CHAPTER 1: Down but not out

Welcome again! If you haven't yet read my first story, you should so you can understand how Shadow and Kuki first met. I hope for you to read and review and share your input. Enjoy!

After the victory against Eggman and Metal Sonic, Shadow the hedgehog lives a peaceful life. None of this wouldn't have been possible without the help of Numbuh 3 a.k.a. Kuki Sanban.

Shadow sat on the edge of a building remembering the good times he and Kuki shared, it's been a while since they saw each other. As well as Eggman hasn't been heard of ether. Kuki walked on the streets at night heading back to the tree house, she went to the candy store which now she's on her way back to the tree house. Thunder ripped through the clouds, and lightning cracked.

Rain was coming down hard, numbuh 3 started running as fast as she could. She was running through backyards of houses and she went running straight through a lane. She stopped dead in her tracks to see a group of older kids around thirteen they all had smug looks on their faces, she stepped back, but two more were behind her. "Well, what do we have here?'' one of them said she was starting to get worried.

One of them grabbed the bag of candy she was holding. Two of the bullies then pushed her to the ground. She only cried, they all laughed at her, until a silhouette landed in front of them and slowly got up. "You know stealing from people isn't right.'' the figure said. "What are you going to do about it then?'' one of the punks said. All of the punks charged forward toward the being, but he only smiled and grabbed one by the shirt collar and through him right through a fence, splintering it. He jumped over another and swung his leg low knocking him to the ground and picked him up, swung him around and tossed him at two more of the punks. They all ran away, Kuki's bag of candy was on the ground.

The figure walked over to it and picked it up. He walked over to her who was still on the ground she backed away from the dark outline of the person, but until he held out his hand it revealed a white glove. She gasped and looked up and when the lightning flashed she saw Shadow the Hedgehog standing before her.