My Kitten's Having a Kitten!

Disclaimer: I don't own Phoenix Wright, but I do own the baby and Mia and Diego's client.

Author's Note: Hello all! Welcome to my very first multiple chapter fanfic! You could look at this story as a prequel to my oneshot Baby Kitten. But even though there are some similarities, I really tried to make this fic its own story separate from Baby Kitten. Soooo keep that in mind if you've read the other story.

This fic is 4 chapters long and all of the chapters HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. However, I want to edit them a bit more, so the chapters will be posted one/two at a time. The whole story will be up fairly soon though.

Hope you enjoy! ^_^

Mia and Diego walked slowly down the courthouse corridor. Mia had her hand placed on her very pregnant belly and Diego had his arm wrapped around his wife's waist. He constantly glanced down at Mia's stomach and furrowed his brow in concern.

"Kitten, I'll ask you one more time," Diego asked softly, worried expression not leaving his face. "Are you sure you want to do this? Your due date's very close and the doctor recommended that you stay off your feet."

Mia laughed lightly as she turned to her husband. "I'm fine, Diego. I go on maternity leave tomorrow, remember? I think I'm allowed one last hurrah before my three month 'vacation.' Besides, our client needs us. Mr. Hoff is innocent and we're the only ones who can prove it." Determination was evident in Mia's voice as she said the last sentence. Even while pregnant, Mia still had a very strong sense of justice and desire to help her clients.

"That's very true, Kitten, but what was it you just said? 'we're the only ones who have the evidence to prove it.' I can defend Mr. Hoff on my own while you rest, no problem."

Mia smiled lovingly at Diego. Ever since Mia had told Diego that she was pregnant, he had become very protective of her. She was very touched by how doting he had become over these last nine months.

"Diego, please don't worry about me," Mia reassured, giving Diego's hand a little squeeze. "I feel fine, really. I'm perfectly capable of doing this."

Diego tried to smile at Mia, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He knew Mia very well. He knew how strong she was; after all, that was one of the many reasons why he fell in love with her. But still…

"I know, Kitten, but I can't help but be worried about you. You and the baby are the most important things in my life right now." He said as he gently rubbed Mia's stomach. "If anything happened to either of you, I-"

Mia smiled sweetly once again and interrupted him with a kiss on the lips. "I'm so lucky to have you, Diego. And our baby is so lucky to have a father like you. Seriously, everything will be okay. I promise." Mia gave Diego a small hug for good measure and he finally smiled. Mia did have excellent judgment, which he knew all too well. Though he was still quite apprehensive about her being in court, he wanted to be supportive. So he calmed himself down and allowed himself to relax a little.

"Mia?! Mia, is that really you!?" a familiar voice called from down the corridor. Mia turned her attention away from Diego and looked at the figure now approaching her. Her face lit up when she saw who it was.

"Lana! It's been too long!" Mia said excitedly as Lana wrapped her in a big hug.

"Oh my gosh, look at you!" Lana said excitedly, breaking away from Mia and looking down at her large belly. "I heard you were pregnant, but I had no idea you were this far along! When are you due?"

Mia laughed again. Lana, who was usually very serious and soft-spoken, was showing more emotion than Mia had ever seen her friend display. But at the same time, Mia wasn't all that surprised; over the last nine months, she learned that babies and pregnant bellies had very interesting effects on people.

"The doctor said I should expect the baby in about two weeks." Mia answered as Lana knelt down and stroked Mia's belly.

"Wow, you're nearly there then! Hi there, baby," Lana cooed in a baby-talk voice as she continued to rub Mia's stomach (which was another thing Mia had gotten used to; everyone rubs your belly when you're pregnant.) "Do you know if it's going to be a boy or a girl?"

"We're having a little girl." Diego answered, grinning with pride as he looked at Mia's stomach again.

"Aww, how sweet!" Lana said as she pulled herself up off of the floor and looked at the happy couple. "What are you going to name her?"

"We're not sure yet. We've done some research, and we're deciding between two names right now," Mia replied. "We really like Madison. But we're also thinking of Gabriella."

Lana smiled widely at Mia and Diego. "Well they're both beautiful names-"

"Detective Skye! You're needed in the courtroom!" One of the bailiffs called. Lana turned back to Mia and Diego and smiled apologetically.

"Ahh, I'd love to stay and chat, but my trial's starting. Oh, it was so nice to see you," she gave Mia another quick hug before heading off. "Good luck to both of you, and congratulations! Let me know when you have the baby!"

"Bye Lana, and thank you!" Mia called out. She turned to look at the clock that hung above one of the doorways. "Ack, it's almost time for our trial too! Come on, let's find Mr. Hoff."

The couple continued their trek down the hallway until they arrived at courtroom lobby #4. They were greeted by a man who appeared to be in his early 30s. He was skinny and had long scraggly brown hair.

"Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Fey-Armando, thank god!" the man said, wiping sweat off his brow. "I couldn't find either of you! I thought I would be going in without a proper defense!"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Hoff, we got a little sidetracked," Mia apologized.

"But there's no need to be concerned," Diego continued, flashing a confident grin. "We're here now and this is a very clear cut trial. A simple accusation of robbery, and we have hard evidence that will undoubtedly prove your innocence. We've got it all taken care of."

"Well that's a relief," said Mr. Hoff, letting out a huge sigh. "I knew I'd be in good hands when I asked you two to be my attorneys-"

"Mr. and Mrs. Fey-Armando! The trial's starting! You're all needed in the courtroom immediately!" The bailiff in front of their courtroom called out.

Diego glanced at Mia and grinned once again. "Well, Kitten? Are you ready for your last trial?"

"You make it sound as if I'll never be in a courtroom again," Mia answered with a smile. "But yes, I'm ready. I'm glad my 'last' trial will be a successful one."

"Ha!... Confidence. That's what I like to hear," Diego placed his arm around Mia's waist again. "All right, Kitten, we're not gonna see your sharp claws again for awhile, so make sure they're out for everyone to see. Let's go." And with that, the parents-to-be strode into the courtroom, positive that this trial was going to be a walk in the park.

End Note: Nothing too exciting yet, but things will pick up in the next chapter, I promise! Thanks for reading!