Characters (James' Epilepsy):


Name: Callum Riley Foster

Born: 19th December 1993, St Albans London

Birth Name: Unknown, at his first orphanage he was christened 'Riley'

Appearance: Dark Hair, Blue Eyes, Tall and Muscular


Mother – Unknown, thought to be a young teenage girl living in the area of the orphanage Callum was left at.

Father – Unknown.

Joined CHERUB: 2001


Physical: Callum had an athletic body when he came to CHERUB although he was wiry. His athletic ability is unquestionable and his build is big, although not big enough to hamper his ability as an agent. He looks his age and a lot of the girls would be happy to get a smile from him.

Combat: Skilled in many martial arts, Callum has conquered many great opponents in the dojo. His only weakness is against girls, although you don't want to probe too far into that. He has good speed and great upper and lower body strength.

Academic: Callum is an all-rounder academically, although his strengths lie more in problem solving and tactical plans. He is not so good at art or music but excels in computer studies and practical areas of study.

Likes: Kicking a footy around with the guys, helping out in the junior block, sports and winding up his friends (especially the girls)

Dislikes: Homework, art, being beaten at sport and some more things that needn't be mentioned.


"Callum's a great guy. He's one of my bestfriends, we went through basic together and I love him. It's hard to get it through his boofhead though, that he's allowed to fight back against the girls in the dojo."

Erin Reilly, friend.

"Callum looks like one of those teenagers that's all brawn and no brain, and when he's with his friends he certainly doesn't help that. But once you get him on a mission, you see how capable he really is. That boy has more responsibility, sense and brains than a few top-brass politicians I've known in my life. He's a top bloke, too."
John Jones, Mission Controller.

"I like Callum, truly I do. But if he doesn't put a bit of space between himself and my cousin, I think I might just knock his block off."
Kyle Blueman, friend.


Name: Jacob Anthony White

Born: 15th November 1993, Tottenham London

Birth Name: Anthony Aidan Flynn

Appearance: ("Very definition of tall, dark and handsome" – Bethany Parker) Tall stature, muscular build with dark features and tanned skin.


Mother – Unknown

Father – Unknown

Sister – Former CHERUB

Joined CHERUB: 2000


Physical: Jacob joined CHERUB as the result of a recruitment mission. He is in perfect health and enjoys team sports, although his appearance can sometimes scare the younger children. Jacob is more successful in sports that require brute force.

Combat: Like all other CHERUBS, Jacob has mastered a number of different martial arts. He has excellent upper and lower body strength and, for a guy of his size, moves with surprising speed.

Academic: Jacob is an all-rounder academically, and is very talented at languages. His intelligence seems to surprise those who get to know him. He is in the top range off CHERUB's IQ range but takes no satisfaction in flaunting his abilities.

Likes: Positions of power, Girls, Martial Arts Movies, Gore and Rock music.

Dislikes: Being misled, judgemental people, BBQ sauce, Chick-flicks and the Scream movies.


"Jacob is one of the better guys you'll meet on campus. He appears so brutish that when you get to know him, you become shocked by the intelligence and emotional depth behind his tough guy facade. Smooth operator, although his size can sometimes be a problem."
Zara Asker, Chairwoman of CHERUB

"Jacob's great. He's a great guy to pull a prank on, if you're a girl. He has a great sense of humour, but if you cross the line or do something really humiliating to him, then you'd better watch out. Boys, beware – he will snap you faster than a twig. Girls – don't think you're off the hook too easily, after having close girl friends for a while, Jacob knows how to spread a rumour or two. I say this 'cause I am one of his friends, that boy is too dangerous for his own good. God, I hope he doesn't see this."

Lauren Adams, Friend

"Jake's an awesome guy. Good to have behind you in a fight, not so good to have up against you in a fight. Hopefully, he'll always have my back."

Callum Foster, Friend


Name: Emer Charlotte Reilly

Born: 5th October 1999

Birth Name: Eimear Charlotte Deidre Kearney

Appearance: Dark Hair, tanned complexion, Green-Blue eyes, taller stature than her sister, yet Emer has a smaller build.


