Chapter Seven: The Aftermath/It's a disaster
Spotted: N spending time in Brooklyn. He better just hope people don't get the wrong idea.
"Thanks so much for driving me home Nate, you really didn't have to do that. Hopefully Blair won't be too mad at you, or worse, at me," Jenny said as she and Nate walked towards the door of her loft in Brooklyn.
"Jenny, it really wasn't a problem, I'm just glad I was able to help you. It honestly makes me sick that Chuck was trying to take advantage of you that. As for Blair, don't you dare worry about that, I'll explain what happened to her and all will be forgiven, Nate said still stroking Jimmy's hair in a calming big brotherly way as she opened the door.
Jenny cringed at Nate's mention of Chuck and at the idea that people would know what happened to her at the party. She felt so stupid for thinking that Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to her. "Thanks again, Nate, I don't know what I would've done today without you," Jenny smiled.
"Hey Jenny," Nate called as she was about to walk inside, "I think I better wait around here with you for a while, you know just to make sure you're okay, at least until Dan gets home."
I really hate when people treat me like I'm five years old, but I guess after my stupid behavior tonight, I kind of deserve it. And he's just trying to look out for me. And he is kind of cute, okay, really cute. And I'm already in trouble with Blair; I'm sure, so why not spend a few more minutes with Nate while I'm still allowed. He must think I'm so stupid. Oh shit, I better call Dan and tell him that I'm okay, Jenny thought before giving Nate an answer. "Well, despite what you might think, I really am okay, but if it would make you feel better you can come in for a little bit," Jenny said as Nate followed her inside. She sat down on the couch and pulled out her phone to call her brother.
"Jenny? Jenny, what's the matter? Are you still at the party? Are you okay? I'm sorry it's taking me so long were just caught in the traffic," the words rushed out of Dan's mouth so fast that Jenny could barely say a word.
"Dan! Dan, calm down! I'm fine. A friend of mine helped me out and took me home, he insisted on waiting with me until you got home. I just wanted to call and say not to worry about me," Jenny answered her brother in the most nonchalant way possible.
"Jen, you didn't answer my question. What happened to you?" Dan desperately wanted an answer, Jenny was his little sister, so it was only natural for him to worry about her.
"Dan, I'm tired, please don't worry, I'm fine now and that's all that matters, Jenny answered not wanting to rehash the events of earlier that evening. "Nate?" She asked when she hung up the phone, "isn't Blair going to be looking for you? Don't you have to get home?
"Jenny don't worry about me, I can handle everybody in my world. I know who to trust and who avoid and I know how to deal with everyone, maybe I can help you in figuring that out. Are you sure you're okay?" Nate said.
"Nate! I swear I'm fine! I was just stupid, that's all. Right now I'm tired," Jenny said, annoyed by how much Nate was reminding her of Dan at that moment.
"Jenny," Nate said sweetly, "I really didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry. And you are not stupid, you just trust people too much. If you're tired, why don't you go lay down, I will wait until your brother gets home and explain things to him.
"Nate, thanks for rescuing me. I promise you I am fine. I'm just feeling like a complete idiot for letting that happen to myself," Jenny said as she walked to her room to change out of her dress and into sweatpants.
"Jenny," Nate called after her, "it's not your fault, and you can't blame yourself. Chuck did this to you, not the other way around."
"Yeah I know, and I'm fine, just stop asking me about it okay?" Jenny said because she was starting to feel like she was going to have two big brothers. She came back and sat next to Nate on the couch. She liked the way he made her feel, so safe, so comfortable, so warm. She felt she could trust him completely. Jenny closed her eyes and started to fall asleep; Nate started stroking her hair again. She felt like she could stay this way forever. She felt like Nate would never let anything bad happen to her. A few minutes later, Jenny was asleep on the couch and Nate was watching over her, one hand still stroking her hair in a brotherly fashion, when Dan opened the door and entered the loft with Serena in tow.
"Hey, thanks for stepping in man," Dan said quietly to Nate noticing his little sister asleep on their couch. What the fuck happened to her anyway?"
"Chuck Bass," Nate said barely able to contain his disgust and anger.
"What? What do you mean Chuck Bass happened?" Dan asked now sitting down and stroking Jenny's hair the way Nate had been before.
