First let me say thank you for the kind reviews and sorry I haven't been around to comment to them. I promise I will try and keep up with that. Second, my new semester of college began so I'm kinda busy juggling that, real life, and then working on my stories and editing them as I go. I'm not going to give this up, the good parts have yet to arrive, but I will try and update every week or every other week. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, it's pretty lengthy. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Ouran High School Host Club

As the week came to an end, Haruhi had opened up a whole lot more to Mori than she thought she would. She felt bad because instead of hanging with the twins as she normally did, she was right next to Mori. They had done everything from going back to the park, seeing a movie, shopping, even having lunch together. Haruhi blushed when Hunny asked if they were dating because of all the time they were spending together. They both kept quiet and did not answer that question. Haruhi wondered if they were dating or if they could lead up to dating. She was not brave enough to ask him yet and thought that when the time was right, she would receive her answer.


"Uh…I'm so sorry, I wasn't listening," Haruhi said in embarrassment.

Mori gave a slight roll of his eyes, "I asked you if you wanted to go out somewhere for dinner."

Haruhi's heart gave a small leap. Was it her or did he say 'go out?'

"S-sure, that sounds nice. We could invite the troublemakers along and Hunny-senpai-"

"I meant just us," Mori coughed.

"Oh," she paused and it dawned on her. "Ohhh…you mean…ohhh…haha…y-yes, sure that's fine!"

'Why do I sound like a retard?' she cried.

Mori rubbed the back of his neck, "if you need to go home and change, you can."

Haruhi looked down at what she was wearing; it wasn't very suitable to have dinner in. Knowing him, he would take her to a place where jeans and a t-shirt were not acceptable dining clothes.

"Y-yeah, that's fine."

Mori nodded and dialed a number on his cell phone. It wasn't long before his personal driver pulled up in the car. They both climbed inside and Mori told him to take them to Haruhi's residence. The driver nodded his head and took off.

When they arrived at Haruhi's place she climbed out of the car and held up a finger, "I'll be real quick."

"Take your time."

She gave a nervous laugh as she closed the door and hurried up the stairs and into the small apartment. She kicked off her shoes and called out for her dad, who was in his bedroom. When she told him that she was going out to dinner with Mori, he did everything but squeeze her to death. She had never seen such a grown man squeal like a little girl quite like him.

"Oh he's the strong, silent type and is just the CUTEST! OH MY LITTLE HARUHI IS ALL GROWN UP!" he cried as she proceeded to get ready in her own room.


"No thanks Dad, I have it taken care of," she called from her room.

Haruhi dug through her dresser and sighed, she couldn't find a single thing. She went over to the small closet and rummaged through it. There she found a simple light purple dress. She only wore it once, not because she had a choice, and she figured that the dress would do just nicely. Haruhi undressed and then slipped on the purple dress. She grabbed a brush that was on her dresser and ran it through her hair, smoothing it out.

"Oh, shoes," she snapped her fingers and went back into the closet finding a pair of black heels. She could thank the Host Club for all the cosplaying because it taught her quickly how to walk in heels. Before she would stumble and fall; now she was able to confidently walk in them without tripping. Heck, she was able to run in the heels.

"Come on out Haruhi, I want to see!" her Dad cooed from outside. She pictured him still twirling around in a circle, tears spraying from his eyes.

"Okay," she took a deep breath and braced herself from any attack he might launch on her. Haruhi opened the door and took a step out.


Haruhi frowned, "it's that bad, huh?"

"NOOO! YOU LOOK SOOOO ADORABLE!!" he cried even harder and tried launching at her but she quickly held up her hands that were carrying the shoes.

"You'll wrinkle the dress!"

Her Dad jumped back, "right you are! We can't have that now can we?"

Haruhi shook her head, playing along. It saved her from a massive glomp and another visit with the floor. Sometimes it was just too much having an over-excited father but she loved him nonetheless.

"I need to get going, Takashi is waiting for me," she said, walking to the door and sliding her feet into the black heels.

His eyes sparkled, "Takashi is it?"

