Disclaimer: If I owned SM or DBZ.

Hey, as I said before in my profile, I will not be using the Pengana account from now on, I can't remember anything from there so I'm reposting my stories on this account. I shall be changing them slightly, due to the fact that I have reread what I wrote and found new ideas that I would like to put in.

Loves Lost

"Why don't you grow up Serena?"

"For you information I have Darien"

"Not from what I see"

They were at it again; Serena and Darien both in love yet hated each other dearly. She was the former Princess of the Moon and he was the crowned Prince of Earth, but that was a long time ago. Now 1000 or so years into the future the couple is nothing more than bickering sibling.

Together for over 5 years, each of them had given to the other the best they could offer, but when Darien wanted to make Serena his lover it all went down hill, Serena wanted to wait until she was married and a lot older before taking that step, it would change her from a girl into a woman.

"You are such a perverted pig Darien"

"And you would know you're the Princess of pigs, the way you eat food"

Slap, he would always insult either her heritage or her eating habits; ether one always ended up the same, Serena would slap him, very hard, and then leave. Darien would then either run after her telling he was sorry and that he loved her or he would let her cool down buy her some chocolate and go to her house.

"I hate men, I hate them all. That's it between me and the arrogant Sex mad Prince" Serena sat down on a bench and cried, no one was around; it was about midnight so everyone would be in bed. Standing up Serena began to walk towards her house.

It wasn't that far away a few streets down from the school, so all in all about half a mile from where Darien lived. Dairen the through of him entered her mind sending chills down her back. How could someone she loved so much hurt her in so many ways, was it because she had rejected his request to bed her, she thought he would understand that she was not ready to push their relationship towards that way, she wanted to be married before that. That could be the reason or it could be that in the last year she no longer needed to be protected in battles, she was strong enough to beat them herself she didn't even need her guardians help.

She opened her front door quietly her parents would be in bed and she was too, well so her parents believed, it was dark, Serena closed the door and walked towards the stairs, Just as she was about to stand on the first step one of the living room's lights clicked on, Serna looked towards the light and saw her mother and father there with mad expressions on their faces'.

"Serena Serenity Tsukino!" Oh god the full name, this wasn't going to be good "What are you doing out of bed, and where have you been?" asked Serena's father, Serena walked towards her mother and father, she was about to say something when her mother interrupted.

"You were with that guy I saw you kissing last week, weren't you?" Serena's mother walked towards her daughter and slapped her "I have a whore for a daughter I bet you spent your time in his arms doing all sorts of things"

Serena's eyes filled with tears once again her eyes now puffy from all the crying, "If you must know Mother, Darien and I have broken up" Serena was again slapped by her mother.

"So you dump the man that makes you a woman, how are, we supposed to marry you off now? No man would want spoiled goods Serena" hurt by her mothers words Serena turned her back on her parents, "Don't turn your back on me!" her mother grabbed her hair pushing her to the floor. Serena cried out in pain as her mother pushed her to the floor, her father standing over her.

"Get off me! I didn't do anything wrong!" cried Serena from the floor, her mother ignored her words continued bashing her daughter on the floor not letting Serena get up, it was like something had taken over her mother

"You little bitch, you little whore" her mother was always jealous of Serena, Serena never knew why but it had something to do with her eating habits and her figure.

While on the floor Serena crescent moon symbol had appeared sometime during her beating, the crystal probably sensed Serena's pain and confusion and activated itself for her to find the strength to fight back, but Serena didn't want to, even though her mother was beating her Serena just couldn't bring herself to hurt her mother or father.

Soon after a few minutes Serena's father dragged his wife from their daughter, Serena lay their tired from pain and beaten to inches away from death, blood all over her face. She had been knocked out some time before. Her mother and father stared at their beaten daughter and cried. Serena's father phoned an ambulance, they were soon there but it was too late, Serena had spited into a Coma and died from blood lost, when the doctor arrived to talk to the parents, he asked them how their daughter had been beaten. Serena's father told the doctor that a monster had attacked their daughter; the doctor of course didn't believe them but noticed that Serena's mother was comforting her son who had just found out that Serena was dead. Sammy never got on with Serena but he never wished she would die.

"Can we see her sir?" asked Sammy as he walked up to the doctor, the doctor nodded and showed them the way.

Serena lay there pale like a white sheet, as soon as they entered the room they felt like someone was watching them, not just one person but hundreds, thousands maybe. It made them feel unwelcome. Sammy ran up to his sisters side and grabbed her hand pushing her body lightly.

"Serena! Serena! Wake up please!" cried the little boy, his parents watched as their son tried so hard to watch up his sister, it was heartbreaking. Suddenly eight females entered the room with a male that Serena's mother had seen before.

"Umm I'm sorry we didn't know anyone was in here" Serena father smiled "we'll leave"

Suddenly Sammy's head snapped up, he ran over to the male and grabbed his hand, "Your Serena's boyfriend, you can save her, you have to save her, she's not allowed to die she can't die!" Dairen frowned and allowed the small child to drag him over to Serena. He placed his hand on Serena's forehead trying to make the crescent moon symbol appear but it didn't.

"I'm sorry, if her soul was still in her body I could have done something but, Serena has already left this world" the eight girls began crying. Serena's mother grabbed Sammy and left with her husband to prepare Serena's funeral. After they left the eight girls began to glow their own retrospective colours. Mina was yellow, Amy was light blue, Raye was red, Lita green, Trista dark green, Michelle was a mixture of blue and green, Amara was an earth yellow and Hotaru was a dark purple. Each one surrounded Serena's bed chanting words in their own language. Even Darien joined in.

I was once captivated by the things you would say.

Just seeing you, would brighten up my day.

Now it seems as if that has all changed.

The only thing I do is cause your heart more pain.

I wish I had known who you really were.

It wouldn't have been so hard.

The agony inside me makes it hard to breathe.

The impact you had, was so hard to believe.

Now the walls are there, forever guarding my heart.

If only they had been there, to protect you from the start.

I just hope that you can find love and happiness with a new beginning

Because without you now we are all dying

Suddenly Serena's body began to glow and from it exited two souls, one of Serena and the other of Princess Serenity. They stood their hand in hand looking at everyone in the room. Both were crying as the girls and Darien stared up at them. Serena and Serenity stared down at them and smiled

"My count I wish you the happiness that you have granted me, know that I love you all, my friends my family. Know that you'll be part of me forever."

Both Serenity and Serena left the shell of their body behind, they left to be reborn into a life that would being them love happiness and laughter.


So there you are a small change. I'll be carrying on this story a lot more from now on so don't worry. Finishing this story is number on priority to me. Anyways please read this and review it.