
Lauren Adams stepped into the mission preparation building mumbling to herself: 'I wonder what this is about, everyone's at the hostel apart from James. But, no, surely nothing could of happened to him again.' She inwardly shuddered as her mind conjured up an image of James, lying in a hospital bed; the only thing keeping him alive at the time was the machines.

As she stepped into Zara's office, she noticed John Jones sitting across from Zara and inwardly, her fears began re-surfacing.

"Sorry Zara, but I did knock"

"Oh, Lauren, I didn't expect you here so soon. Please, take a seat"

"Look, if this is about what happened at Bethany's party, I swear we didn't mean for it to go that far; it was just –"

"No, No, God no, Lauren it's about James"

Lauren cursed inwardly as she forced her lips to mutter out coherent words: "Wha- What happened this time?" She barely got the sentence out before her chin started wobbling, indicating that she was about to fall apart.
"Oh sweetie, nothing as bad as that. It's just, well to put it frankly, he's suffered from an epileptic fit. He is awake and well because luckily, Bruce was with him and was able to stuff something into his mouth to stop him swallowing, or even biting off his tongue, but, due to the fact that it could happen again, and the severity of the mission, we will need you to step in and help James along."
Lauren breathed out a sigh of relief, when something suddenly sunk in "Wait, epileptic fit? What the hell would've caused THAT? Aren't the recruitment tests that you put us through supposed to show whether that's going to happen? How was this allowed to happen?"

(A/N: I will go back in the next chapter to clear up some details, and have a flashback or two.)

Chapter 1:
James Adams walked back into the Riesler's study, only to find an empty room and turn back around again, "Bruce? Brucey Boy? Where are ya mate?"
"Up here James, I found something that looks too much like a diagram for hacking into the government's computer system"

"Alright Bruce, I'll be up in a minute"

James had been feeling sluggish all day, but right now he was experiencing pure and utter exhaustion. He didn't know what could have caused it seeing as he'd gone to sleep early the night before, well as early as his neighborhood would allow.

"James, James where are you? COME on mate. We've got to get this done before the family come back or Ewart will be spewing."
"Bru- Bruce, I-I-I don't fe-fe-feel to welllll" By now, James word's were slurring as he struggled to stand up.
"Jesus, James? James, are you alright? Look, I'll call Ewart and get him to come and pick us up, and we'll get you to hospital or something."
"Tha-Thanks Bruce"
And with that, James world turned black as he collapsed. Violent seizures ripped through James' body as Bruce tried to figure out what to do. As foam started pouring out of James' mouth, Bruce standard CHERUB first aid training kicked in and he proceeded to put James into the safety position before running up stair's to the Riesler's youngest child's bedroom. When he found a foam ball, he raced back downstairs and put it in James mouth, but not before making sure his tongue was well out of the way.
Bruce fumbled for his phone as James body fell, motionless.

"Dammit, Ewart pick up the bloody phone." But all Bruce heard was the Beep…Beep…Beep… of an engaged tone. Bruce did the only thing he could think of and called the CHERUB hotline: "Unicorn Tyre Repair, how can I help you?"

"This is agent one-two-three-six and I need an ambulance dispatched to my current location"
"Bruce, is that you? Why do you need an Ambulance? What's going on?"
"Chloe, there's no time to explain, all I know is that James is having seizures and bloody Ewart isn't picking up his damned phone!"

James Adams wondered why all he could hear was: "Beep...Beep...Beep..."
Surely, God didn't hate him that much that he would kill him and make hell a hospital. No, no he was asleep at the house they were using for the mission and he was going to wake up, ignore Ewart's instructions to "Have a shower and clean up", grab some toast and head over to the Riesler's.

Hmph, easier said than done. James groaned inwardly as he came to the conclusion that he was dead and in hell.
"James, James, it's me Bruce. Well, mate you certainly gave us a shock."
James could her sobbing coming somewhere from the other side of the room.
"As i was saying, and i don't know if you can hear this but the Doc said to try, mate, you need to wake up. Not just for me, or Kerry or anyone. Do it for Lauren and yourself, James, please. We all need you to just wake up, prove him wrong mate, prove him wrong," and with that shamefacedly, Bruce Norris wiped away the tears that had gathered in his eyes.

James felt weird as if he was floating. His chest felt like someone was sitting on it, and the voices he could her made it sound as if he was underwater.
"Jesus, James don't do it, don't do it" And with that, again, James body erupted with violent seizures as he struggled to keep hold of his consciousness.
"We need a crash cart in here, stat!"

(A/N anyone want more?)