"Dan," Serena said before Nate could answer, "I think when he was trying to tell you, is that the most despicable person, and most notorious womanizer on the Upper East Side, not to mention his best friend, tried to take advantage of your little sister."
"That fucking bastard. How could he. She's 14 years old. What gave him the right? I'm such a bad brother, I can't believe I didn't get there in time, I'll kill him" Dan was so angry he could barely think straight. "Hey wait a minute," he said to Nate, "Who the hell are you and how do you know Jenny was in trouble?" Dan said, his protective older brother instincts running on overdrive.
"I'm Nate Archibald, and I know your sister. She sent me a text message telling me she was in trouble and I knew she was at the party, so I went looking for her and found my former best friend causing her "d a lot of trouble," Nate said leaving out important details like, "I have a huge crush on your little sister and I'm also hopelessly in love with the girl that you just took out on a date."
"Alright," Dan said, feeling slightly suspicious of Nate's motives, but more than anything feeling grateful that Nate had been there to take care of Jenny. "Hey Serena, I'm really sorry, but I have to stay here with Jenny, but I had an awesome time with you tonight."
"Dan," Nate said, feeling himself inexplicably pulled towards the little freshmen girl sleeping on the couch, "I can say here with Jenny, while you take Serena home, it's no problem."
Serena smiled at Nate, feeling grateful for his offer. She was having a lot of fun with Dan and wasn't quite ready for their date to be over.
Dan thought about it for a minute. I really like this girl, and I want to spend more time with her. But I'm not sure if I should really trust Nate, I mean he did rescue Jenny from Chuck and everything, but I can't help thinking that he has some ulterior motives. I should really be here to make sure she is okay, but it won't take long. What should I do? Jenny would probably tell me to take Serena home. It was a very gentlemanly thing of Nate to do, offering to stay with Jenny like that. He really wanted to take Serena home so maybe he should. "Well, if you're sure it's not a problem for you, that would be great," Dan finally answered.
"Okay, then. See you later Serena, Dan," Nate said, a bittersweet feeling washing over him. He hated to watch Serena with Dan, but he loved being with Jenny. He felt so protective of her, it was almost painful.
Spotted: S and Lonely Boy headed for the Upper East Side. Could this be more than just a fling?
"I'm really glad you stuck with me through all of this tonight; I had a great time with you, in spite of everything," Dan told Serena sincerely.
"I had a great time with you too. You're a really great guy, Dan," Serena smiled back at him. I can already tell you're different than most of the people I know—in a good way though. I barely know you, but somehow, for some reason, I feel like I can trust you, like you won't judge me. I feel like you'll accept me for who I really am. I can already tell that I don't have to pretend with you; I feel like I can really be myself with you. No games. No lies. I just hope you didn't pick up on anything between me and Nate, because I don't want Nate anymore. He's Bair's boyfriend and he's falling hard for Jenny, real hard, I can tell. He will figure out that he doesn't want me anymore soon enough, I know that. Anyway, I want you, I really do, Serena thought to herself and wanted to add.
"Thanks," Dan replied, "and speaking of great guys, what's Nate's deal anyway?" Dan asked.
"His deal?" Serena asked confused.
"Yeah, his deal, does he enjoy playing the knight in shinning armor or something like that? Should I have trusted him to be alone with Jenny?" Dan asked Serena, hiding his growing panic.
"Don't worry about Nate, Dan. He is a really good guy and he was just looking out for Jenny. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about,, Serena said with a smile, but kept the truth hidden. What she was thinking was: Nate's not a bad guy unless you consider cheating on your girlfriend with her best friend a bad thing. Nate is looking out for Jenny but his intentions are entirely pure. He obviously likes her and I can't believe you are too blind to see that, but Serena kept these thoughts to herself. She Nate well enough to know he was no threat to Jenny and she didn't want Dan to worry about Jenny right now.
Spotted: N choosing Little J over Queen B. again. Looks like there might be trouble brewing in Paradise.
Nate could feel his cell phone vibrating in his pocket, but he didn't really want to answer it. He was pretty sure it would be Blair demanding to know why he had run out of the party with Jenny Humphrey. He was pretty sure she would be angry, but he knew that she wouldn't do the dirty work for him. Nate Archibald was beginning to realize that no matter how angry he made Blair Waldorf, no matter how much they both knew that this relationship wasn't working she wouldn't break up with him. He wanted to just end it right then and there, but he knew that was impossible. Somehow some way he would be forced to get back together with Blair even though she was not the person he wanted to be with. Although, he would admit to himself that he wasn't sure he wanted to be with at that moment. So he reluctantly picked up his cell phone and looked at the screen.
