Dear readers,
I'm sure you've noticed that I've stopped posting chapters of my story on here, and if you haven't.... Then I don't know what to say. XD Anywho. The reason behind that is I find using hard (Mainly I'm just to lazy sometimes. XD) but I have been writing these chapers, I'm already up to eight (8). And if you wish to keep reading it I have chapters 1-7 already up on a different site. I'm sure most of ya'll have heard of dA (deviantART). I have an account on there with a few chapters and what not. My username is: Sk8terMASSACRE Please don't ask why it's that, I've had it for a year and never bothered to do anythign with it until my two friends Iggy and Kacy started to talk about it and what not so I started to use it... Pretty much self-explantiory.
XD Anywho you can read the rest of the story at the site. I'm sorry that I have to change it and what not. But... Yeahh.... ^_^' Thank you for reading it and the reviews!! They make me super happy and proud of myself!! :D And while you're reading this and being mad at me for not updating and what not I'd just like to say I'M SORRY FOR UPLOADING THE FIRST AND SECOND CHAPTER IN THE SAME CHAPTER!! I'M AWEAR I DID THAT!! *takes deep breath* Umm... What else is there to say... OH! School starts August 11th for me so after that even on dA my updates might be slow with shcool and stuff. (I'm gonna be freshman. X.X)
I think that's it... If I forgot something then I'm sorry!
And again, I'm sorry for changing sites and what not I just hope you like what you read on dA if you have an account on there you can comment and review. Like I said, THANK YOU FOR READING IT!