Father – Fionn Hugh Kearney, suspected to have died in a plane crash with his wife in 2001

Mother – Catherine Fiona Kearney, died in a plane crash while heavily pregnant in 2001

Sister – Erin Grace Reilly, resident at CHERUB

Cousin – Kyle Blueman, former resident of CHERUB

Joined CHERUB: 2002


Physical: Unlike her sister, Emer grew up on campus and so had access to all of the facilities available although she has acquired the same amount of belts and achievements her sister had at her age. Genetically, her figure comes more from her father – she is tall for her age and is quite skinny although muscular. While on her 83rd day of basic training, Emer experienced a big fall and had to undergo subsequent knee surgery. She was ready to leave CHERUB but much to her credit, fought through it and is now a qualified agent.

Combat: Much like her sister, Emer has great speed and good upper body strength. Since her knee injury, she has been building up the muscles in her legs more and is not leaving her areas of vulnerability as open to attack anymore.

Academic: With an IQ of 145, Emer is academically all-rounded but experiences the same downfalls in mathematics as her sister does. She, too, can speak Gaelic, German and Russian and is on her way to learning more.

Likes: Cop shows, athletics, missions, being able to beat a lot of the boys at sports and food.

Dislikes: Mathematics, lessons, discrimination and when Kyle is being protective.


"She can be a handful sometimes but in the end, it's always good to have her around. A lot of the younger kids look up to her, which isn't always a good thing."

Chloe Blake, former Junior Block carer

"I ultimately always end up being stunned by what she can do, I'm jealous of her and her looks, but I love her. And, of course, we fight – there's times when I think how good it was being an only child but then we make up and everything's good again. It never hurts that Kyle's always there to remind me what I'd be left alone with if she weren't there. Anyone touches her and they're mine – protective is an understatement."

Erin Reilly, sister.

"Emer's a very bright girl, but she never gives herself a chance. Being given the chance to observe her in a classroom environment has opened my eyes to a lot of things about her – her insecurities, her flaws and ultimately, her strength. I used to just think of her as one of my mates' cousins/little sister but now I just see her for what she is, sure she's Kyle's little cousin and Erin's little sister, but she's a great kid and she has experienced unimaginable things. I admire her so much."
James Adams, tutor.


Name: Erin Grace Reilly

Born: 9th March 1994, Dublin City, Dublin

Birth Name: Grace Brigid Erin Kearney

Appearance: Dark Hair, Green-Blue Eyes, athletic build


Father – Fionn Hugh Kearney, suspected to have died in a plane crash with his wife in 2001

Mother – Catherine Fiona Kearney, died in a plane crash while heavily pregnant in 2001

Sister – Emer Charlotte Reilly, resident at CHERUB

Cousin – Kyle Blueman, former resident of CHERUB

Joined CHERUB: 2002


Physical: Unlike most young girls that join CHERUB, Erin had a long history of participation in sport and martial arts – she held two black belt equivalents (because of her age she could not be acknowledged as having been trained at such a high level), in Judo and Taekwondo respectively, and was on her way to earning two more when her parents died. Since joining CHERUB, she has gained those two belts and continued to further her success. In late 2005, three years after joining CHERUB and just months after achieving her grey shirt, Erin sustained a bad shoulder injury that could have cost her her CHERUB career. Three surgeries and a lot of rehabilitation later, her injury barely impacts on her work or social life anymore.

Combat: Erin has great speed and has taught many older, bigger opponents never to underestimate opponents smaller and, seemingly more naive, than them. She has great reflexes and good upper body strength.

Academic: With an IQ of 150 (which she has told very few people about, but yet all of CHERUB campus knows) Erin excels mostly in language and literary areas, although she has very good artistic skills as well. Her mathematic skills are commendable, but are easily surpassed by the skills of the Adams' siblings. She can currently speak 6 other languages fluently (Gaelic, Italian, German, Russian, Cantonese and French) and is studying two more (Mandarin and Arabic).

Likes: Loud music, nail polish, hair dye, hanging out with friends, cooking and tutoring.

Dislikes: Bethany, cheaters, needles, confrontation, discrimination of any sort.


"I thought she'd be an easy fight, boy was I wrong. You'd better watch your back if you step into a battle with her, that girl's got skills."

Andy Lagan, classmate

"She's smart, loyal, intimidating for her size, handles herself well and has a good head on those shoulders. But she's also impulsive, quick to act if someone she loves is in danger and it took a long time to teach her not to be so defensive. She's a good operative, but sometimes she lets personal things get in the way of that. All over, she is one of CHERUB's finest."

Dr Terence McAfferty, ex-chairman of CHERUB

"She's definitely easy on the eyes, and that's all of CHERUB'S male population speaking, but she never has a boyfriend, everyone's just waiting for her to get with that Callum guy."

Anonymous, classmate