Title: A Summer Night Turns Right

Category: Beyblade

Summary: Miguel thinks that he's alone when it comes to other people. He's not as social as everyone thinks and has to leave for some air during a get-together with the rest of his fellow beybladers. He never expected to run into a violet-eyed, dual haired enigma that may have more in common with the Spaniard than people think.

Pairings: Miguel/Kai; mentions of Bryan/Tala

Warnings: Shounen-ai; language

Disclaimer: Don't own.


Chapter One

A Walk Turns to a Talk and Laughter


It was a late autumn breeze that blew over the land, dancing in tune with the brightly colored leaves as they fell from their homes. The mountains looked like a picture from a book or movie, and the temperature felt equally as perfect. Laughter rang among the hills and streets of a small suburb outside Beycity, Japan. In the backyard of the Granger dojo, beybladers and friends alike shared tales, jokes, and conversations with each other. Barbeque ribs, hamburgers, hotdogs, among other aromas filled the air from Grandpa Granger's grill and various people's paper plates. Everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Well, almost everyone.

Miguel Lavalier, captain of the beyblading team Barthez Battalion, stood aside from the big group, watching everyone with nervous blue eyes. One would think that the handsome, blonde haired, blue eyed, nineteen-year-old would be associating with his fellow beybladers, but no. In actuality, the Spaniard wasn't very fond of crowds, or parties for that matter, but because Tyson personally invited him and his team and because Claude and the other two wouldn't go without him, he had no choice but to be there.

He sighed, sea orbs shifting from person to person. He loved to watch people. One could learn many things about a person that way. Like the way Hillary would stand so close to Kenney, one foot pointed towards the strategist, body turned to him, told others who watched that she really liked him and wanted his attention more than others, but the way her eyes avoided his unless directly speaking gave away that she didn't want others to know about her crush.

Take Tyson for example, too. The three time world champion had favorite friends as well, but he would never let someone go without talking to them. To people, it would seem all he wanted was to be liked and to make sure that he showed he liked everyone back.

That is what happens when people watch, noticing too much.

But, as Miguel looked around at the different faces, he couldn't find one certain one. There were four Russians supposed to be at the party, but he only saw three. Tala and Bryan were over at the grill, speaking with Grandpa and helping with the food, and Spencer was over in his own little corner trying so desperately to ignore Robert's boring speech and Gary's insistent nagging that he was hungry.

He seemed to be doing rather well, too.

There was one Russian missing, though. For the life of him, Miguel just could not spot Kai.

Kai Hiwatari, the biggest badass beyblader in the entire game - a well-defended title - was nowhere to be seen. 'He must have ditched the party earlier,' the Spaniard thought. 'Something I should have done a long time ago.'

Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he slipped out of the backyard and onto the adjoining street, going completely unnoticed. Sighing with relief, he started out down the road, letting his feet carry him.

It wasn't often he got time to himself. What, with going to court because of Barthez's abusive ways, and training his team as well as himself, he rarely got time alone. That was an opportunity that he relished in.

He walked a little ways before going off the road to a beaten path through a park. The path, if followed for a while, would take a body to the cliff ledge where they could see the ocean from a private viewpoint. It was a nice place to just think.

He blinked as he entered the clearing. Leaning against the railing overlooking the sea was none other than Kai Hiwatari himself. The once-phoenix wielder was staring out at the bright sky, violet eyes seeming to sparkle in the light. If one looked closely, crimson and silver flecks could be seen shining against the violet iris. He was wearing a red sleeveless turtleneck and a pair of black pants that went along with his ever-stylish shoes. Black fingerless gloves adorned his hands as he folded his arms, leaning heavier on the metal railing. As he turned his head to the side ever so slightly, Miguel could make out the black ear stud in his left lobe.

'Wow,' the Spaniard flushed, realizing that he was staring at the priceless beauty that was Kai, 'I've got it bad.'

For weeks, actually two months now, Miguel had been crushing on the Russian. Ever since their battle against one another and then Kai's beybattle with Brooklyn, the blonde had rarely gone a day without thinking about the sexy, dual-haired blader. To say he was smitten would be an obvious observation.

Biting the inside of his cheek, he decided to swallow his fear and talk to the phoenix. Easier said than done, but he just couldn't go another day without talking to him.

"Kai?" he voiced out, surprised that he didn't squeak.

The Russian turned slightly, exotic eyes catching sight of the blonde haired Spaniard in his khaki pants and navy blue button-up shirt. What was Miguel doing there? Shouldn't he be at the party?

The gargoyle fidgeted under the intense gaze. "I'm sorry I disturbed your peace. I'll leave if that's what you want." 'I can't believe how idiotic I sound,' he complained to himself. 'I wouldn't blame him if he told me to fuck off.'

Kai just turned back to the view as he had been.

The Spaniard sighed. Well, it was worth a shot. He turned and started walking back the way he had come.

"No one is asking you to leave."

Miguel turned back at the voice. Kai didn't want him to go? The phoenix made no gesture towards him or even looked as if he had spoken, eyes still searching the horizon for some unknown answer to his silent question.

The blonde bit his lip as he made his way over to stand next to the enigma. Placing his bare hands on the cool metal, he turned his blue eyes to the equally blue ocean. It was almost two in the afternoon, and the view looked as inviting as ever.

"Why are you not at the party?" Kai asked out of the blue.

Miguel shrugged. "To be perfectly honest, parties aren't really my thing, and there's just too much tension really. Tyson invited Garland and Brooklyn over, so Tala and Bryan are avoiding them, and the Majestics still haven't really forgiven my team and I for what happened in the World Championships. So, there's tension there on our part. Raul came down with a bad head cold, and Julia was dragged to the party by Emily. There's a lot more, but I don't think you really care enough to hear about that," he chuckled at the last bit.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kai's lips move in a small smirk. "Not really."

