"So what do I do, cause I still love you. And you're the only one who can save me." Overboard- Justin Bieber ft Jessica Jarrell
Chapter 12
Move Shane. Don't be such a wimp. That's the girl you like is out there with an idiot you hate. Show that you care for her.
He tried moving his feet but they were stuck to the ground. "This is going to be harder then I thought." He muttered silently to himself. He heard her ramble on about things and he heard his laugh. He was extremely afraid about what would happen but he knew this feeling, of having to get things off his chest. He liked her, a lot. He was sick of fighting with her about the stupidest things.
Mitchie?" He called out to her.
"Mitchie, hey there. Look at me, what's wrong?" .
"I..I...I threw up. Yup, threw up so much that I can't sing..so just take the song and put it on the album, okay? Okay, bye!"
He rolled his eyes, not believing her. "Mitchie..please, don't try to fool me, I'm not stupid. I know that's a lie."
She shook her head. "It's not!"
"Caitlyn told me you said that you would do that..not that you actually did. Just..come on Mitchie, what's the matter?"
"I...I... I...Can't sing."
"You mean in general or just for this?"
"...General. Yeah..I suck."
He laughed. "You're crazy. You're voice is absolutely, positively incredible. Probably the best I've heard all my life and I've been around a lot of singers. Let's put it this way, you're one hell of a singer."
She shook her head again. "Shut up, you're just saying this so I can sing with you and make a fool out of myself. Not gonna work. I'm not 5 anymore, I'm not stupid."
He sighed hard. "I'm not joking with you in any way. I'm not that kind of person. When I give a compliment, I mean it. Please, Mitchie? Should I go on my knees and beg to you for you to sing with me?"
"No, that would look childish."
"I guess you're right. Then what do you want? I'll do anything."
"Tell me about that Justin Bayer thing."
He looked not mad, but shocked. Shocked and now upset. He shook his head violently. "No, no no no, I'm not doing that. Not now, Mitchie."
"Why not? It makes perfect sense."
"Well not to me." He said in between his teeth.
She groaned. "Fine then I'm not singing so get the fuck out of my cabin. Kay? Bye." She tried to push him out but he was too strong.
"No, don't kick me out."
"Then tell me, dammit!" She was getting angry. And annoyed.
"FINE, I'LL TELL YOU!" He shouted, almost scaring her. Guess he cracked. He took a deep breathe and motioned for her to sit down. She sat down next to him, leaving only a inch apart from him. "Justin Bayer is not good. He went into me and my brother's record company and tried to get a record deal but they denied him and he went around saying ME, not with Jason or Nate, just me did something to make him not get a record deal. I mean it's obvious he doesn't deserve one but still...anyway. Jason knows his brother and he told Jason that Justin is a pimp, player, cheater, pervert, whatever you call it. He thinks his looks will drag girls in so he can use them and then dump them. The warning signs we're yesterday with you..and I do NOT with him doing anything to you. So basically, he's bad so PLEASE stay away from him."
"That's it? He didn't like, try to kill you? He just said bad stuff about you to other people and because he's a player? Shane, all guys out there are like that."
"Yes he said bad stuff about because I didn't really like him from the spot. He was with our manager and we had to introduce ourselves to him and he seemed to hate me the most. I did give him negative attitude because of how he seemed to act, like he thinks he's so cool, and he can get all the ladies and not all guys out there are like him. I mean, I'm not, my brothers aren't."
"Ooh, you're so perfect! You get everything, you have everything, you love everyone, blah blah blah! This is why I hated you from the start. I don't even believe you. You're just jealous that's all. You even admitted it, so."
"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't of told you. I knew you wouldn't believe me."
"Well you're right, for that but you're not right about Justin. I don't know him but maybe I would like to get to know him and I might just do that. Oh yeah and songwriting, I'll do it. The song is a hate, breakup song and I'm so in the mood to hate so let's go." She didn't even look back, she gave him a smirk and walked out the door.
