Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own FMA. But if I did, ohohoho! The things I a girl like me would do!

Chapter 1: A Jealous Girl

No matter what people say or do, I wont leave you. I wasn't stupid enough to believe that. I always had to keep a close watch on him now, we had Lysander to think about and a new addition coming soon. Since he worked in the military all the way at Central and I have an automail shop to run here, it would be hard to see if he was doing what I hoped he wasn't. Good thing Sheska's there to watch him.

"Mama?" Lysander said, the four year old was struggling to hold a piece of pie, "Eat first. Baby will get hungry."

I laughed at him, I was fixing an automail that I had to make for a patient of mine. Ed always told me to keep calm and work less, even while I had Sander. I took a bite then fed him some. After that he ran off to play with his cousin, Trisha, Al's daughter.

I looked at him from outside the window, it made me smile.

The phone beside me rang. "Hello? Rockbell Automails, may I help you?"

"Winry!" It was Sheska's voice, "There's a new girl around, and she's amazingly pretty! Any guy would fall for her! Ed's been eyeing her for some time now…"

"What?! Ed's… You mean my Ed? Has been eyeing this bitch?!" I rubbed my belly to apologize to my baby for using such language in front of her, or him.

"Her name is Mirabella. She seems nice, although Lieutenant Hawkeye doesn't like her either. She pointed a gun at her a while ago saying 'Stay away from Roy.' It scared me." I was scared too, if Miss Hawkeye saw her as a threat, then how much for me?

"Thanks for letting me know, Sheska. I'll be going there, so please wait for me." I put the phone down and went to Al's, who lived in a newly built house in the spot where their burnt house used to sit. Trisha answered the door.

"Hello Auntie!" she greeted me, Lysander was beside her, "Did you come to get Lysander?" I shook my head, they were happy at this. "Actually, I came to see your dad, Trish. Where is he?"

"Daddy was reading us something. He's in the living room." she grabbed the bag I was holding and tugged me there, sure enough, Al was there, holding a book.

"Hey Winry!" he said, stroking his three cats, "What's up?"

I sat down and said, "Would you mind having Sander sleepover?" The two giggled and laughed behind us.

"Sure, but why?" Trisha sat beside him telling him to say yes.

"I have to go to Central right now, it's kinda important."

"Chasing after Edward?" he laughed at me.

"Okay, Al. Yes. I am. But only because there's a really hot girl named Mirabella there, and Ed seems to…like…her."

"Winry, you two are married, and you know Ed, he never turns back on his word."

"But he's still twenty-seven for crying out loud! I mean, he'd miss being single." I rubbed my belly and apologized to him or her again for shouting.

"Winry, he loves you, doesn't he? That would be enough for you, I'm sure. You shouldn't let this stupid little Mirabella put you dow- OUCH!" Trisha had just pulled his hair hard, and asked him to say yes again. "Trisha, dear, I already said yes." the two jumped up and down happily and ran upstairs to Trisha's room.

"Lysander should be just fine with you."

"Winry, but even if Ed does like her, what are you gonna do?"

"That's what a good hammer and wrench is for."

He laughed.

We got to the train station, after I called all my patients and Sheska, so I had someone to pick me up. I carried a whole bag, just needed some last minute checks. Clothes, check. Den's stuff, check. Food, check. Hammer and wrench, triple check. I was ready.

"Okay Al, here's Sander's clothes, his pajamas, his stuffed animal, which you should always refer to as Slinky or he'll cry, and all of Ed's phone numbers." I handed him a big bag of Sander's stuff.

"Winry, are you sure you'll be okay? I mean, you're eight months pregnant, and you have to undergo the stress of having to travel for three hours. If you want, I can come with you, I'll bring Trisha and Lysander with me…"

"Al, it's not necessary, the doctor said that the baby isn't due until another three weeks, and besides, Den's with me. I'll be fine." I went out, Lysander ran to me to give me a last minute hug and went back to Trisha. I waved good bye to him. Al still had that worried expression on his face. I laughed.

I boarded the train, not a worry in my head, Den was with me. Only thing in my mind was how that bitch, Mirabella would look like.

Wowee. That was tough! I should have just made a one shot since this is just my first fanfic, even so, I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you liked it. Please leave a comment, constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated but please don't flame me. My laptop might burst in to flames, and that wouldn't be too good. Thanks for reading or showing interest or for even accidently clicking on it for that matter. If all goes well, I'll update.