This is dedicated to Dreammaker Twilight, for winning my mini-contest.

I don't own Bleach or Hello Kitty. Bleach belongs to Kubo Tite. Hello Kitty is a product of Sanrio.


The SWA were currently facing a dilemma. The design for the popular SWA calendar was due in two weeks, and they had no idea who to feature on it for the next year. They argued back and forth, spending ten meetings to come up with a basic plan. For the new calendar, they would feature a single male model for all twelve months. Which male model, exactly, was still unknown.

Finally, after another four meetings filled with pointless debate, the President of the SWA, Kusajishi Yachiru, decided to do things her way. They would draw lots to decided their lucky model.

So into the jar went the names of every attractive male in Seireitei. The jar was shaken, and then Yachiru reached in and solemnly plucked out a slip of paper. She looked at it.

Hitsugaya Toushiro.


Matsumoto and Hinamori were assigned with the task of taking the photographs. They completed their job in no time at all, snapping dozens of pictures of the height-deprived captain.

Yachiru and Nanao sorted through the snapshots, selecting the twelve best-looking ones.

Boy, was Hitsugaya in for a surprise.


In the middle of December, the SWA calendar was officially released. The next day, Hitsugaya, still ignorant of the fact that he had been the calendar model, entered his office to find it flooded with envelopes. All of which, he realized, were pastel pink and had the words 'Hitsugaya-taichou-sama Fan Club' stamped on them as a watermark of sorts. Also, for a strange unknown reason, the office also held quite a number of Hello Kitty merchandise.

Lying on top of his desk, perched precariously atop the wobbly mountain of pink paper, was the new SWA calendar. He grabbed it, and picked it up.

Adorning the covers was his face, against a background of pale blue. Terror seizing him, he flipped through the pages. Pictures of him engaged in various activities, from paperwork to training, peppered the glossy calendar. Someone had even managed to get a picture of him hugging a Hello Kitty plushie in his sleep.

He didn't even own a Hello Kitty plushie.

It looked suspiciously as if it had been done on Photoshop.

Sighing, he threw the calendar into a dusty corner of the room, and turned to the pink envelopes. They were, very obviously, fan mail. Not even bothering to open them, he cast Byakurai (1), and incinerated the lot.

He picked up the largest plushie, a 1m-tall Hello Kitty, and prepared to lug it outside. Halfway across the office, due to him not being able to see where he was going, he tripped. The Hello Kitty fell to the ground with a suspicious ping.

Smelling a rat, he unsheathed Hyourinmaru and sliced through the unfortunate plushie. Nestled in the cascade of white fluff that poured out was a big sake bottle. Inside that bottle was a note. Hitsugaya unfolded it.

If you are reading this, it read, then you have been a naughty boy and cut open your Hello Kitty! Don't worry, because Isane-chan will be able to fix it~!

P.S. Don't flip over.

Hitsugaya flipped the paper over, and saw a bill. To be precise, a certain someone's sake bill. The sum at the bottom, the price of one night's boozing, was enough to subsidize the damage dealt by the Eleventh Division's daily early-morning brawl, otherwise known as the Great War for the Toilet, for at least ten years.



That day was the coldest winter day that Seireitei had ever experienced.

And two days later, Yachiru was wandering around the Tenth Division, when she saw, in the rubbish pile, the ripped remains of the Hello Kitty, frozen in ice.


(1) Hadou number 4.