"Didn't think so."

They stayed silent for a while before Miguel broke the ice. "So, how come you're not at the party?" he smiled, already knowing the answer.

Kai turned his head to look at the blonde, a full-blown smirk marking his face. "Hn."

"Great answer," Miguel teased. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

White teeth bared in a grin. "Which is why I was the one doing the answering."

The gargoyle laughed at that but couldn't think of a comeback. "Okay, you win that round," he said smiling, "but I want a rematch."

Kai turned back to the waters, still smiling. "Name the time and place, and we will see who wins what."

Miguel couldn't stop smiling as he watched the ocean waves lap against each other as a new breeze came along. Talking with Kai like this was way better than any party or get-together.

"Dolphins," Kai pointed out in what could be called a monotone, but if one paid enough attention to the details of his voice, they would pick out the wonder that had graced just the one word.

Miguel spotted the pod as they jumped and flipped in the water, having a good time. Watching them reminded him of a funny encounter that had happened the previous year, and he started chuckling. Kai turned to him, eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Sorry, the dolphins reminded me of when Claude and I went surfing last year." He glanced over towards the phoenix, noting the enthusiasm in the bright eyes. "Well, it was on a day like today, actually, and Claude and I decided to take a break from training to do a little surfing. We waded out, but unfortunately, there really weren't any waves that any surfer would deem good. So, we just decided to sit on our boards and enjoy the calm water.

"Heh, a pod of dolphins like that one out there came around, and a few swam up towards us. Most of them were older dolphins, but there were a few young ones. One of the younger, feisty ones decided that the rope connected to Claude's board and ankle strap was a toy." Miguel stopped for a minute to try and get himself under control. Remembering the event was making him giggle and laugh.

"That dolphin dragged poor Claude under and above water for more than a mile before letting go. Needless to say, he hasn't gone surfing since."

The gargoyle kept his laughter in as he watched Kai's face turn from its regular indifference to surprise to a smile and then laughter. He did it! He made Kai Hiwatari laugh, and boy was it an addicting laugh. The phoenix's eyes brightened significantly before he closed them, bending over, and laughing his head off.

To see Kai's face light up the way it did made Miguel forget what it was he had been talking about, or what was so funny. The sight before him took his breath away, and he wanted to see more of it! He wanted to see Kai smile and laugh all the time if he looked like that.

The phoenix took a minute to control himself, wiping an eye with the back of his hand to rid him of tears. It had been a long time since he had laughed so hard. It actually felt good. He'd forgotten how it felt to laugh and smile, but Miguel seemed to have brought those feelings back so easily. That confused the Russian as well as alarmed him. Why was Miguel able to do that so quickly? Why was it so comfortable in his presence to let down the barriers of ice he had so carefully created?

What could it possibly be?

All thoughts were gone from both boys as they heard a gasp from behind them. Turning around, they spotted a certain, short, red haired monkey boy standing there staring at them with wide green eyes and an open mouth.

To be frank, he was staring at Kai.

"Daichi, what are you doing?" Hillary asked as she and the other beybladers from the party came through the trees. She stopped, spotting Kai and Miguel. "Oh, hi, guys." She smiled.

Daichi, however, didn't seem to have heard her as he gaped there like a fish out of water.

Kai raised an eyebrow at the monkey boy's reaction. What was he going on about?

"Kai laughed," the red haired boy whispered.

"Huh?" came Tyson's intellectual response.

"Kai just laughed." The sentence was louder that time, gaining everyone's attention.

"Kai just laughed?" Michael asked, scratching his head through his baseball cap.

"Didn't know he could," Johnny retorted.

Miguel bit the inside of his cheek again. This time, his emotions were conflicting. Fear of what Kai was going to do because of the comment fought against the anger he felt at Johnny for making the comment.

Kai straightened his back, form tense from the head down, and glared the sharpest daggers at the salamander before walking off down another beaten path without so much as a word.

Miguel blinked. Shaking his head and sending the Scottish teen a murderous look of his own, he jogged to catch up with Kai's swift pace, praying that no one would follow them.

"Kai," he called as soon as he got the phoenix in his sight. "Kai, wait."

The Russian teen stopped but didn't turn back.

Miguel reached his side in less than a minute. "Look, forget what Johnny said," he started. "Hey, I have an idea, if you're willing to go with it."

Kai flicked his gaze to the blonde before staring back in front of him, face as cold as the arctic.

"How about we go get something to eat? There's a nice little café in town, and I'll pay for everything. Just you and me. What do you say?" he begged. He didn't want his time with Kai to end so soon, or on a bad note.

Kai didn't answer for a while, but he eventually relaxed his shoulders a tad and turned his body to where he was facing the gargoyle. All Miguel had to do was stare into the eyes of the phoenix to know his answer.

Looked like they were getting something to eat.


End Chapter One


Chapter Two Highlights

Miguel takes Kai to the new café. They exchange a few little pieces of information that will eventually lead them to a point in their lives they never in their wildest dreams would have thought up.


Yep, another Miguel/Kai fic. ^^

The story actually came to me the other night when I was lying in bed awake cause I couldn't sleep. I didn't nod off until 5:30 in the morning, but while I was tossing and turning, this story idea kept popping up. So, I ran over the scenes in my head, and decided to type it up for you all to read. Aren't you happy? ^^

Tell me, you like? You no like? I need to know peoples! ^^

Chapter two up next week!