my hand at this movie, so please give me a small break. I'm not the kind of person who's really into these kinds of movies. Either way I'm going to warn you now. Instead of this movie being based in the 1980's I'm going to be basing it in 2009 so please don't be mad (covers head waiting for something to be thrown at her). Anyway I'm going to let you know the ages of the people in the story since obviously I have no idea what they really are. So in my story….










Reverend Popescu……55

So please don't sue me if they are they wrong ages, because I'm well aware they are. Just go with it, pretty please (puppy dog eyes).

Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters in the movie 'The Haunting in Connecticut,' but I do own Shay, Steve, and Kathryn and anybody else you realize wasn't in the movie.

Any way, enjoy!

+A Summer Ruined+

"YOUR WHAT," I screamed hysterically as I gaped at my mother. She just smiled innocently as she took a bite of her eggs.

"I'm going on the road for the summer, in the meantime I'm thinking about dropping you off at a friend's place. Sara and me used to be really good friends back in high school and I'm sure you'll lover her," my mother answered finally after swallowing. My mouth was still agape and when I finally came up with a retort it went into overdrive.

"Kathryn I'm 18 not a child. I can fend for myself this summer. It's not exactly like I'm 11 years old again, with no clue how to cook, clean, or even lock the door," yes I was a dimwit at 11. My mother had babied me up until that point and when the divorce happened that's when I had to learn to fend for myself. My mother would spend hours on end sleeping in her room after work, and I'd be left to figure things out. Rarely did she show me how to do anything, I just learned by picking up a cookbook, and remembering how she used to clean the house. It wasn't the best way, but it helped me live while she was a single woman going through depression.

"Don't call me Kathryn. I'm your mother and you're going to treat me with some respect whether you're 18 or not. Listen, frankly, I don't feel okay with you staying here in this house while I'm gone. I know what being 18 means and I know you well enough to understand that the moment I walk out that door that'll you'll fall into full heathen mode. Don't act like I wasn't a teenager once, because I was, and I remember getting into some sticky situations," she replied as she took another bite of her breakfast.

"Fine so when are you leaving," I asked leaning back in my seat in defeat. There was no use in arguing with her. She would fight me till the death, and by the time we'd get done I'd be so worn out I'd have no way to even feel like having fun. At least if I didn't fight I could convince her when I get there to let this woman allow me to run off and do my own thing.

"Tomorrow," and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Tomorrow, but I was going to take my driver's license test tomorrow. You've been putting that off forever. You're never going to let me have any freedom are you," I cried jumping from the table.

"Honey…" she began but I only continued to rant more.

"Don't honey me, you know I deserve that license. I've had to put up with you ranting and raving at me from the passenger's seat of your car, and now when I might actually have a chance of being able to kick you out of that car, you're going to ruin it," I yelled throwing my hands this way and that.

"Honey I was goin…" but I still didn't let her finish as I stormed up the stairs.

"You don't love me do you," I cried as I sat in the middle of the steps up to my room. Yes I was acting like a complete child, but hey it always worked.

"Okay Miss Drama Queen I was going to say I was going to stay long enough tomorrow for you to take your test and then let you drive up to Connecticut," she laughed from the end of the stairwell. My grin widen as I jumped from my step and landed in her arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much," I screamed as I hugged her tightly.

"I hope so, because this little drama queen antics are really starting to get on my nerves," my mother answered as she pulled away.

"So is Steve going with you," I asked pulling away. I saw that look on her face and knew it all to well.

"Steve doesn't know," she answered maneuvering past me like she herself was a teenager trying to avoid the question. I knew her and Steve were having problems, but damn, I didn't know it was getting this bad.

"Are you and Steve taking a break or something," I asked, and that's when my mother sighed and turned back toward me. She nodded and I saw the sadness in her eyes.

"I just don't feel the same way I used to for him. I need a break, I need to rethink everything. I need to go on a soul search," my mother laughed sadly reaching into the fridge and pulling out a water bottle.

"So this is what this trip is all about," I asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, basically," she answered solemnly.

"Why didn't you say so before? I would have agreed happily, if it helps you dump the bastard," I answered pulling away from her.

"Don't call him that Shay. You know he's a good man," my mother begged looking at me as I retreated the kitchen to head upstairs.

"Good enough to hide porno magazine's under the couch instead of pictures of you, please, no man is worth a woman's time if it has to turn to those things," I laughed sadistically. Never bring the word 'porn' up to me. I had negative thoughts on the whole thing. When I found out my ex had used it while we were dating, all hell had broken loose.

