This story is an alternative reality story. It features the characters of TDI as teenagers living in New York City in the 1990's. This series of stories that takes place in my favorite decade ever starts in 1991...the year Nirvana released "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and alternative rock took control of the radio, TDI doesn't exist and goes.

Friday Afternoon. The two sweetest words that Geoff could think of. No school for two and a quarter days, meaning free time to hang out and do something. As he got out of math class and begun to walk down the halls of Midtown High, Geoff begun to think of what could he and his friends do that night. He and his five biggest friends around had agreed to hang out together that night. Duncan's parents had left town for the weekend and thus his family's apartment The Village was open for hanging out.

As he approached his locker, he saw her. Bridgette. Bridgette and Geoff had been friends since kindergarden, they had always been great friends, just that. But hell, Geoff had wanted more than that for two years now, since he turned fourteen...but at the sake of not ruining a perfectly good friendship, Geoff didn't act on his feelings.

He approached her.

"Hey Bridge." Geoff said.

"Hi Geoff." Bridgette replied and hugged her friend. "So, what are we gonna do tonight?"

"Duncan's parents are out of town, so we we're gonna hang out at his place...maybe rent a movie." Geoff replied.

"Sounds good." Bridgette answered. "I'll talk to you later...I gotta go catch up with Courtney."

With that, Bridgette ran off with her books in her bag. Geoff sighed and walked off until he met up with Duncan and DJ.

"Hey guys...what's up?" Geoff said.

Both his friends waved at him.

"So Duncan, your apartment's ready for tonight?" Geoff asked.

"Yeah...the old man and old lady are probably already gone by now." Duncan said.

"So guys, we gonna rent a movie for this thing?" DJ asked.

"I think that's the plan." Geoff said. "What do we get?"

"I say something bloody...maybe a slasher flick." Duncan suggested.

"Don't think the girls would like it." DJ said.

"And I care about that because?" Duncan replied sarcastically. "If we listen to the chicks they'll pick some dumb and predictable chick flick."

"Maybe we could pick something action-y." Geoff said.

"Fine...but it better be good." Duncan sighed.

"We'll pick it once we're there." Geoff said. "Let's get going."

Duncan parked is 1977 Dodge Challenger across the street from "Fester's", a video rental place and record store. The trio got out of the car and walked across Grove street to the corner of Grove and Bedford where Fester's was located. The crew went for the door and entered.

Upon entry, the store's manager, who was sitting behind the counter looked up from his book to stare at them.

"Oh, it's you guys...come to pick bad movies again?" Noah commented sarcastically from behind the counter.

Since the crew went to school with Noah and always rented movies from him, they were used to dealing with his sarcastic ways and ironically enough...due to Noah's big time friendship with one of the crew's closest friends, Owen, Noah was a sort of de facto friend for the three guys.

"Shut it, geek." Duncan barked back.

"Take it easy, killer." Noah shot back, even more sarcastically. "You're scaring me to death."

"Shut up man." Duncan threatened.

"Whatever...what lame-ass movie are you gonna pick this nice little Friday afternoon?" Noah asked.

"Die Hard." Geoff said.

"Well...first time ever you pick a non-half-assed movie...Oh my god! It's the apocalypse!" Noah yelled in yet another sarcastic joke.

The guys just ignored him and went for the actions section.

It was then that Owen entered the store.

"Hey Noah...wassup!" Owen yelled.

"Cool it, Owen." Noah told Owen.

"So well, it's that time again." Owen said.

"Yeah...Four months just go by flying." Noah commented. "Weedo is coming in tonight at eight for the 'giggle grass' party."

"Awesome." Owen said. "Anybody else coming?"

"This time it's us, Weedo and that strange kid Ezekiel." Noah said.


It was already eight o'clock and the guys were already at Duncan's apartment, which was in an apartment complex which was a building in the same block as "Fester's"; the Die Hard tape was already in the VHS and the popcorn was ready to be eaten.

"Hey dude, when are the chicks getting here?" Duncan asked, getting impatient.

"Relax, man. They'll be ehre any minute." Geoff re-assured.

"You sure you told them to come at eight?" DJ asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." Geoff asked.

The bell rang.

"That's gotta be them." Geoff said.

Duncan sighed and then got up to head towards the door. When he opened it, he saw not the girls, but a tall, balck and mean looking figure in front of him. Duncan smirked.

"Hello, Mr. Hatchet. Howyadoing?" Duncan asked, annoyed.

"Don't get cocky with me, Punk!" Hatchet yelled. "My sources tell em that you and yo little maggot friends are hsoting some sorta party up here...and since I'm in the apartment downstairs if I hear too much noise, I'll come up here with a shotgun and start hear me, maggot?"