Blair (mobile)
Nate slammed his phone shut seething with anger. Who the fuck does Blair think she is? She may be my girlfriend right now, but she has no right to control my life! Why the fuck does she give a shit about what I did to Chuck anyway? I really don't want to go to that fucking brunch but I have no choice. If I don't keep Blair happy my father will kill me because for some reason he thinks that the success of his business deal with Eleanor Waldorf is dependent on the success of my relationship with Blair. I may have to go, but that doesn't mean I have to do exactly what they want me to do, Nate thought as he looked at Jenny who was asleep on the couch next to him. He pitied her in a strange sort of way because he knew how much she wanted to be like Blair and wanted to be Queen of Constance and the Upper East Side, but he also knew that she was innocent and naïve and she didn't realize what she would have to sacrifice, or who she would have to hurt to get to the top and stay there. Nate closed his eyes and felt peace wash over him because he knew that for now at least, he didn't have to be part of that world and neither did Jenny.
Spotted: Lonely Boy walking S. to her door. Who knew gentlemen came from Brooklyn?
"You were a pretty good day for someone I don't know," Serena laughed as she stepped out of the cab, hoping he would walk her to her door.
"You too. Let me walk you to your door," Dan answered with a smile as she grabbed her hand. "We should definitely go out again sometime," he said with confidence he never felt before.
"Yeah, maybe we should," Serena said trying to hide her excitement. Dan was different than any other guy she knew and she liked being around him.
The reached her door and there was an awkward pause. Serena was pretty sure that Dan wanted to kiss her and she knew that she wanted to kiss him too.
Spotted: Queen B. alone without any reinforcements. Could her kingdom the crumbling before her eyes or is there a surprising knight in shining armor waiting for her?
Blair couldn't believe how wrong tonight had gone for her. First, her boyfriend had gotten in a fight with his best friend over another girl, a freshman no less. Then he ditched her at her big party to run off with the girl he had been fighting over, who was Jenny Humphrey from Brooklyn! He'd picked a stupid freshman wannabe who wasn't even from the Upper East Side over her. This was unbelievable! Then Nate had ignored her text messages. She couldn't help feeling like he had ulterior motives for helping Jenny, and that made her think of Nate's confession earlier that day, he had slept with her best friend, Serena Van der Woodsen while they were dating. Blair knew that she should break up with Nate, but for some reason she just couldn't. Maybe it was because she felt like they were meant to be together. Maybe it was because she was afraid of what other people would think and of how it would affect the power structure at Constance, especially now that her ex-best friend and former Constance it girl Serena was back in the picture. Most likely, it was because Blair Waldorf saw her life like a movie and she liked happy endings and hated to fail, breaking up with Nate Archibald, her first and only boyfriend, would be admitting failure and destroying her happy movie like ending all at once, and Blair just couldn't handle that.
"Miss Blair, you have visitor," Derota said in her heavily accented voice.
"Who is it?" Blair asked trying to disguise her tear choked voice with a tone of annoyance.
"Mr. Chuck," Derota replied.
Chuck? What did Chuck from her at a time like this? Nate had just kicked his ass at the same time he broke Blair's heart, so maybe Chuck wanted to commiserate. "Send him up," Blair called down from her room.
Seconds later, Chuck Bass was standing in her doorway smirking.
"He doesn't care about you, and he never will. He doesn't realize how lucky he is to have you. I say you get even with him, and the stupid sluts who stole his heart and ruin your life. I'll help you," Chuck said skipping all of the pleasantries.
"Why do you care, Chuck? What's in it for you? Why would you help me?" Blair asked bitterly turned her face away from him.
"He destroyed my face and my reputation. He spit on our friendship for a stupid freshman girl. I'm Chuck Bass, nobody, not even Nate Archibald gets away with treating me like that," Chuck responded fluidly hiding his true intentions. The real reasons he had come here floated around in his head, "she doesn't appreciate you. You are so amazing and so beautiful, those other girls look like trash next to you. I want you. I love you."
"Well fine," Blair answered, "since you here with this proposal you must have a plan."
"As a matter of fact I do," Chuck answered with a smirk.