"Yes, that is his name."

He bit his lip and tried not to squeal.

"I'll be home at-"

"No-no you stay out and have a good time!" he waved his hand.

"But shouldn't I have a curfew?"

"Yes, but I am not like most parents."

"I know that," she smirked.

"You need this, trust me, have a good time."

He walked up to her and gave her a tight hug and a kiss on the head.

"Have a good time, Haruhi. I love you."

"Dad-" she rolled her eyes at him.

"I mean it!"

She hugged him back, "I know, thank you."

"Go on now," he gave her a little shove.

Haruhi opened the door and turned around, "I love you too, Dad."

"GO ONNNN!" he waved his hands at her, shooing her out of the apartment.

"Okay, okay! Leftovers are in the fridge!" she called out to him.

"Don't worry about it, I won't blow the place up!" he called out after her and watched as his only daughter took careful steps until she was safely off the staircase and on the ground.

Mori was waiting for her outside and the corners of his lips twitched as he watched the small young adult make her way down the stairs. Haruhi made her way carefully over and stopped right in front of him, her face lit up with a smile.

"I'm ready."

"You look…nice."

Nice? He thought she looked nice?

"Thank you."

Mori opened the door for her and she climbed in. She could see her Dad peaking his head out from behind the curtains of their apartment. Mori climbed in next, shutting the door and signaling to the driver that they could take off.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet and Haruhi stared out the window, the street lamps lighting up as the sun began to sink further away. The drive seemed to take forever and she could not wait until they arrived, she was hungry and she did not want to think about the nice comment. It wasn't like she didn't appreciate what he said, she just thought that nice was something you said to a friend. But then again, was she really expecting anything more? Yeah, she was. The small part in her heart did hope for more and was waiting to hear it.

"We are here," Mori announced, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Oh," Haruhi snapped out of it and brought herself back to reality.

Mori got out of the car and walked to her side, opening the door for her. She smiled her thanks as she climbed out of the car, straightening her dress out. He held out his arm and Haruhi looped hers through his as he escorted her inside. The material of his white dress shirt felt nice. There was that word again. Haruhi was impressed by the way Mori was dressed. His style was casual but not casual enough to where it was just jeans and a t-shirt. No, he wore khaki pants and black dress shoes and a matching black jacket that he wore over the white dress shirt. She wondered if he had this planned all along because she didn't give a second thought to what he was wearing until now.

"…Takashi Morinozuka?" the hostess looked at his list of names until he spotted Mori's.


"Right this way please," the hostess showed them to their table.

Haruhi contemplated the guest list as well. Did he set this up all along or was he that well-off that his name was automatically on every restaurants guest list? Unless he made reservations earlier in the day but Haruhi couldn't remember him calling anyone in particular, but if he made the reservations the other night-

"…would you like to drink?" the hostess asked her.

"Oh, I'll have whatever Takashi is having," Haruhi shook her head. She told herself she needed to pay attention to what was going on around her or else the dinner would be ruined.

"Sake," Mori replied and the hostess gave a little bow and took off to bring them back their drinks.

"I'm not quite old enough," Haruhi said, never have had an alcoholic drink before. Mori's eyes pierced into hers and she tried to look away but it was really hard.

"One drink will not hurt," he said.

Haruhi opened her mouth to say something but the hostess returned with the sake. He put the menus on the edge of the table and said that their waiter would return to take their order shortly. Mori reached over and poured Haruhi a small amount of the sake and handed her the cup. He poured his own and he held up the cup.

"We should toast."

"Of course," Haruhi raised her sake up. "What should we toast about?"

"Hmm…whatever you want."

"Umm…how about to having great friends, a new adventure, and a successful career," she said, thinking that sounded pretty good for a basic toast.

Mori added his own words to the toast, "to new beginnings."

He tapped his cup to hers and swallowed the sake down in one gulp. Haruhi still held hers up but realized she probably looked foolish and quickly downed the drink. She made a funny face because of the taste, never having had any before, but it wasn't that bad.

'To new beginnings, what could that mean?'