"Let's just drop that subject shall we," mom suggested as she walked over to me and headed on up the stairs.

"Fine, but if you do break up with him, I'm the first one you'll tell right," I asked proudly from the end of the stairwell. She looked down and nodded.

"See, I am you're favorite," I smiled.

"How can you be my favorite when you're my only one," she called from her room having heard my words. I shook my head and headed on up to her room to bother her some more.

"Okay since I have to spend my whole summer with this Sara woman, then I need some information. Like what is she like, is she married, does she have kids, where does she live," I went on as my mother threw off her shirt and threw on another much more comfortable one since it felt like it was 90 freaking degrees outside in the Tennessee climate we lived in.

"Well, Sara is very nice, headstrong, caring, a good wife, good mother and yes she does have kids. She has two boys, the eldest has cancer, I think he's around you're age so maybe you'll get along," I stopped her when I heard the word cancer.

"Okay he's my age and he has cancer. I never thought people my age got cancer," I grimaced.

"That's your blonde showing," she laughed as she turned to look at me from her closet, "And yes people your age do get cancer. No matter what age you can get it if you have it. I mean even you can get it." I that thought I shuddered remembering how Mammaw had been when she had gone through the surgery to get her cancer removed.

"Seriously mom, don't jinx me," I answered picking at some lint attached to her bedspread.

"So anyway where does this woman live again? Connecticut, right," I questioned looking up in time to see her throw a shirt at me. I grabbed it in time and placed it on the bed.

"Yeah, a place called Goatswood," she answered as she disappeared from my view as her closet swallowed her whole.

"Sounds weird, creepy too," I answered looking around the room.

"Can't be as creepy as you're room being where the landlord's daughter died," my mother answered emerging from her abyss she called a closet.

"Don't remind me. I still say that Uncle Butch should relinquish his room too me," I answered and once again I came up with an idea, "Butch will be staying here, so why can't I just stay here with him."

"Because he can't stand you remember," she answered as she threw her suitcase on the bed. I guess that's what she had been looking for in her closet.

"Yeah, but I'd stay out of the way," I answered looking up at her sadly.

"Shay he's already put his foot down," my mother answered forcefully.

"Fine," I snapped crossing my arms and flopping down on her bed.

"Besides I've already called Sara and she's glad to be having you come up and stay with her and her boys. They just moved in today," she smiled.

"Wait a minute where were they staying before," I asked.

"I think somewhere in New York maybe. I don't know, but are you sure you want me to drive you up there. I think it'll be easier if I just flew you up there," she answered sadly worried I might make her have to detour from her original plans.

"I guess I'll take a plane. It'll be easier on you. You can just pick me up at the end of the summer or something," I replied grabbing the phone getting ready to call and ask for tickets the airport.

"Thanks so much. You know I love you right," she replied coming over to kiss my forehead.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, but you owe me big," I answered pushing her away and jumping over the side of the bed heading to my room to pack and make a call to the airport.

Before I knew it, it was the next day and I was sitting in the lobby of the driver's place waiting to find out if I passed or not.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you passed," my mother cooed hugging me as I tried to pull away. I knew way to many people in here to let them see me with my mother, let alone her hugging me. It was already an embarrassment I didn't have my license, it was best not to put icing on the cake.

"Number B031 to counter number 5," the machine lady called out to the room. I stood up and headed up to the desk without my mother. The woman standing there didn't look at all happy to be here today, let alone to have been the woman to have been my passenger mere minutes ago.

"Mrs. Phillips, I presume," she asked looking at me with her hard, cold stare.

"Yes, I am," I answered trying to peek over her clipboard. She drew it up closer to her and placed her glasses at the end of her nose as she went through the papers.

"Other than forgetting to check one of your side mirrors you seemed to have done just fine, so, I believe a congratulations is in order," she smirked at me and there's where I lost it. I hugged her screaming thank you over and over again, causing a few people to stare.

"If you'll just step over there, that gentleman will ready your license," she smiled and walked away to go put some other poor soul in anticipation misery. I walked over and sat down as the man finished helping a busty blonde that flirted the whole time she was getting her picture taken. I rolled my eyes and waited patiently. Finally when it came my turn he pointed to the chair where the blue background was and I sat. He walked over to the computer and checked the monitors before turning to me.

"Smile," he replied, but he didn't have to because I was already grinning from ear to ear. Next thing I know I'm blinded by the light.

"Alright, step over into the waiting area and I'll let you know when it is ready," the man smiled. I nodded and headed back over to my mother and sat down.