Spotted: Lonely Boy and S. kissing in the rain. Looks like lonely boy made an impression.
The tension was rising in front of Serena's building and all Dan wanted to do was kiss Serena. As if the sky felt the romantic tensions between them, the clouds opened up and it began to rain. Suddenly, Dan felt bold. Before he could even realize what he was doing, Dan Humphrey kissed Serena, the girl he had a crush on since he first saw her. A few seconds later, he wanted to pull back feeling certain that he shouldn't have done it, but Serena wouldn't let him go. So they stood there together kissing in the rain and everything else seemed to disappear around them, it was perfect. When they finally separated, Serena smiled and said, "So about that second date, would you like to come to brunch with me at the Palace tomorrow. My mom is making me go and I really don't want to, but I think I would feel a lot better if you came with me.
"Sure, that sounds great!" Dan responded, still in a euphoric state.
Serena smiled back at him as she opened her door and went inside.
Spotted: D. (formerly known as lonely boy) checking up on Little J., but is he the only one?
"Dan, I'm fine! I swear! I've been fine every time that you've asked me! I was fine last night when Nate left, and when I went to bed, and I'm fine now! I promise!" Jenny told her brother, not bothering to hide the exasperation in her voice.
"Jen, I know and I'm sorry, but I can't help worrying about you. I'm your big brother, that's my job, it's what I do. And if you ever decide you're not okay and you want to talk to somebody who's not, well you know, me or Nate, just let me know," Dan said, stunned that he mentioned Nate, even in passing, but he had to admit Nate had done a lot better job of taking care of Jenny last night then he had.
"Yeah, okay Dan, I will, I promise," Jenny said with a meek smile. "Now onto more important things," she said immediately brightening up, "how was your date with Serena last night?"
"It was good. I'm actually getting ready to go meet her for some brunch thing pretty soon," Dan told his little sister.
"Brunch at the Palace?" Jenny asked in awe, then quickly added, "I hope you're not planning on wearing THAT!"
Dan smiled at his sister and ruffled her hair before walking out of the room.
Jenny had to do some damage control, and she knew exactly where her first stop was, Blair Waldorf's apartment.
Spotted: Little J. on the Upper East Side headed for B's building. Hopefully B plays nice, who am I kidding I love a good fight!
"Derota, I told you no visitors—Oh Jenny, what you want," Blair greeted her guest with a sly smile only second to Chuck Bass's.
"I just realized I still had your calligraphy pens and I wanted to return them," Jenny said, hopelessly trying to hide the true reasons for her visit.
"That is the lamest excuse I've ever heard," Blair said coldly, "you want to know what people are saying about you."
"Are they saying anything? You know about what happened?" Jenny asked, her voice full of embarrassment.
"No, not really, at least not yet anyway. Chuck usually likes to brag about his conquests not his victims. Although, a few people are talking about the way my boyfriend whisked you away last night," Blair said as she twirled a strand of hair around her finger.
"I'm so sorry about that Blair! I didn't know he was going to do that! It was just that I was in trouble and I didn't know who to call other than my brother who was on a date with Serena and when I met Nate he said if I ever need help I should call him and so I did but I didn't expect him to take me home or anything but he insisted and so I'm really really really sorry I ruined your party and I hope you forgive me!" The words came out of Jenny Humphrey's mouth so fast that she was barely coherent.
"Calm down Jenny, I know it wasn't your fault. Nate is just like that, he likes to take care of everyone. I'm just a little sad you didn't come to me for help. After all, we are friends, right?" Blair said, her voice full of fake sweetness.
"I'm just glad that nobody is really talking about it and that your not too angry at me about what happened with Nate," Jenny said with a smile, thinking that this whole ordeal had been a lot less painful than she had envisioned.
"Like I said Jenny, why would I be mad at you? It's your fault that Nate feels the need to rescue every stupid girl gets herself into trouble. As far as people talking about what happened is concerned, you have to remember that if you want to be in this world, people will talk about you eventually, and you need to decide if all this is worth it," Blair said gesturing around the room. She had expertly convinced Jenny Humphrey that there were no hard feelings about what had transpired last night, but her thoughts told a different story. "Yeah sure, we're good, As long as you keep your low class hands off my boyfriend. You're not cut out for this world, this life. You too naïve and trusting. But I can use you for now and you really are no threat to me. "Jenny," Blair added as an afterthought, "help me get ready for brunch."