"Loud and clear, sir." An annoyed Duncan replied.

"Goodbye, punk!" Hatchet screamed and stormed off.

Duncan slammed the door and walked back towards the couch.

"His sources...his sources are spying on me every damn day." Duncan muttered to himself.

"Who was that?" Geoff asked.

"Mr. Hatchet, my dumbassed downstairs neighbour...he always complains that we make too much noise." Duncan explained.

The bell rang again. Duncan walked over and opened it.

"Alright Hatchet, we're not gonna make any noise, OK!" He yelled out.

"Duncan, did you lose what little part of your brain you had left?" Courtney asked sarcastically when Duncan finished.

"Oh, hey Princess...I thought it was my annoying downstairs neighbour." Duncan said.

"You mean the tallblack guy who was mumbling to himself about strangling you while walking down the stairs?" Courtney asked, rhetorically.

"Yeah that's the one." Duncan answered.

Courtney rolled her eyes and walked in, followed by Bridgette and Gwen.

"So, what did you guys rent?" Bridgette asked.

"Die Hard." DJ replied.

"Great, a nonesensical and violent 'macho' film." Courtney said.

"Oh, let loose princess, it's a cool movie." Duncan said. "Hey maybe I can hold you so you don't get freaked out by all the violence and blood."

Duncan flashed his cocky smirk and Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Keep dreaming, Duncan." Courtney stated.

For further record...none of teh friends are dating each other...not now at least. Geoff sat on a single couch, with DJ sitting on another onbe right next to his. Courtney and Bridgette sat on a large couch, with Duncan sitting next to Courtney and finally Gwen sat on a single sofa across from DJ's.

"Well, let's get this movie going." DJ said and hit play on the VCR.

Downstairs, two buildings to the right, the "giggle grass party" was already on the way.

Noah, Owen; Noah's buddy, Weedo and Ezekiel sat in Fester's. The place was locked up and the store's metal drapes were down, taking the ability from people outside to look in. All four dudes were laughing pointlessly. For those who didn't catch the hints...they were stoned and higher than the Empire State building.

For those unaware of the "420" tradition...many stoners go to weed parties once every four months and twenty days in order to get the weed out of their systems between smoking and thus making the weed even more psychodelic and enjoyable.

"You know what, dudes." Noah said. "Those stupid guys from school, Duncan, Geoff and DJ came around the store today...they have such a bad taste for movies...I know I'm supposed to keep people's rentals confidential but...that guy Duncan is such a poser, he's rented "Bambi" over eight times...I'm sure he cries when he watches that movie...what a-cough-what a wimp."

"'re so right,man." Weedo said.

"Do you even know what I'm talking about, man?" Noah asked.

Weedo thought for a second.


"No, I'm talking about...what was I talking about?" Noah forgot.

"I think something about deers and wimps." Owen said.

" know what we should do...we should, like, get stoned, dudes." Weedo suggested.

"We're already stoned, eh." Ezekiel said.

"I think I would know if I were stoned." Weedo said.

"You are're like, really high. You're stoned 90% of your life, you're a fucking stoner, man." Owen said.

"I'm not a stoner...I might be a lot of things: A maniac, a weed dealer, a stoner and a communist...but I'm not a porn star!" Weedo exclaimed.

"Yes you are...we have one of your videos in the adult section of the store." Noah said.

"Really? I don't remember making a porn film, must've been high when I did it." Weedo commented.

"Dude, you're a're high when you do everything." Owen said.

"I'm not a stoner...Oh wait, yeah I am."

Bac upstairs...the movie was already going. They were at the part of the movie where Hans Gruber and his crew of german and russian mercenaries take control of Nakatomi Plaza and begin to tunnel into the building's vault to obtain $64.000.000 worth of bearer's bonds, while at the same time, the police officer John McClane (portrayed by Bruce Willis) is having a gun battle with one member of the mercenary crew, Franz.

The six friends were wathching on the edge of their seats, waiting for what would come next. As McClane shot Franz in the head and then relaxed, the six friends wer relieved of some tension. Then, suddenly, another assassin showed up and fired, missing McClane. When the assassin showed up from nowhere, the six friends leaped a centimeter into the air. When the assassin fired, Courtney instinctively leaped into Duncan's arms. At first, Duncan was surprised, but in a second, his cocky smirk appeared and he smiled smugly.

"Well, Princess, getting a little comfortable, are we?" Duncan said, cockily, the biggest grin plastered on his face.

