Voldemort lay in bed fantisising about what trouble he would cause that day. He thought he would knock down a muggle church or two. After all, it was Sunday and it would be very entertaining to see that man with the finny collar running around screaming.
'Aha.. Ahaaa… Ahhahahaha…AHHHHHHH' His dark cackling had been interrupted by his bedroom door being blown off its hinges and slamming into an opposite wall. The Dark Lord stared at the door frame - minus a door - wondering what could possibly have caused his door to narrowly miss his head and interupt his manic laughter.
'Sorry about that my Lord. My hair pin wouldn't open the lock. Why were you laughing manicly My Lord? Why? What for? Why?' Bellatrix entered the room smiling widely and sat herself on the end of his bed.
'Well Bellatrix, I had just decieded what I would do today. Guess what my plans are' Voldemort said with a smile on his face. Bellatrix tilted her head to the side slightly and looked up to the ceiling thoughtfully.
'Well…' she paused and looked back at Voldemort before taking a deep breath and very quickly saying 'Are you going to sink a few ships today My Lord? You have that 'I'm-going-to-sink-a-few-ships-today' look in your eye. OH! OH! OH! Are you going to try and kill Harry Potter today My Lord? It's a marvellous day for a spot of killing! OH!! I KNOW!! Are you going to knock down a muggle church or two My Lord?? It is a Sunday after all. You know what we do on Sundays My Lord? Have SUNDAY ROAST!! I'm going to go slave away in the kitchen and make a Sunday roast for you My Lord! don't worry. It will be ediable this time' and with that, she raced out of the bedroom. Voldemort sat alone making a note to self to A) Never play a guessing game with Bellatrix again and B) Sink a few ships sometime this week.
A few seconds later, a sort of 'Bang Bang Bang OWWW' sound could be heard followed
'I'm okay! I'm okay! No need to worry! No broken bones!…I think. Can we possibly move those stairs?' which was shouted by Bellatrix which proceeded a mad giggle. Voldemort sighed. He had told Bellatrix repeatedly that if she was not going to take her pills, she should make sure that it was not a Sunday. Sunday was the Lords day of rest and Lord Voldemort did not want crazed people disturbing him - he had enough of that every other day of the week. But once again, she had not listened and now Voldemort had a whole day of crazy Bellatrix to face.