Disclaimer: I do not own X-men evolution it is owned by Marvel comics and the Disney XD network.

Chapter 1

"Hey Kitty wait up will you ?" "Leave me alone Lance I want nothing to do with you." "Oh come on Kitty come to the carnival with me it'll be great." "I don't want to go with you Lance. I can't stand the sight of you after what you did to the gym." "Your coming with me whether you want to or not !" Lance was trying to drag Kitty away when a black haired Japanese boy hit him in the face. "The lady said to leave her alone you jerk." "Oh yeah or you'll do what ?" Suddenly the kid draws a very long sword. "Or I'll cut you to pieces how does that sound ?" Lance sees that the sword was pointed right at his throat. "Fine kid have it your way I'm out of here." "Are you alright ?" "Yeah he's always like that." "Would you like me to walk you home he might not be the only jerk that will try that ?" "Sure I'd like that By the way my name is Kitty Pride." "My name is Ryu Son. Nice to meet you Kitty."

Meanwhile at the Xavier school for gifted youngsters Professor Charles Xavier is reading in his study when a buzzing sound rang out followed by a female voice. "New mutant signature detected." Xavier pushes a few buttons on Cerebro and a profile appears. Name: Ryu Son, Age: 16, Nationality: Japanese, Mutant power: Amplification,

Currant Location: Bayville, New York. "That is a mutant power I've never heard of before. Cerebro please define amplification." "The ability to increase ones own strength and speed tenfold in an instant." "That sounds like a useful but dangerous mutant power. I would hate to see him accidentally hurt someone. Scott, Logan I've found a new mutant located here in Bayville. I need you to make contact with him and ask if he would be willing to come to the institute." "Roger Professor were on our way." Just before they drive out the gate Kitty and a Japanese boy walk up to the gate. "Sorry half-pint but you can't have visitors without the Professors permission first." "I'm sorry Logan but Lance wasn't leaving me alone and Ryu here stopped him then offered to walk me home." "Ryu ?! Your name wouldn't be Ryu Son would it ?" "Last time I checked it was." "Come with us kid we have someone who would like to meet you." Ryu, Kitty, Scott, and Logan went inside to the library.

"Welcome Ryu Son I am Professor Charles Xavier and this is my school for gifted youngsters." "Well I am no super rich kid so I'll be going home." "It's not that type of school Ryu. We teach mutants like yourself how to control their powers and use them for the benefit of all humankind." "My powers ?! What do you mean by that ?" "Haven't you noticed anything different about yourself ?" "Well I did somehow stopped a speeding car with my bare hands yesterday but I just thought the driver hit the emergency brake until he told me his brakes were not working. I was scared at the time. I don't know how I should even be standing here now. I mean for crying out loud I just moved here from Japan two days ago, just started the paperwork to enter the local high school and here I am stopping cars with my bare hands."

"You should not be scared about your powers Ryu they are perfectly normal." "No offense Professor but normal people don't stop speeding cars with their bare hands or run fast enough to break the sound barrier after they freak out from stopping said car." "Ryu you are a mutant just like myself, Kitty, Logan, and Scott." "Ok excuse my language but what the hell is a mutant ?"