"So I'm going to take it from you're smile that you passed," she asked looking happily over at me. I nodded and she quickly pulled me into a bone-crushing hug.

"I just can't believe you're growing up," she cried holding tightly to me.

"Please let go, you're embarrassing me," I laughed pulling away from her.

"I know, it's just I thought I could keep you my little baby forever, but I guess I can't," my mother answered pushing back a stray piece of hair from my face.

"Mom I thought it was evident I wasn't you're little girl when you found out I wasn't a virgin anymore," and that's when the dark shadow passed over her face.

"Don't remind me," she groaned and turned to look at the counter where the man was currently handing over the busty blonde's license at the moment. Then he motioned to me and I sat up and made my way over there. Within moments I was holding my freedom from a nagging mother.

"Check over it and make sure everything's alright with it," he asked as he turned to do something else. I nodded after checking it and told him everything was fine. When I finally made it out of the door of the driver's place that's when it hit me. I had to catch a plane to leave this town in an hour.

"Are your sure I have to go," I whined jumping into the driver's seat of the car.

"Yes, and there's no changing my mind," my mother answered jumping in the passenger's seat beside me.

"Fine, but if I come back pregnant don't say I didn't warn you," I laughed, but she seemed to not take that as a joke.

"Mom I was kidding, I'm not actually going to come back pregnant," I answered more seriously.

"I hope not, or I'll have to runaway again," she huffed buckling her seat belt as I started the car and pulled out of there as I headed to the airport.

That night I found myself still on the plane waiting for it to arrive at the airport in Connecticut. The anticipation was killing me to say the least. What were these people going to be like? Would the let me do my own thing, or would they treat me as if I was a little child? Would the food be edible, or would I have to order take out every night with my saving's fund, or what was left of it anyway. Most of it had gone toward the college I was going to in the fall. I already had all my books ordered, my dorm room ready, and lunch fee paid off for the whole year. It also helped that most of it was paid for with scholarships.

"Quiet isn't it," man answered from beside me. He looked old and weary. His eyes were sunken in and bloodshot. He was bald, but didn't look old enough to be going that bald yet. As I turned fully to face him I noticed him reading the bible and smiled.

"Yeah, religious much," I asked pointing my finger at the bible.

"Well I guess I should be, being a Reverend and all," he laughed closing the book and placing it on his lap. He held out his hand and I shook it politely.

"Reverend Popescu," he replied.

"Shannel, or Shay if you like," I answered for him.

"So where are you heading to young lady. Most people your age would be heading down south, not up north," he replied.

"My mother's gone on a soul searching adventure, and decided that it would be best to send me to her old friend's instead of trusting me," I laughed looking at him curiously before asking, "What about you. You don't look like you're in the right condition to be making a trip like this."

"No, I'm not, but I was visiting my sister, maybe for the last time. I have cancer my dear, so that's why I'm heading back up here. There is a hospital up here doing special test's and treatments and I thought it might be the best shot at trying to fight to live," the man answered sadly and I felt the guilt come on quickly.

"I didn't mean to offend you…" I began but he didn't give me that long before he cut me off.

"Don't worry. Nothing you can say can offend me on that subject. Cancer is cancer, it happens," Popescu replied looking at me with caring eyes.

After that I just smiled at him and then turned look back out the window. There were a few more shared conversations, one involving the son of the woman I would be staying with. He told me to look him up that summer and come visit him. He said he'd love to see me at his church. As much as the stranger danger sign came in my head, I just felt this man wasn't a threat. I was odd like that. I could feel things around me sometimes. Whether the person was a threat or not, or I could just tell what their emotion was. Even though I acted like a ditz sometimes, I wasn't. My mom often said I was special, and sometimes she swore I was psychic about some things. Then again that was my mom, but my old therapist thought differently about me.

When the plane finally landed and Popescu and I were exiting the terminal he turned toward me and smiled as he said, "I think I found you're family." I looked over to where he was pointing and saw a man holding a huge sign with my name on it, while beside him a young boy stood patiently. I nodded and thanked him gladly. I made my way over to the man holding the sign and stuck out my hand just as he did.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're Shannel, or Shay is it," He asked with a halfhearted smile. I nodded and he continued, "My names Peter Campbell, I'm Sara's husband. Sara couldn't be here today. She's at the house right now, making room for you."

"It's okay, I don't mind really," I answered as he took my bags before this the young guy stand next to him could. That's when I really began noticing the other guy beside him. He looked deathly ill and, he sort of reminded me of Edward from Twilight with his features.

