Disclaimer! All songs belong to their respectful owners, and fruits basket does not belong to me TwT. Oh and all the songs in chapters 1-4 are from Rini/kowareteiru's point of view, but this chapter is from both Momiji and Rini's point of view. This is THE LAST CHAPTER. ^w^ *O*


By: atsuko sohma

Chapter 5: worlds apart by the veronicas

I'm gonna hold you for the last time

I'm gonna cry, but afraid not to let it show

This is the hardest way to say goodbye

'Cause as you walk away I'm feeling so alone

The brunette turned

"Oh hello… err,"

"Momiji" he said staring at her stunned. 'She hates me enough to forget me?'

I don't understand

You had to leave and I'm not part of your plan

We both agreed, but now I regret

There were so many things I should have said

"Oh, okay… Momiji" she smiled at him. 'Her eyes…' her eyes, once a vivid emerald green… now a pale dark blue

"Excuse me" said a man, around the same height -a little bit taller- and blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Kowareteiru, are you ready to go?"

"Yup! Let's go daisuke!"

But now I've let you go

I'm holding back the tears

I'm here alone

Forgetting all the years

And now there's nothing I can do to bring you back to me, oh

She turned around and hugged Momiji

"G'bye Miji-kun, it was nice to have met you!" she smiled and went off with her husband. When she was out of sight tears slipped past Momiji's eyes.

So we live our different lives

It's so hard, and there's no

More you and I

But we're worlds apart

He fell to his knees. 'You kept your feelings hidden, and then I tell you mine. You left me. I tell you my feelings, and you don't return them. Why do you do this to me?!'

-With Rini-

A tear slipped past her eyes

"What's wrong koware?" she turned to face daisuke

"Oh… I feel like I've lost something"

"Oh! We can go back and look for it!... if you want?"

"No, no. I don't think I can regain it"

-6 years later-

Sometimes it's hard to get to sleep at night

Sometimes I think about the way it could have been

I see you every time I close my eyes

I try to shut you out

Instead I let you in

It had been 6 years since his best friend had gotten her memories erased of him and anything having to do with the sohma's. Now Momiji was 26. He had still not gotten over her.

I can't pretend

I wanted it to end

For you and me

But now I've let you go

I'm holding back the tears

I'm here alone

Forgetting all the years

And now there's nothing I can do to bring you back to me, oh

He still thought about her every day. He really had fallen for her, but it was much too late for him.

So we live our different lives

It's so hard and there's no more

You and I

And I'm missing you tonight

But we're worlds apart

He was taking a break from the office at the park. He sat down on a bench and closed his eyes.

What I'd give for one more day

Just to say the things I need to say

If only

Time was not erased

"Play nice with your sister!" a female voice said. Apparently she sat down on the opposite side of the bench, accidentally placing a hand on his. She gasped, and he felt a shock surge through him.

As you walked away

I knew

I couldn't explain to you

And I can't pretend

I wanted this to end

For you and me

He turned to face a brunette with deep blue eyes and a heart shaped face

"Rini!" he said shocked. She turned slightly to meet his gaze, never removing her had from his

"Momiji" she said calmly

But now I've let you go

I'm holding back the tears

I'm here alone

Forgetting all the years

And now there's nothing I can do

To bring you back to me, oh

"Rini please let me talk to you"


"But I love you"

"You have no idea what you put me through! You hurt me badly Miji...And even worse I hated myself for still loving you"

So we live our different lives

It's so hard

And there's no more

You and I

"Do you still love me?" he asked


"Then we can be together! I love you and you-"

And I'm missing you tonight

But we're worlds apart

"Are married and have the 2 most wonderful children in the world" just then a small blonde child with big brown eyes and a little girl with brown hair and green eyes came up to them

We're worlds apart

"Mommy!" they both screamed

"Miji" she said to the ex-rabbit

"I was still glad to have remembered you even for a moment" and then she turned to the children

"Rini, Momiji, say hello to my cousin" they waved at him

"Subconsciously named" she muttered before she got up. They lost physical contact and her eyes got that far away look again… she was gone again. The blonde man reached out for her hand as she was leaving. She was a little too far away now.

"You're right. We are worlds apart. I hate that I love you so much. And it is too late to apologize. But still please don't leave me. You belong with me" he said quietly