A/N: Whoaa. It's been way longer than it was suppsoed to be, dudes.! Gomen.
Anywayz, this Song Fic took me about, erm, two err three days. I found this song and immediantly thought Courtney. This is also my first Song Fic. not sure if I did it right. This is also the longest one I've done.

[I want to thank you all for all the amazazazazingg Reviews. I lovedd them all so muchh. I also very muchh appreciate the 436 Hits you've guys have given this thing.! As well as the Faves and Alerts.]

One-Shot #3
(Technically a Song Fic, but ohh well.)

Summary: Courtney's a hot mess when it comes to partying with Duncan. Goes by "Hot Mess" by Ashley Tisdale.

Pairings: (Main) Duncan&Courtney. (Implied) Trent&Lindsay.

Discalimer: I do not own Total Drama Island err any of it's characters. I also don't own any of Courtney's ritzy belonginggs.! (I am jealous of them, thoughh x3)

Hot Mess

I stood in a corner of Geoff's living room—the one farthest away from the dancing, drinking, or any other evidence of partying—a single beer in my hand. I never even wanted to go in the first place, but Bridgette had insisted that I go, which caused Lindsay to jump in and say that Gretchen was going with David, which caused my jealousy to spark, which caused me to eventually be persuaded into coming. The only thing that had nothing to do with the domino effect was the rather revealing outfit Lindsay had picked out for me—and I'm still not really sure how they had gotten me to wear it.

I let out a groan as I tugged on the pleated fabric, wishing there was some way to stretch it out. I had already given up on the tank top—it was technically an undershirt, but I doubt Lindsay was ever aware of that. I continued to tug on the skirt, the black fabric refused to stretch, it stayed at the top of my thigh.

I let out a breath in frustration before lifting me head and downing the rest of what was in the glass bottle. I chewed on my lip, unsure of what to do; I had already been on my third beer. Seeing as I had been going to fancy gathering since I could walk, I knew how to hold my weight with alcohol—even knowing that, I still had the small fear of over doing it. My plan had been to stay by the punch and drink that, but it had reeked of Vodka.

"Well, I'll be damned," I heard a voice say. I looked up from the amber glass to see none other than the most uncivilized guy to ever step foot in my life—Duncan.

"What do want, Ogre?" I asked, rolling my eyes as I spoke.

He ignored my question and continued to step closer to me. "Little Miss C.I.T. decided to go out for a little fun, I see."

"Listen, Duncan, not that I wouldn't love to stand here and listen to you mock me," I began, drenching my voice in as much sarcasm as I could, "but I have a ride home to go find." I began to push passed him, "So, I'll be going."

"Not so fast, Princess," the Neanderthal said as he grabbed my arm, pulling me back in front of him. "You haven't partied yet."

"You're point?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"The rule is, 'You can't leave the party before you party'."

"Oh. Yeah?" I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. "And who exactly made up this 'rule' of yours? Hmm?"

"Well, seeing as this is Geoff's party, I'm guessing it was him. 'Sides, you always follow the rules."

"I see. It's not an actually rule, so I am in no way obliged to follow it." I flipped my hair before walking into the crowd of dancers in search of my ride home—Bridgette.

"Tut, tut, tut," Duncan grabbed onto my hand and pulled me out of the mass group of intoxicated teens. "This is one rule everyone follow, sweetheart. Look," he pointed over to a boy in a sweater-vest, "even Rectum Roamer is trashed."

I looked to where he was pointing and saw Noah talking and making hand gestures to Cody before puking and landing face-first in the other boy's lap.

"He's even gettin' some action," Duncan added, nudging my side with his elbow.

"Duncan, I am leaving. No 'if's' 'ands' or 'buts' about it. Now, move."

"No," he said sternly before pushing me against the wall. "You're going to have some fun. And some way or another, that pole is coming outta your ass."

I glared at him with as much hatred as I could. "Let go of me," I demanded through clenched teeth.

"Nah, I kinda like how close we are." He leaned his head forward and pressed his lips against mine. At first I tried to fight it, but eventually I gave in and kissed back with just as much force as he had been using, if not more.

We pulled apart after a few minutes, both panting slightly. "Now there's the Princess I know. You sure you don't wanna party?"