"Hi, I'm Matt," he smiled holding out his hand to me politely. I smiled and shook his hand before I scampered off toward his father trying to keep up. It was hard seeing the poor guy like that. He looked like death itself.

We grabbed my bags and then headed on outside toward the car. I jumped in the backseat, which surprisingly Matt found just as comfortable. He slid in next to me right as his father jumped into the front.

"So Shay, do you like old houses," he smiled turning to look at me.

"I live in one, haunted might I add," I laughed earning a weird look from the both of them.

"You try sleeping in a room where the landlord's little girl's head was blown off by a gun belonging to her brother. It's creepy," I replied shaking in my own skin just thinking about it.

"Well I promise you that ours is not haunted," Peter replied turning on the car and heading down the highway. I noticed Matt's face when he said that. Almost like he didn't believe him. I could feel the discomfort in him as well.

"Do you want me to stop and pick you up something to eat kids," he asked looking back at us. Matt shook his head, but I nodded mine vigorously.

"McDonald's sound fine," he asked.

"Perfect," I replied giving a thumbs-up.

Within moments I was happily chowing down on a bag of French fries in the back seat. Matt looked at me with a smirk on his face as I tipped the carton upward and let the last remaining bits fall down into my black abyss I called a mouth. When I noticed him staring I turned and glared and with a mouthful of food asked, "Wat?"

"I've never seen a girl scarf down that much food within a minute," he laughed turning to lay his head on the window. I swallowed the rest of the fries and then turned to him, barely since I felt one of the French fries scraping down my throat at the very end.

"Well try sitting on the plane for so many hours when the only thing to sate you is peanuts, which are so not tasty," I answered unhappily pointing a finger at him.

"Move that finger or I'll bite it woman," he replied with a glare toward my index finger.

"I'd love to see you try," I joked happily, but surprisingly he leaned over to bite it, but I managed to pull it away in time.

"Mr. Campbell are you aware you're son is a piranha," I asked as the whole car burst into laughter.

"No, but I'll be sure to tell his mother that's what you think of her son when we get there. She'll get a kick out of that," Peter spoke as he turned down another road. This road had less towns and more scenery. Infact it was just a bunch of old houses.

"God you weren't kidding when you said old houses," I replied looking out the window.

"Yep, and wait until you see our house," Matt frowned looking out the window as well.

"I'll see everything but your room Piranha. No telling what other biting things you keep in there," I laughed.

"Too bad because that's the only place mom can put you for the summer," I stared with my mouth agape at him before turning to Peter.

"Please tell me this isn't true. I have to room with Piranha over here," I cried.

"It may be a big house, but with everyone whose staying there, there just isn't enough room. Until Matt's cousin, Mary, leaves, you'll have to room with him. Besides we're putting up a curtain to separate the two of you so it'll almost be like having your own room, and it's down in the basement so you two get your own private bathroom," Peter replied from the front.

"Oh come on, the basement! I'm afraid of dank, and dark places. Way to treat your guests! Can't I just sleep in the living room," I begged giving Peter the puppy dog face.

"Hey don't take it up with me. You'll have to talk to Sara about it. I rarely stay here. I'm going back up to our house in New York for a few days, so she's in charge. Besides she thought it would be a good idea that you'd be able to keep Matt company, besides your mother even said you like dark things so don't try that with us missy," Peter laughed. It was true that I liked dark stuff, but not dark places. My clothes clearly showed that. I was wearing a pair of dark blue, blue jeans, with a black belt with metal holes. I wore black boots that extended up my leg with extremely high heels, which is probably the only reason why I was taller than Matt when he had stood next to me at the airport. I wore a black low cut shirt with a purple tank top underneath covering up anything that could be exposed. My hair laid the way it normally did, which was as straight as a board. My mom often wondered why I didn't make that dark on me too, but it's not every day you come across a natural golden blonde. Well as close to golden blonde as I can get. I had a few natural red highlights in there with the blonde.

Another thing that I wore was a cross necklace and diamond studs in my ears. My class ring also adorned my finger with its blue devil bliss. I also wore black leather gloves as well with the fingertips cut off. It was the style back home. Almost all of my Goth friends were doing it. Sadly enough though I was also wearing a miniature black leather jacket as well seeing how up here it seemed 30 degree's cooler. I wasn't used to their climate just yet. Up here it still felt like the beginning of spring, well at least for me who was used to living down in the South where the scorching hot humidity was ungodly.

"Here it is," Peter replied from the front as he pulled into the drive of a large Victorian home. The moment I laid eyes on it sealed my fate. I could feel the cold chill already running up my back and the aura around the place screamed anger, torment, and pain. Then again, maybe that was just Matt.