She didn't have time to think about it because their waiter, a flustered girl, came up to the table and asked them if they were ready to order.

Mori picked up the menus and handed it to the waitress and he turned his attention to Haruhi, "their Italian dishes are the best around."

"That's fine," she smiled at the waitress. "I'll just have what he is having."

Mori gave the waitress the order and watched as the flustered girl took off, stumbling over her two feet.

'I'm in an agreeable mood tonight, why is that?' she wondered. Every time she spoke it was in agreement or it was going along with whatever he wanted.

"Is everything okay?" he asked her, concerned that she might feel uncomfortable.

Haruhi waved her hand, "yeah everything is wonderful. I'm just a little worn out from the day is all."

"If you are not comfortable here, we could eat somewhere else," he suggested.

"Oh no, we are already here and it is a lovely restaurant," she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I'm just not used to eating such a variety of different foods; I don't know where to begin half the time."

"I see."

"Do you come here often?" she asked, thanking him for pouring her another glass of sake.

Mori re-filled his glass, "sometimes."

"With your family or Hunny-senpai?"


He was avoiding her question and she was not going to push the subject. She had a sinking feeling that maybe he took other girls he liked out to dinner, to this same place.



"I can tell what you are thinking," he took a sip of the sake and setting it on the table. "No."

"I wasn't even-"

"I've only been here with my family and that is all," he explained to her and Haruhi felt comforted by this.

She played with the bottom hem of her dress, "I bet you all have a nice time dining out together."

"It's okay."

"You don't get along with them?" she asked. He rarely spoke of his family and she was curious to know more about them.

Mori took another sip of sake, "it's complicated."

"I won't ask anymore."

They waited quietly and patiently for their food to arrive and when it did, Haruhi's stomach let out a loud grumble. She didn't realize how hungry she was until the delicious smell of the Italian cuisine wafted towards her.

"This looks delicious Takashi," Haruhi picked up her fork and stuck it into her pasta. She twirled the noodles around and carefully lifted it up to her mouth. The first bite tasted like heaven and she fell in love.

Mori watched Haruhi dig into her food with a delightful expression on her face. It pleased him to know that she was enjoying the dinner, well mainly the food, but she was happy and that was all that mattered. He picked up his own fork and began to eat the food that was on the plate.

"Oh this is so good," Haruhi melted as she took another bite. "I'm sorry, I'm overreacting but this is really good!"

"I'm glad you like it."

"Mmm…I do!" she took a swallow of the cold water that was given to them with the sake. Haruhi broke off a piece of the Italian bread and chewed it, savoring every little flavor and texture.

"Haruhi," Mori interrupted her making out session with the food.

Haruhi put down her fork and wiped her mouth on the napkin, "yes?"

"Nevermind," Mori shook his head, taking a bite out of his pasta so he did not have to finish the rest of the sentence.

"Okay," Haruhi shrugged and finished her meal. They both kept quiet and once their plates were cleared, the waitress returned with their check. She asked them if they wanted to order dessert but they both declined.

"Have a nice evening," she said her goodbyes and went off to assist another couple.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked her, standing up and pushing his chair in.


Haruhi stood and pushed in her own chair as well. Mori held out his arm and Haruhi gladly took it within hers. They walked to the front where Mori pulled out his wallet and paid for the meal. The hostess finished processing the transaction and wished them both a good night.

"Thank you for the meal, it was delicious."

"I know."

Haruhi's shoulders slumped, "it was that obvious then?"

"A little."

Mori spotted the car and walked her over, opening the door so she could climb back inside. The door closed tightly beside her and she watched as Mori climbed in on his own side, closing the door and nodding to the driver to take off.

"Thanks again, for dinner and all," she played with her dress. Her fingers could not stray away from the material.

"No problem."

They went into another silent lapse before Haruhi turned to face him.

"Was there any reason as to why you took me out for dinner?"

Mori shrugged, "I thought you were hungry."


"And I will be leaving again."