I quickly shoved my conscious out of my mind before it could sway my mood. I shoved Duncan into the crowd before pressing my lips against his again.

"Woo-Hoo!" I heard Geoff scream as Duncan and I pulled away. "Party's officially on, dudes!" And with that he drunkenly jumped off of the, now broken, coffee table and into the crowd.

All it took was that one kiss to light my fire. Duncan had that kind of control on me. And—oddly enough—tonight, I didn't really mind.

[I'm a mess when it comes to you]
I've got no inhibitions whatsoever]
It's true]
I'm not the kinda girl who runs around like this]
Caught up in a kiss]
Best friends with benefits]

"C'mon, Princess," Duncan urged. "Just one more shot! You know you want it!"

I smiled devilishly before picking up the small glass and downing the liquid. "Happy?" I asked, my voice rather slurred from the six shots I had just done.

"Not entirely," he said before closing the gap between our lips.

I let out a giggle after we pulled away before taking a swig of my punch—my intoxicated state had apparently swayed my decision to steer clear of the concoction. "We should go somewhere," I stated cheerily as the bar stool I was on began wobbling under me. "Where's Gwen? She should know of a place. She clubs with you a lot," I drunkenly pointed to Duncan, "right?"

"I guess," he said with a shrug. "I thought you hated her."

"Nah, I don't hate her. I just get jealous sometimes, that's all."

"You sure are open when you're drunk," Duncan pointed out before taking a sip of his beer.

"Whadda ya mean? I haven't told you a thing that I usually keep tucked away," a hiccup escaped my lips. "Wait, have I?"

"Yo, dudes. It's like, four in the morning," Geoff said as he stumbled over to us. "Everyone's," he hiccupped, "gone. You dudes and dudettes should head home to. I don't need my parents to come home to a bunch of people. It really pisses them off."

"I am so wasted," Trent mumble as he fell over onto my lap.

"Trent," Lindsay whined, pulling him up, "stop lying on Courtney!"

"Whoa," Trent snapped out of his daze. "You got our names right."

"Geoff, can we crash here tonight?" the blue-eyed blond asked, trying to hold Trent up.

"I guess if you need to. You must be pretty drunk," he paused and scratched his head. "Seeing as you're getting people's names right."

"Duncan, I don't wanna go home yet," I whined as Lindsay dragged Trent into the guest bedroom.

"I guess we could go party somewhere else for a while."

"Yes!" I screamed excitedly before grabbing the keys to his motorcycle and running towards the front door, my red heels forgotten beside the stool.

"Duncan!" I yelled as soon as he turned the key in the ignition.

"Yeah?" He put up the kickstand up before turning into the road.

"I think I love you!" I screamed over the engine.

[But you're so racy]
You're my favorite guy]
So unruly]
So uncivilized]
Cupid got me right between my eyes]
You know you got bit real bad]
Doin' things that you never did]

My eyes flickered open as I let out a groan. "Why is my car roof over me?" I thought aloud as I cocked my head to the side.

I sat up and looked around me, a small shriek escaped my lips when I realized something—my shirt, during some part of the previous night, had gone M.I.A.

"Ugh, I look like shit," I mumbled as I looked in my rearview mirror. My mascara had run and my eyeliner had smeared a bit, resulting in a fairly severe case of "Raccoon Eyes".

After wiping all of the makeup from my eyes I made a move to open the door. Just as I pulled the handle and heard it click, "Good Girls Go Bad" began blasting from underneath the passenger side. "My phone," I said before shoving my hand in between the console and the seat. I looked at my iPhone and thought for a moment, I didn't remember that being my ringtone.

[Ooh, Ooh]
You wake up in your bra & your makeup]
Ooh, Ooh]
Car in the driveway]
Parked sideways]

I shrugged before sliding my finger across the bottom of the touch screen, not bothering to look at the collar ID. "Hello?"

"Princess," I heard a familiar voice say, "you got my wallet?"

"Um, hold on," I took my hand off out the door handle and rummaged through my glove compartment. "I don't see it, Duncan."

"Damn it," I heard him say under his breath.

"Oh. Wait," I reached down to where my feet were. "I got it. It was under my gas pedal," I said, making it sound like more of a question than an answer.