Courtney realized what she was doing and snapped back to reality. She pulled herself off of him.

"Ew...Let go Duncan!" She yelped.

"Hey, you were the one who threw herself into my arms." Duncan said, even cockier.

"Yeah, but...well...whatever! Shut up!" Courtney said disgusted.

The other six friends shushed them and they continued to watch the movie.

"We're jammin'

I wanna jam it wit you!

We're jammin', we're jammin'

And I hope you like jammin' too!

Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow...

Ini will see you through.

Cos everyday we pay the price wit a little sacrifice

Jammin' till the jam is through!

We're jammin'

To tink that jammin' was a ting of the past

We're jammin'

And I hope this jam is gona last!"

The stoned crew in the video place were singing to Bob Marley's song "Jammin'", the ultimate song about getting high.

"Hey guys...what do you think this song is about?" Noah asked.

"I don't know...maybe I can ask Bob Marley...he's in my head." Weedo replied.

"You're hallucinating, you always hear Bob marley talking to you when you get high...remember that time 'Bob marley' told you to set that wrecked car on fire?" Noah said.

Weedo grabbed a video box and tossed it at Noah's head.

"Why'd you do that!?" Noah yelled.

"Bob marley told me to." Weedo said.

"Well, Jimi Hendrix told me to do this." Noah said, the grabbed a lead pipe from behind the counter and hit Weedo over the head with it.

Weedo collapsed on the floor, out cold.

"Dude, look, you knocked him out!" Owen said.

"I think he's seriously hurt, eh." Ezekiel said.

The three guys looked at each other worried.

"Wanna hang him by his underwear from a lamp post outside." Owen suggested.

"Totally!" Noah and Ezekiel yelled.

The three stoners lifted the knocked out guy and begun to carry him outside the store.

The movie was over, with a happy ending where the villain, Hans Gruber, got shoved off a thirty story building and fell to his death and the ehro McClane gets back together with his wife, with whom he ahd marital troubles. After the end of the movie, everyone enjoyed it, even Courtney, who found solace in the romantic scene at the end of the film.

"Well guys, how was the movie?" Geoff asked.

"It was alright I guess." Courtney said.

"I think you really liked it, Princess especially since it gave you an excuse to jump into my arms." Duncan said.

"Alright, cut it out Duncan, I'm never gonna go out with you!" Courtney yelled.

"Oh,I'm not so sure about that..." Duncan said and smiled.


"Alright, chill out guys." Geoff said.

Courtney scowled and Duncan smirked.

"Alright, girls...we gotta get going." Gwen said.

"Yeah us too." DJ said.

"Fine...bye guys." Duncan said.

"Bye." They all said and left.

Onc they ahd gotten to the lobby, Geoff spoke to Bridgette.

"Hey Bridge...want me to give you a ride back home?" Geoff asked.

"Sure." Bridgette said.

Geoff and Bridgette walked outside and waved DJ, Courtney and Gwen goodbye, who all went their separate ways. As Geoff and Bridgette turned the corner to get to Geoff's car, they saw three guys jumping around a lamp post where a fourth guy was being hung from his underwear.

"Guys what the hell?" Geoff asked.

"Hey dudes, look at what we did to this guy!" Owen yelled.

"I'm like, floating, man!" Weedo yelled hanging from the lamp post by his underwear. "Woah, floating really hurts my butt-crack."

"Are you guys high or waht?" Bridgette asked.

" did you know?" Noah asked.

"You ARE high!?" Bridgette yelled.

"No, we're low." Noah replied sarcastically.

"Don't you guys know the consequences of getting high?" Bridgette asked.

"Hey, I've been getting high for one year now and I'm still smarter than you's dangerous to smoke weed constantly...we do it every four months and twenty days!" Noah said.

"Whatever." Geoff and Bridgette said and walked off.

Twenty miuntes later. 11 PM.

Geoff and Bridgette got out of Geoff's car in front of Bridgette's apartment building. Geoff walked Bridgette over to the entrance of the apartment complex.

"So, did you have fun tonight?" Geoff asked.

"Yeah it was really cool." Bridgette said.

"Yeah...well, see ya tomorrow." Geoff said.

"See ya." Bridgette replied.

Bridgette went into the apartment place while Geoff turned around to walk to his car.


Geoff turned around upon hearing Bridgette all his name.

Bridgette sprinted over to Geoff and leaped at him. She put her hands to each of his cheeks and brought him forward to herself. She pressed her lips against his and pulled him into a deep kiss. After five seconds, she pulled herself off and without a word she sprinted back into the building. Geoff smiled to himself and then got into his car and drove back to his place.