I do not own Transformers, but I do own the human characters and the sparkling. Which, by the way, is adorable!

Chapter I

Daniel Dawson was sleeping in his bed, dreaming about the last time he saw his wife in a car crash. She was walking down the road until someone drunk had swerved across the street in ran her into a tree. Her last words were "Tell Andrew and Mimi to play nice. Soon, you'll be gone and the only people they'll have is each other." He promised her he would. "And, Daniel, take care of the baby. They'll come get it." He never knew what she had meant by that. They didn't have a baby; both of their kids were already age seven and age six.

He woke up in his bed, hearing a scream outside the house. His brother, Henry, fallen out of the bed that was across the room and looked around. Daniel gave a nod to him and both ran out of the house with their night clothes on. Out in the corn field, they heard the scream again.

"Mary!" Daniel shouted. His brother followed him into the crops and looked for the girl. The first one they saw wasn't her, but Daniel's son, Andrew.

"Andrew, are you alright?"

"The dogs were barking," he said. "They almost got away."

"Where's Mimi?"

"Help!" came the familiar voice of his daughter. He told Henry to wait there and ran in the direction of the scream. He saw her standing in the middle of the field, holding herself tightly and crying. Daniel wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up. He started patting her back to calm her down.

"It's alright, baby," he sighed. "It's okay."

"I had a dream," she cried. "There was something in the corn and I didn't know what it was."

"It was only a dream, okay?" Daniel assured her. "It wasn't real, all right? Come on, let's go back home." They walked through the corn field and met up with Henry and Andrew on the front porch of the house.

"Is she all right?" Henry asked.

"She's fine; she was just spooked, that's all." He set her down and the girl ran to Andrew. He accepted her and hugged his little sister.

"It was scary!" she cried. Andrew kept hugging his sister until she was okay to let go.

"Henry, take her inside to get some breakfast," Daniel said. "I'll go and see if the dogs are okay."

"Sure thing. C'mon, Mimi," Henry said. He took Mimi's hand and led her inside with Andrew following behind. Daniel walked inside the barn and his two huskies stood up in alert, their ears forward.

"Hey, Bud, Kenny," he muttered to them. Bud, the grey husky, walked forward and Daniel petted the dog's head. Kenny got jealous a bit and ran up to him as well, rubbing his head on his master's leg. "You two been good to each other?" Ken gave a happy bark in reply. "Good boy." He stood up and reached for a can of dog food on the high shelf in the barn. He opened it up with a large knife and let it fall into the bowl the dogs shared. After that, he went to let out the animals so they could feed themselves and run around a bit.

Inside the house, Mary was picking through some food, trying to find something that would satisfy her taste. She went through a couple of boxes and couldn't find anything.

"For Christ's sake, Mimi, can't you find something!" Andrew shouted. Henry shot up a finger at the boy and said to never use His name in vain. "Sorry, Uncle Henry. But she can never find something to eat!"

"They all taste funny," Mary argued. "I want some cereal."

"We have cereal, sweetie," said Henry.

"But it's old."

"We got it last week!"

"It's old."

Henry sighed. There was no reason to fight with an eight-year old. He stood up and walked over to the pantry to find something.

"How about I cook up some eggs and bacon? How does that sound?"


"All right, Andrew, put some bread in the toaster. Mary, get the pans and put them on the stove. Do not turn it on!"

"Yes, Uncle Henry," they said together. Andrew went to find the toaster in the cluttered mess they had and Mary skipped over to the doors under the sink to get the pans. Daniel walked in and saw his two kids working.

"Henry, tell me how you get them to do this," he said. "I can't even get them to clean their own rooms."

"Easy, bro. Food is what they center on. If they want food, they'll do something. Try it tonight. Tell them to clean their rooms or they'll go to bed hungry."

"I think they'd rather go hungry! What would Crystal think?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Starving her kids? I think she would!"

Daniel grabbed the eggs out of the refrigerator, Mary grabbed the butter and was ready for the toast to pop up, Andrew turned on the stove, and Henry started cracking the eggs.

"Can I go watch some TV?" Andrew asked. Mary stood next to him to show she wanted to watch television as well.

"Turn on the news, maybe something happened last night," Daniel said. He was trying to get his kids to watch something real instead of that sponge in the box-shaped clothes. Andrew nodded and Mary followed him over to the living room. They turned on the television and switched it from the History Channel over to the morning news.

"There's something every parent would want to see," Henry laughed. "Their kids willing watching the news."

"Do you want me to write a book or something?" Daniel teased.

"By all means! Oh, damn it." Henry moved the pan full of eggs off the stove and over to the counter. He moved the eggs around so none of them would burn. "Hey, Andrew!" he shouted. "What's the haps?"

"Something fell from the sky!" he yelled from the room. "They don't know where it landed exactly, but they say it's in our area."

"It's an alien!" Mary cheered in the background.

Henry looked over at his brother. Daniel shrugged and helped put the eggs on four different plates.

"Aliens?" Henry scoffed. "What, they're doing crop circles again?"

"We would've seen one by now, or they might do it tonight," Daniel sighed. "Either way, this whole thing is just a bunch of bologna."

"Daddy, can I go outside to pet the dogs?" Mary said. Daniel gave a nod and she ran out to the barn. Well, she didn't exactly go inside the barn. She walked around it to look for that alien she saw on the news. Andrew walked outside and saw his sister circling around the building like a vulture.

"Mary, what are you doing?" he said. "I thought you were inside."

"Shh!" Mary hissed. "I'm looking for the alien!"

"There's no such thing!"


Both of the children flinched. They looked around to see what it was but nothing popped up.

"What the heck was that?" Andrew whispered. Mary put on a big smile.

"The alien!" she said excitedly.

"Mimi, seriously," he groaned. "Can't you just be reasonable for one second?"

"It's the alien!"

Beep-beep! Wop…

"See?! What kind of person can make that sound?" Mary argued, putting her hands on her hips.

"Someone with a video game."

Bwop pop…

"It's inside the barn," Mary whispered, putting her finger to her lips. She tiptoed over to the barn door and pushed it open slowly, making it creak. The dogs were standing around a small patch on the edge of the barn and sniffing it. Andrew and Mary couldn't see what it was; it was covered in straw.

"Mary, Andrew! You still out there?!" Daniel shouted.

"Yeah, Dad!" Andrew yelled back.

"Come inside! Breakfast is ready!"

Andrew grabbed Mary's arm and pulled her back towards the house. The two giant huskies were stilling sniffing over the pile of straw. Two blue eyes were shown and the dogs jumped. Ken was brave enough to take a step closer.

Chu! Kree, kree! Wrrrrr…bob!