"'Kay, I'll be over to pick it up," he paused for a moment. "You know, Princess, you're a hell of a lot more fun when you're drunk. Even when your tipsy you suddenly know how to have a good time."

"Really?" I asked, leaning against to back of my seat.

"Ch'yeah, we got that pole out of your ass and everything last time. You were even the one who had us take our party to the clubs. Granted, you passed out about ten minutes after we got there, but at least you tried to keep the party going."

I thought about it for a moment. Mom and Daddy will be gone until tomorrow night. And this is the last summer I have before Harvard. Mom did say I should live while I still can…



"Don't come over to get your wallet just yet," I said, a devilish smile playing across my lips.

"Why not?" he asked, completely oblivious to my expression.

"I want you to take me clubbing tonight."

I heard a choking sound come from the other line. "You serious?"

"Mmhmm. I wanna have fun again tonight. I'll give you your wallet if you promise to take me out."

"You got yourself a deal, Princess," he said, sounding rather proud of me. "But you also have to promise me something."


"You have to wear something like you did last night. You looked hotter than ever."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll wear whatever I want to."

A sigh filled the phone, "Fine."

"Oh. And Duncan, if you're the reason why I'm missing a shirt, you're dead."

I heard him take in a breath, but before he could say anything I ended the call.

I didn't know what had come over me, but somehow, Duncan had let out the inner me, who wanted to party, drink, and party some more. I just hoped once I let her out, she'd be able to be trapped back inside.

[Yeah, I know this is killin' me]
I'm leavin' every piece of my conscience behind]
Ooh, Ooh]
I'm such a hot mess]
I'm such a hot mess]
I'm such a hot mess]
With you]

"Duncan!" I yelled over the unbelievably loud music that was pounding into my ears.

"Yeah, Princess?" he yelled back, coming closer so he could hear me.

"You know how you asked me out, like, a billion times this year?!"

Duncan raised an eyebrow as he took a drink of his beer, not knowing where I was going.

I knocked the red cup out of his hands and grabbed a fistful of his shirt. I pulled him down, our faces only centimeters apart and said, "If the offer still stands, I'd be more than happy to be your girl. I love you, Duncan." I let go of his shirt and pushed him back to where he had been. I threw my hands up and screamed, "And I don't care who has a problem with it!"

I smiled brightly as he chuckled and grabbed onto my shoulders, "You are so wasted," he said before pressing his lips against mine.

"I know! I probably won't remember any of this in the morning," I said before grabbing onto his hand and dragging him towards the bar. "I want some tequila."

"Alright, alright, hold on." He began digging through his wallet.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"Chill, I'm working on it! I'm use to the Goody Two-Shoes who stands in the corner, not a demanding drunk."

[With you]
I never knew]
Lovin' you could be so fun]
It's true]
I was such a good good girl]
Before you came along]

Unfortunately, the one night of Inner Courtney—it had become such a personality change that it got its own name—had backfired. I ended up sneaking out almost every night the next few weeks, either partying at Geoff's or getting Duncan to take me to some clubs. Almost every time I even heard Duncan's voice or smelled alcohol of any kind, my desires went wild.

Oddly enough, everything was going fine. Until my mother had decided to clean out my car for me, that is.

After I had spotted her closing the door to my red Smart Fortwo, I found myself downstairs, two very unhappy faces glaring at me.

"What the hell is this?" my mother asked, angrily holing up a speeding ticket in my face.

"I already paid that fine," I said quietly, trying to help the situation—I didn't.

"That's not the point," she continued. "The point is that you got it a 3 AM last Tuesday!"

"Oh…" was all I managed to say.

"Exactly," my father jumped into the conversation. "You haven't been acting like yourself lately, Courtney. I think that Duncan boy is finally making an impression. Have you even filled out the paper work for your college courses yet? You'll be flying to Massachusetts in a month."

"I've started them," I answered weakly.

My father let out a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. "Courtney, you need to get back to your old self. You're going to ruin your future if you don't get your act together. I never thought I'd say this, but, you need to put your studies first."