Shane visually remembered everything that had happened and sighed, pacing back in front from the area behind the wall. He knew he was overreacting about all of this but in reality, he just didn't want Mitchie to get hurt. Justin Bayer wasn't good and he knew it for a fact. If only Mitchie could've believed him..
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, finding his confidence and strength. He had to be a man and stick up for himself and maybe even tell off that Justin Bayer. Maybe then Mitchie will realize that he's no good.
He then found it. He started to remember her beautiful smile when he first arrived at camp. How different she seemed to act, how her hair blew in the wind, how her beautiful brown eyes pierced into his, how her attitude covered up her problems, yet made her totally and amazingly perfect.
He walked out, making all the noise he could and thankfully, both of their heads turned around to stare right back at him. Both of them were sitting on the floor, alcohol all around them. He knew they were both extremely drunk.
"Shane?" Mitchie asked, not sure if it was really him.
Justin turned to Mitchie and shrugged his shoulders. "What is this low life doing here?"
Shane ignored him. "I'm here to talk. I don't care if he's here but Mitchie, we have to talk."
"Woah there popstar, you're not the boss of me." She giggled at the end and he laughed too. "You should just go because I don't wanna see you right now."
Shane shook his head. "I don't wanna wait any longer. I've had enough with this bull shit and I want it to be over with."
"What bull shit? The fact that you think you can sing? Now that's bull shit."
"Would you just shut the fuck up with those smart ass comments?"
He laughed. "Naw, it's my usual thing, right Mitch?"
Shane shuddered when he heard him call her that. He had to admit he was jealous of the fact that Mitchie was so close to him and yet she kept pushing Shane away. "Mitchie." Shane replied. "Can we talk?"
"Can we do it like..later?"
"No." Shane growled. "Do it now and then you can return to your stupid shit."
Mitchie got up, almost tripping over her own feet, and walked over to Shane. "Fine but this better not take too long, I have things to do."
"Like drink alcohol, oh okay." He muttered under his breath. He knew she heard because she rolled her eyes. "Can we go outside or something?"
"Whatever you want."
He took her arm and they walked out of the cabin. "Ugh!" She said, pushing his hand off her arm. "Agressive much? What is your problem?"
"My problem? What is your problem? You're the one who was not listening to me when I was telling you that he is not a good person to be hanging around with!"
She laughed. "What, are you my daddy now? Seriously, get over it. He's my friend and if we want to drink and do whatever we want, let us do that. Stop thinking you have to be responsible for me, I'm old enough. You don't even know me, Shane."
"I do know you and I feel the need to be protective of you."
"Well stop trying to be Edward Cullen, it's creepy and pathetic." She tried walking back in but he grabbed her arm hard and pulled her towards him, now there faces were inched apart. "I can't help it, it comes naturally to me."
"I..I..I just...um." She stuttered on her words and her breath smelled of alcohol. "Mitchie." He whispered into her ear. She looked down, not wanting to come in contact with his eyes. "You need to listen to me."
She stood there, awkwardly, waiting for him to continue. "Can you look at me, Mitch?" He asked her. He lifted her chin with his finger and her eyes gazed into his. "Good." He muttered. "I like you a lot and what I'm doing is trying to help you. I like the Mitchie you were last week. The one who smiles at everyone. The one who sings with her heart. The one who doesn't care what anyone says. I don't like this on you, Mitch. You don't deserve to be unhappy and drunk all the time, it's not good." He was about to continue untl he noticed she was looking sick.
"I think..I'm going to be.." She ran to the side of the cabin and Shane knew what had happened. Too much drinking. He walked over to her and lifted her hair up as she cried. "Ugh." She said after she stood back up, redeeming herself. "I'm sorry."
"For what? Being sick?"
"No." She said simply. "For drinking and acting out and not believing you and just being an idiot."