So it was meant to be a goodbye dinner, not goodbye forever, but goodbye until they saw each other again. Haruhi sighed softly, she was expecting something else but then again it was Mori and he was not one to outright say how he was feeling, he wasn't that kind of guy. It just made things difficult because she liked him, oh did she like him, but she did not know if he liked her fully in that way. Those annoying and nagging thoughts plagued her once again. He had eliminated them at the park but now with how he was acting, they were returning again and she dreaded it.

Besides, it was nothing more than a dinner between friends. Nothing else. She was fine with that and she was fine if they stayed friends, didn't matter to her at all. But deep down inside it did, it bothered her to think that they would be the type to remain just very good friends. She had the twins, Tamaki and Kyouya for that, even Hunny. She didn't want another 'friend' she wanted more and she started to find that in Mori when he began to open up more to her. They grew closer with one another and her feelings developed more and more by the day, with each passing letter, and with each time they talked.

"Haruhi," Mori's deep voice rumbled in her ear.

Haruhi jumped in her seat, "y-yes?"

"We're here," he announced.

Haruhi blinked and they indeed were there, at her home. She sighed internally, she thought the night would last longer than what it did.

As if he read her mind, he spoke, "I have a lot of things to do in the morning."

"Understandable," she nodded her head, trying not to let the disappointment leak further through.

"I really hoped you enjoyed yourself."

"Oh, I did! It's just going to be weird having you guys leave again," she knocked her knees together and smiled. "But like you said, we'll see you guys pretty soon. The year is almost over and then graduation."


"You will come, right?" she looked hopeful and he looked confused for a second.

Haruhi clarified, "to the graduation, you'll attend it won't you?"

"Of course."

"I'm glad to hear that," she flashed him another smile and it made him happy to know that she was pleased.

Mori opened the car door and exited. He walked around the vehicle and opened Haruhi's door so she could exit out the vehicle as well. She thanked him and stood back as he closed the door. Mori took Haruhi's hand and began to walk her up the steps and to her front door. They stood there, the night bugs chirping away, filling the air with noise.

"I know I thanked you a million times tonight," Haruhi shifted from foot to foot. "I really do appreciate it and I am glad we spent this time together."

"That is good to hear," Mori squeezed her hand and Haruhi blushed.

"I should…get going," she pulled her hand back and motioned to the front door. "There's homework and other things that I need to finish."

Mori nodded his head in agreement.

"Have a safe trip back to the university and don't forget to write me back or else," she joked and Mori cracked a small smile.

"I'll write."

Haruhi felt like a small child for asking, "you promise?"

"I promise."

"Thank you, Takashi," Haruhi could not tear her eyes away from his and her heart sped up when he leaned down. She licked at her dry lips and the one thing that ran through her mind was: 'oh, he's going to kiss me!'

Haruhi closed her eyes and felt Mori's lips, but they were not on her lips. No, they were pecking her cheek lightly before the brief contact was gone. Her eyes fluttered open and she reached a hand up to her cheek.

"Take care, Haruhi," Mori bid her goodnight, taking a step away from her so she could enter into her apartment.

"You too," she nearly croaked and she cursed her voice for trying to give out.

Mori waited until Haruhi was able to get into her apartment before he descended the stairs. He looked up at her once more and gave a small wave back when she had waved at him first.

Haruhi watched him from the front door and admired his tall, lean figure from behind. She wondered if he ever managed to bump his head on the car roof because he was so tall. When Mori had closed the car door and when the car took off down the road, Haruhi closed and locked the front door behind her. She quickly kicked off her heels and went running to her room. Her dad was already asleep and it was barely even past ten at night.

Haruhi flung herself onto her bed and buried her face into the pillow. She could feel the tears trying to leak over and they eventually did, saturating her pillow. She knew why she was crying. She was crying because she was going to miss him. She was crying because she almost had her first kiss by him. She was crying because of everything that happened that night and the past few days. Most of all she was crying because she felt that there could have been a lot of things said and she might have missed out on the chance of being with the one man that made her feel…good.

Haruhi cried into her pillow until she fell into an unsatisfying sleep.