FFV's note: Finally, an update after so long. A whole year...geez. Hope this chapter makes up for it.
Here's my chapter. Things are in the angst genre right now, so that's why it's changed slightly. From General/Romance to Angst/Romance. Reviews are loved.
"Cheap whore!"
Cherry-chocolate spheres cracked open and peered up at the cieling, hearing the loud crack of flesh and bone echo about the house. The sounds of screams and glass breaking.
"Stop it! Stop it you bastard!"
Mom was home, she was home and furious. The redhead could just tell by her tone and how more sounds of fighting came about and bounded up into his ears. Turning on his bed he covered his ears and curled up into a slight ball.
Shut up...
"If it weren't for you fuckin' 'round with other men I wouldn' be like this, bitch!"
"Like you're any better? You beat your own son!"
A loud crack sounded, way worse than the first and Renji clamped his eyes shut, trembling and shaking under the covers. Screams and strangled cries made the male cringe. He couldn't do anything, not a thing to save his mother. He'd tried many a times, so many he'd lost track.
And each time he was the one left broken and in the emergency room.
Shut up, stop it...
"Stop..." he breathed out.
"Yo, Ichigo,"
"Hmm...?" The orange head glanced over to the albino with a raised brow before blinking as the other was pointing to the Speed Way, at the register. Both were in the way back, near the drinks once again just like the day before and there had been something missing.
Besides the cheery feel in the building.
"Tha' redhead's not here." Hichigo murmured, golden irises focused and eyes half-lidded. "...the hell happened?"
Both spiky haired twins glanced around to see if they weren't imagining it and felt their stomachs sink exactly once they heard a curse of, "Shit." on the other side of them.
Veering over they noticed Ikkaku and saw that he was the one who had been putting the drinks away, shoving them in with mutters and narrowed eyes. The bald male furrowed his non-existant brows and sighed heavily before pushing to stand and cracking his back.
"Dammit, Renji..." he muttered, "Takin' off on such a busy day, I'll kick yer ass when you get back."
Both Kurosakis glanced at one another then back at Ikkaku.
"'ey!" Hichigo chirped, frowning deeply. "What happened to Red?"
Blinking the taller male looked over and scoffed, "The hell ya care, Whitey? We're all too damn busy to deal with stupid questions. Especially when we don't know the fuckin' answer."
Ichigo gripped Hichigo's arm and jerked him along to pay for the drinks, seeing as Hichigo looked like he was about to bitch the other guy out. Though, even if he wanted an answer himself, he didn't want to be banned from the place where that certain redhead worked.
"Lemme go! I'll beat his ass!"
Shoving Hichigo out the door the orange head slapped his hand to the other side of his twin's head with narrowed eyes. The darkest 'I'll kill you and not ever regret it.' look. Seeing it had Hichigo back up slightly with a stubborn look etched onto his face.
"This is none of our business." the orange head pointed out, tone low and cold. "But if he's gone missing from here for a few days...then we'll butt in."
"Ya like 'im, don'tcha?"
Pushing away Ichigo turned and walked off, "Don't be stupid."
Popping his head out the door Renji cautiously pushed it open and took a step out. A tiny step just in case he needed to dart back into his room.
Snoring fluttered up the stairs and the long haired teen let out a soft breath. Spinning around and going back into his room to change his dirtied clothing.
A black shirt, torn jeans and then dark colored boxers revealed themselves to him, almost begging the Abarai to put them on and so the Speed Way worker did. His hands grasped the shirt to tug at it and make it comfortable before stepping out of his room again.
Hopefully I can make it out the door...
Snatching up his keys he rushed to the door, swooping his hand down to grab his shoes' laces, forcing the door open with his shoulder as he heard a crack in the continuous snores.
Ranmaru was definitely waking.
"Get back here, boy!" the drunk shouted, only to hear the response of Renji slamming the door shut. "Fuckin' useless bitch!"
Panting the redhead hurried off a few blocks away, bruises being hit by the sunlight and soon he stopped at a bench with sweat beading down his skin. Glancing back cherry-colored hues soon realized just how far away he was and smiled at the small win.
Plopping his bottom down on the grass Renji moved to pull his shoes on and tie them.
Only free for the few hours, he thought with a heavy sigh announcing itself. Looping the strings he let his thoughts ponder to Ichigo, wondering how the orange head was, if he'd noticed he was gone. Or if the one he had a crush on just brushed it off like he was just a puny fly.
That thought hurt and he felt his heart shrivel a little. Clenching uncomfortably while lifting a hand to rub his face.
"Oh well...after High School I can forget all about him," he mumbled to himself with a saddened look on his face.
Damn, it's almost this fic's first anniversary...
Of when it started of course.