"They're here," a little girl's voice, cried from the house. Before I knew it I saw four bodies bounding out of the house and towards me as I exited the car. Matt, already out of the car, kind of stood next too me as if he was my shield, but I managed to see around him to an elder woman coming forward. No, she wasn't old; she was just the eldest of the three in the group. She had a kind face, but a worn and torn one from the looks of the stress wrinkles on her. She had much lighter blonde hair than me, almost to the point that it looked like mustard yellow. My only guess was that this was the woman named, Sara.

"Hello, I'm Sara, you're mom's old school buddy," She smiled holding out her hand to me. I shook it politely and replied, "It's nice to meet you Sara, I'm Shay."

"You look prettier than the picture that's on Aunt Sara's phone," came a little girl's voice from below. I looked down and noticed the girl smiling up at me. I lowered myself to her level and held out my hand.

"Thanks, but you look just as pretty there Miss Snow White," I replied giving her a nickname, and a hand to shake. She reminded me of the girl from an old snow white movie I had seen long ago.

"My names Mary," she smiled shaking my hand with a smile as she clutched to a Barbie doll in her other hand.

"Mine's Shay. I see you like dolls," I smiled. She nodded enthusiastically at my comment and then asked, "Would you play with me sometime?"

"Why not, it would give me a break from Mr. Piranha over there," I laughed looking up at Matt.

"Do I even want to know," came Sara's voice looking over at Peter.

"To make a long story short. She likes to point fingers, and your son didn't find it appealing," Sara laughed and turned to me again.

"Shay since you've already met Peter, Matt, Myself, and Mary, I'd love you to meet my younger son Billy and his cousin Wendy," Sara replied as she maneuvered me over to a girl around my age and a boy that looked around 14 years old.

"Hello it's nice to meet you," Wendy smiled as she held out her hand for me to shake. I shook it and then turned to their son and smiled. He held out his hand as well and I shook it before turning back to Sara.

"So are you hungry," Sara asked leading me toward the house.

"I can't see how she could be after all she ate on the way here," Matt joked as came up beside us.

"Hey like I said before Piranha you try eating peanuts the whole entire flight up here. Those things taste disgusting," I mumbled as my face scrunched up at the memory of them.

"So needless to say you haven't eaten," Sara asked.

"Oh, no, I have. Peter bought McDonald's on the way here. He warned me saying you can't exactly cook," I laughed and she turned to glare at her husband.

"So you think my cooking is bad, huh," he gave her a sheepish grin before she threw a towel at him.

"Then how about you cook tonight then," she said as she ushered Matt and I down some steps to the basement.

"So I'm guessing this is where I'll be sleeping huh," I asked looking around the dark room. There was a strong smell down here of either death or decay. Either one had me reeling inside and wanting to hightail it out of there.

"Sorry to stick you here, but there honestly is no room with Wendy, or Mary. The bed we picked out was too big. The only place it fit was down here with Matt," Sara answered apologetically.

"It's okay, if he bothers me I can always go and sleep on the couch," I answered noticing her pulling a curtain from one side of the wall all the way two the other side where some old mahogany doors were. I was drawn to them like a moth to a fly. I made my way over and tried to look inside, but all I saw was blur.

"What's in here," I asked pointing at the doors as Sara exited leaving us to talk to one another so as to get to know each other more.

"Don't know, can't get it open," Matt answered as he helped with the last curtain. Before I knew it I was completely secluded from Matt. The curtains almost seemed like hospital curtains. They left me with just one brick wall and the dark mahogany doors.

"It doesn't scare you does it," Matt asked with an all knowing smiled. I turned and barely grinned as I answered, "Nah, it's the knowing that scares me more." He laughed and walked over to his side of the room as he pulled back the final curtain. Once he was gone I turned to look at the doors again and I felt a shiver run throughout my skin as I continued to stare. I turned to look back at the curtain where Matt had disappeared when I felt a slight breeze behind me and heard someone's heavy breathing. When I turned back there was nothing there.

"I'm heading back up to get my things," I spoke up letting Matt know where I was going, and then once I got a reply I hightailed it out of there from the scary creepiness.

Ooo she's already feeling it. Scary huh? Anyway would you all please review? PRETTY PLEASE!!!! I would love to see some feedback for my story if you don't mind. I like ideas from other people, because it stimulates my mind, and me being a blonde in all needs that right now LOL.

So you see that review button CLICK IT. Go on it won't bite just click it LOL.