The rift wars…

A time of death.

A time of suffering.

A warrior race, the Gaur, unaffected by time, first discovered how to create rifts, portals to other planes of existence. They loved suffering, they loved to conquer. They swept through the realms, conquering and killing. They take to wild magic like pigs to mud. For centuries the living creatures of the realms fought back, slowly losing world after world to the undead hoards the Gaur commanded. Millions lost hope, killing them selves to avoid becoming the undead slaves of the Gaur. An alliance was formed, between dragons and Alkesh. (Alkesh are dragon-like creatures about half the size of Saphira in book 3 {or twice the size of Terrador from LOS} instead of breathing fire they spit acid, the can see heat in the same way as a viper, talk with their minds, and can travel through the void. Magic cast at them usually fails, even if it succeeds it uses energy twice as fast as normal. Their scales are hard as tempered steel. They can heal at will and turn into scaled huamanoids with claws, a lizard-like head, a tail and superb jumping and climbing abilities. They are fond of treasure. Resulting in many using their fighting and stealth abilities for mercenary or assassin purposes to obtain it. During mating season {about once a month} the only way for the males to control themselves is to either mate or release the urge by ejaculation. They have a natural barrier protecting their minds from all but communication and cannot sense others not of their race with their mind.) using the dragons power, and the technology of the Alkesh, a barrier was created, ceasing all travel between worlds and trapping many races in realms not their own. Thus ended the Rift Wars.