"Okay," Jenny agreed enthusiastically, happy to be back in Blair Waldorf's good graces. Blair led Jenny up the large spiral staircase to her bedroom, and Jenny looked around in awe. Everything was so beautiful, so perfect. This room was most definitely fit for a queen, and Blair filled the role perfectly.
"It's beautiful," Jenny said, pointing to a blue strapless dress that was playing on Blair's bed.
"It's average," Blair responded, "the color is so last season, and besides Stella McCartney has a much nicer version at Bendels. If you like it so much you can have it,"
"Really? No, I couldn't," Jenny was ecstatic, but something about the offer didn't feel right to her.
"Really, it's fine. I have a closet full of dresses like that. I don't even like that one very much anymore," Blair said, insisting that Jenny take the dress. She took it, it would mark her as one of Blair's crowd, and make it that much harder for Jenny to betray her.
"Well okay, I guess you really don't want it. Thanks for everything, Blair," Jenny said as she turned to leave.
"Anytime Jenny," Blair said with a smile, "remember we are friends. Friends help each other and don't betray each other," Blair added a subtle warning.
Spotted: N headed to Brooklyn for the second time in less than 24 hours. Whoa, he must really have it bad for Little J.
"Nate!" Jenny exclaimed in surprise when she answered her door, "what are you doing here? Doesn't brunch start soon? Aren't you supposed to be there? With Blair? Won't she be angry if you don't show up?"
"Jenny, relax. I was in the neighborhood and I just came by to make sure you're doing okay," Nate answered easily.
"Oh no," Jenny groaned, "I swear, it's like you and Dan were separated at birth or something! I'm fine! I appreciate all the help and concern, and you seem like a really nice guy, but you can't be here! You're going to get me in trouble with Blair, Nate, and I really don't need that right now,"
"Jenny, I'm your friend and I want to look out for you. You may think of Blair as some kind of Constance royalty, but that doesn't mean she can control your life. She's my girlfriend, and she certainly does not control mine. There is no reason we can't be friends," Nate said trying to hide his exasperation, he really hated how everyone let Blair control their lives.
"Okay fine," Jenny said with a big smile, "you win, we're friends and there's nothing Blair can do about it.
"Good," Nate said flashing Jenny one of his knee-weakening, perfect smiles. "Now I have a confession to make, there is another reason I came here this morning. I think that after the night you had, you should not be hanging out here alone, moping around, and not even changing your clothes from last night."
At the last statement, Jenny blushed scarlet red. She hadn't even realized she was still in the clothes she changed into last night after Nate brought her home from the party. She was even more embarrassed when she realized that she'd worn those clothes over to Blair's house. "Well then what do you propose I do instead? I just humiliated myself in front of everyone who matters at our school and thankfully I narrowly escaped social execution by your girlfriend," Jenny shot back a little annoyed at Nate.
"Well, I propose that you come to brunch with me today. It'll keep me from being bored to tears, and I think you'll have fun," he answered without a second thought.
"Nate, you know I can't! It's Chuck's dad's hotel and Blair will be really angry if you bring me. You know that Nate," Jenny said, frustrated and a little confused as to why he wanted her to go so badly. She assumed he was just being protective, but things didn't seem to add up.
"First of all, don't you dare worry about that asshole Chuck, if he causes any problems I'll take care of it. Second of all, you need to have some fun and I'm not going anywhere unless you come with me, so if you think Blair will be angry that I bring you, just think how angry she'll be I don't show up at all," Nate said with a devilish smile.
"Nate, just go. I'm not coming and you can't make me," Jenny said hoping he was bluffing about not going to brunch without her.
"I'm not going anywhere, like I said, you're coming with me you need to get out of this house," Nate was insistent.
"Ugh, fine you win! If it will get you to go, I'll come. Just give me some time to get ready," Jenny said as she grabbed the blue dress that Blair gave her off the couch. "But don't say I didn't warn you that this wasn't a good idea," she added as she looked back at him.
What do you get when you combine D, S., B., N, C., Little J. and a high-class Sunday brunch at the Palace Hotel? Fireworks, that's what and I can't wait!
A little over 20 minutes later, Jenny was stepping out of Nate Archibald's limo in front of the Palace Hotel, wearing the blue strapless dress Blair had given to her. As shocked as she was to be there, she had to admit she was a little excited.
