Hey guys, it's me. I know you might hate me for what I'm about to say, but let me be truthful.
I wrote this story when I was younger. I had less resources and less experience writing. Back then I wrote for fun, to let my creativity show, and to make people laugh with my version of the Twilight characters.
But now I have become more serious about my fanfiction, so that I may write more seriously and within the boundaries of the original characters. Though I have attempted to edit this story countless of times, I can't bring myself to say it is a story worth keeping.
I'll keep it on Fanfiction so that those who wish to read it can, but please don't expect it to be finished. Maybe one day, as I look back at my original work to get inspiration for another story, I'll continue it in another title; probably 'Black Sparrow: Version II'. But then again, I haven't been interested in Twilight for some time now, so who knows?
I'm sorry to everyone who had fallen in love with my story. I had planned on deleting this story... but then I saw that though many people do not like it, there are many who love it. So it shall remain here!
Sorry guys, I know if someone decided they were going to give up on a story that I found completely interesting, I would be mad too. I guess I can't get over my childish mistakes. Though I was a child... :)
Really, really sorry.