"You are and will never be an idiot, Mitch." He placed a strand of hair over her ear and she smiled at his touch. "You just...were in the moment and you have to drink to hide the problems and doing it with a bad boy...I mean I know we aren't..." He stumbled, trying not to use the word together. "I just really want you to be happy and I feel the need to make sure you are."
"Well thank you for looking after me, Shane. I know you can't help it sometimes, but really, I'll be okay. I know Justin's a bad person to be around but so far, he hasn't done anything bad to me, but when he does, don't worry, I won't hang around him anymore."
Shane obviously gave up. He was trying to get her away from him but she still wouldn't listen. She believes he's bad yet she still goes back to him. "Do you..um...have a physical connection with him?"
She looked at him with surprise. "Physical connection? Of course not! He's like my brother."
"Then why-" She cut him off and smirked at him. "Stop being jealous."
"I'm not jealous, again I just want to look after you."
"No, you just don't want me to like another guy because you like me and you think I like you back."
Shane's mouth opened wide, in shock. "How do you-"
"It's obvious you like me and I knew you were interested from the beginning. You're just so easy to read I guess. " She smirked again and Shane cursed to himself, thinking about how cute she was.
"Well whatever then, you go have fun with..him but please stop drinking?"
"I can't make any promises."
He groaned. "Well fine but at least tell me that we're cool?"
"Fine, we cool, we cool, okay?"
Shane leaned in for a hug but she had turned her back and walked back in the cabin. "Great, that went well." He muttered, obviously being sarcastic.
At least she didn't hate him.
"So? What happened?" Jason asked repeatedly, bothering Shane to no end. "Please tell me?"
Shane groaned. "If I tell you will you shut up?"
Jason nodded, knowing he was getting his way. "Ugh fine." Shane groaned again. "I'll tell you."
"So I went over there and I heard them joking around and I had to think positive until I went out there and when I did, they were drinking tons of alcohol and just sitting there on the floor. So finally, I got her to come outside and talk to me and at first she was all mad, then she got sick and realized what she was doing and all she said is that we're cool..nothing more. I was sorta upset about that but I mean I'm glad she's not mad..I don't know. She even said she knows I like her but she didn't tell me if she liked me back."
"Wow." Was all Jason said. "Wow. That's crazy. So what are you going to do then? You don't think she likes you?"
Shane sighed. "I doubt it. I'm just going to try and get over it. She couldn't even promise me that she'll stop drinking."
"And that's not good for her either."
"I know. I don't know, maybe I'll just write a song about it or something."
"Yeah, good idea. I gotta go man but thanks for telling me." Jason gave him a confronting smile and walked out. Shane sighed and picked up his guitar. He had nothing else to do but sing from his heart.
There's a storm coming up
and I gotta prepare myself
'Cause this felling's
getting stronger everyday
Something's creeping inside
Everything is about to change
Gotta face the fact
That I can't walk away
This is critical
I'm feeling helpless
So hysterical, this can't be healthy
I can't eat or sleep
When you're not with me
Baby, you're the air i breath
This is critical, yeah
So stuck on you
Shane sighed and placed the guitar down, satisfied with the song he had just wrote. He needed her. He needed her to know that he wanted to be with her. Her smile, her voice, her everything. He knew she was suffering inside and had to choose drinking to solve it but why couldn't she just come to him?
Time was speeding by and before he knew it, they would be leaving camp and he would be back on tour.
Maybe I should just face it, she's not the one. But something..inside..tells me..she's it. She's the one.
Hey guys! Yeah i know, it's been forever! I've been super busy and actually lost all my motivation and creativity for this but then I just randomly started to write and remembered how amazing it was! Also Camp Rock 2 was so amazing that it made me realize how much I missed Smitchie! So yeah I hope everyone who reviewed in the past can stick with this!
Oh and if you guys are a justin bieber fan, you should check out my stories of him! They've gotten pretty successful. I'll post the link on my profile soon!
Thanks you guys. I love you all.
You're amazing.