The Return of Phoenix

A month later, Scott and Jean's divorce settled. Both were fine with the arrangements. They did not argue over the settlement. They both had the rights to the school, equal rights. It was Charles's wishes after all. Jean kept all her money that she made from modeling. Scott kept all of his money that he made as well. There wasn't much to fight over anyways. All in all it was a peaceful divorce. They had what they wanted. Jean had Logan, and Scott had Emma. Rachel had gotten over the hope that her parents will get back together. Both are happier than the last time they were together. She decided to go to college in New York City as a drama major. She was hoping to be an actress one day.

There have been little conflicts occurring. The world is safe for now. No crazy eccentrics trying to take over or destroy the planet. No aliens have been around either. Charles had left with Lilandra back to the Shi'ar Empire. He left the school in good hands, so it was now time to be with his soul mate. Storm had taken a sabbatical away from the X-men back to Africa. A village desperatly needed her help. It was something that she wanted to do alone. Kitty attends the local community college. She wasn't ready to leave the mansion yet. Rogue and Gambit are still at the mansion as well. They are going about doing their own thing. Beast is teaching at the local high school as a science teacher. It was the school system's way of coping with mutants.

More students are joining the mansion. They are eagler learn and cope with their mutant abilities. Scott and Jean both teach as well as the other members of the X-men. Logan heads the danger room sessions while Emma teaches a philosphy class. She was a little wary about teaching before, but she enjoys it secretly. Scott teaches all the math classes while Jean teaches English. All the students love their teachers.

The mutant issue has not changed much. There are still anti-mutant groups that refuse to acknowledge mutants. Just as well there are some mutants that still believe they are better than humans. Some people have learned to coexist with mutants. After all everyone is just one person that live on the same planet. The X-men are hoping in the next humans that mutants and humans can fully coexist in the upcoming future. But there is no telling what the future holds. After all it's all about the choices people make.

Logan and Jean were wrapped up in each other's arms. They were lying in their bed, in their room. After they got together, it wasn't long before the moved into one room together. After all, they had been waiting such a long time to be together. Neither was in a rush of things. They just enjoyed the moments they spent together. Jean's head rested on his naked chest while Logan's chin rested on the top of her head. They were both in a state of content and bliss. They had each other after all.

Logan lifted his chin off of her forehead. Jean looked up into is ice blue eyes with a curious look on her delicate and beautiful face.

"Do ya have any regrets red?" he asked suddenly with a blank look on his face.

Jean just stared at him for a moment. She thought about all the moments that have passes since she met the Wolverine. Every feeling she had felt. She thought about it long and hard for a moment.

"No I don't. I think that everything that has happened has led us to this moment right here. So I don't have any regrets," she answered truthfully.

Logan just stared at the woman lying on top of him in his arms. Jean couldn't read any expression on his handsome and rugged face. She hoped she didn't hurt him. To hurt him would mean hurting herself as well.

"Do you have any regrets?" Jean asked him with a nervous expression.

Logan just smiled at the red head. He already knew his answer when he asked her.

"Nah red, if anything went different I might not have you in my arms," he replied truthfully.

Jean grinned at him and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you," she stated.

Logan gripped her closer to him. He never wanted to let her go.

"I love ya too," he spoke before passionately kissing her on the lips.

Jean ran her fingers through his short, thick hair. No, she didn't regret anything because all she wanted to do was be wrapped in the arms of the man she was lying on top of. Logan rolled them over so he was on top. He stared at the beautiful woman lying underneath him. This is all he wanted. He didn't care about anything else. She is all the he wanted, and he finally had her all to himself.

A pair of eyes watched over the earth. He looked at the world with a smile on his wrinkly face. A younger man walked up beside him. Both were wearing white robes with the Phoenix emblem on their chests.

"Sensai is everything alright?" the younger man asked.

The older man just continued to smile. His pupil no longer needed him. He was truly happy for her.

"Don't worry Pat. Everything is just fine. All is well," he replied.

After all, sometimes happiness can be found.


Well what did you think?

This is the end. If you want a sequal, you get to give me a review.

Thanks for all the reviews, I appreciated all of them!

I hoped you enjoyed it!