"Alright," I said softly before getting up and walking towards the steps. I looked back at my parent as soon as I reached the railing, instantly regretting the mess I had become, all because of that damned Inner Courtney—she was becoming a real pain in the ass.

[I'm getting speeding tickets]
I'm acting just like a misfit]
I've got all my mail piled up to the ceiling]
You're making me irresponsible]
'Cause I just wanna be with you]
Act rambunctious and see what I do]

About a week later I sat in my room, completely at a loss with what to do with the rest if my summer—I still had three weeks left. I had stopped partying and called it quits with alcohol. I filled out all my paperwork and then some. I even squished in some volunteering to keep my mind off of my desires.

But, even after all those weeks of constant partying, there was still a bit of Inner Courtney begging to be let out.

I slammed my head onto my desk. "What the hell do I do now?"

"Courtney," I heard my mother say as the sound of her footsteps filled my room.

I lifted my head and met my iPhone, which was about a millimeter away from my nose. "Call Duncan."

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Why?"

"I knew you were sneaking out, but I also knew that you had to get out everything before you were an adult. I thought it had all been released, but now I see that it hasn't. So, go out and let the rest of it out."

"Mom?" I asked, not sure if it was really my mother that was standing in front of me.

"Sweetie, I used to party when I was young, and your father didn't. So I understand why you are two different personalities in that mind of yours. You never let the one you got from me out 'til a little while ago. You've done all you paperwork and more volunteer work than any other teenager in Canada. Go be a teenager while you still can."

"You really want me to?"

"Mmhmm. Go be the lovesick party girl I know you want to be, I won't tell your father."

"I love you, Mom!" I exclaimed before hugging her.

After I released her from the hug she gave me my iPhone.

"Now, Courtney, stay away from the police, got it?"

"Got it," I said with a smile as I began scrolling through my contacts.

[Go hard]
Hit the gas]
Live your life like it's all you had]
Push push harder]
Make it last]
All this love is worth the mess]
Hot mess]

"Courtney!" Geoff yelled as he ran up to me. "Where you been, brah?"

"Being responsible," I said, still perfectly sober.

"Why you wasting your time doing that? We only got three more weeks before our partying days are over."

"You say that like you won't be at every frat party," I said, shaking my head and smiling.

"Good point, brah." He slung an arm over my shoulders. "But I know you won't party once you hit that US border.'

"Touché," I said. "I better go get to partying then."

"You do that, dudette," he said before sauntering off and cheering on Owen, who was currently chugging God only knows what, he had said the Izzy had made it special to enhance his burping skills.

"So, Ogre," I said, coming up behind Duncan.

"So, Princess," he copied.

I rolled my eyes before hugging him from the back. "I want some tequila," was all I said before releasing him.

Duncan let out a chuckle. "At least it's free here. You can be a hot mess all you want as long as your alcohol consumption doesn't break my bank."

"I'm not a hot mess!" I objected as I followed as he walked towards the bar.

He turned around and grabbed my hand, "Not yet. Gotta wait 'til the tequila kicks in."

I rolled my eyes again, "You haven't said you loved me yet. Why not?" I asked, wanting to know before I became intoxicated.

He looked me in the eyes. "I love you, Princess. Happy?"

I smiled happily. "More than ever. Now let's go make the night disappear from out memory!"

Duncan let out a real laugh—not a chuckle—before getting DJ to pull out the shot glasses.

[Ooh, Ooh]
I'm such a hot mess]
I'm such a hot mess]
I'm such a hot mess]
With you]

A/N: Like it.? Hate it? Having a "Feh" moment.? Tell me in a Review.!

So, I enjoyed writing this one. I actually really like Ashley Tisdale's new album. I think 'tis much better than her last. A little edgier, I suppose you could say.

I just noticed how Courtney-Centric this thing is. I know how wierd that must sound to you, but I also didn't notice how little true DxC there was. Hahaa. Gomen if I dissapointed.

The next one will be very, very sad. I've been working on it for about a week now. 'Tis been really hard to write their break up scene. A lot harder than I thought it would be. So, if you got any ideas fill me in pretty please.

This is getting longg. So I'll end it.

Thankie-suuu for Reading.!

Muchh Lovee*.*MaidMikuruChan

(P.S. Like my new Outro.? Hahaa.)