"This will be fun, I promise," Nate reassured her as they headed inside, although he knew there would probably be drama he was sick of playing by everybody else's rules. Jenny was just his friend, he convinced himself, and there was nothing wrong with him bringing her here.
When they walked inside, Blair, who was standing near Chuck smiled at Nate, happy that he put aside all of his crazy behavior from last night and showed up, but her happiness quickly turned to displeasure when she saw Jenny Humphrey following him through the door.
"What is she doing here?" Blair hissed in Chuck's ear.
"How am I supposed to know? Looks like your loser boyfriend invited the whore. I told you he doesn't care about you," Chuck hissed back.
"Of course he cares about me, he's just concerned about her because of what you tried to do last night," Blair said trying to convince herself as much as Chuck that Nate still cared about her.
"Whatever you need to tell yourself. I can't believe that Nate and Serena think it's okay to bring Brooklyn trash to brunch," Chuck said.
"What are you talking about? I mean I know Jenny's here, but that doesn't mean Nate brought her, and what does Serena have to do with that?" Blair asked.
"Look over there," Chuck said pointing to Serena who was arm in arm with Dan Humphrey.
"Who does she think she is? Showing up here like that," Blair said and started over to where Serena, Dan, Jenny, and Nate were standing.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Dan was shocked to see his little sister at an Upper East Side brunch, especially with Nate Archibald.
"Jenny, what are you doing here? Dan asked not even bothering to hide his surprise.
"I told Nate he should bring her so that she wouldn't think all Upper East Side events were as crazy as that party last night. I didn't want your sister's high school experience to be defined by one awful party," Serena jumped in without a second thought. She really didn't know why Nate had brought Jenny here, but didn't want the situation to get anymore awkward. Serena shot Nate a meaningful look, imploring him for an explanation of his bizarre behavior when it came to Jenny Humphrey. The only other girl she'd ever seen Nate act so crazily for was her and she didn't like where this was going. She knew he still thought he liked her and she could see that he was falling for Jenny, but she could also see that this was trouble.
"Yeah, Nate told me that Serena thought I would enjoy brunch, and then she sent him to come get me," Jenny said picking up on the glances and deciding to play along.
"Oh Serena, it was nice of you to worry about Jenny that way, but did you warn her not to repeat your mistakes when it comes to guys like Nate," said Blair Waldorf in a cold and bitter voice from behind.
"What is she talking about?" Dan and Jenny asked practically in unison.
"Oh how cute! Neither of them knows about your little… transgressions," Chuck said coming from behind Blair.
"Serena, what are they talking about?" Dan asked.
"Well Serena, do you want to tell him or should I?" Blair asked in a cold emotionless voice.
"There's nothing to tell, what happened is in the past and I'm not like that anymore, you should know that Blair," Serena said angrily.
"Oh come on S., he deserves to know that you're as much of a whore as his little sister," Chuck said before Blair had a chance to respond.
"MY SISTER IS NOT A WHORE!!! Serena, what are they talking about? What happened?" Dan said struggling to contain his rage.
"She slept with Nate while we were dating, but it looks like Nate is trying to convince your sister to repeat Serena's mistake, I think she's smarter than that though," Blair said bluntly.
"I really liked you, I thought you were different, but now I see you're no better than the rest of them," Dan told Serena angrily, "and you I thought you were a good guy, I guess I was wrong," Dan said to Nate. "Come on Jenny, let's go home. This world is just too crazy!" Dan said, grabbing Jenny's hand, and storming out of the Palace. Serena and Nate ran after them.
"Dan," Serena yelled, "you have to believe me, I'm not like that anymore, and I really like you, Blair is just a vindictive bitch she wants to run everyone else's life because she's not happy, Dan please, don't walk away from me!" The tears were streaming down Serena's face.
"Jenny, Dan, you know how Blair can be, it was like that with you, Jenny. I just wanted to be your friend, nothing else, I promise!" Nate said in a pleading tone.
Dan did nothing, he just kept on walking. Jenny looked back sadly, she'd been right about one thing it was a disaster.
A/N: I'm sorry it took me so long to update!! I was busy moving in and getting adjusted to college! Hopefully this long chapter makes up for it! I promise to update more frequently. Up next is the masquerade ball, Blair's birthday and a unique chance for Nate and Chuck to make up. Please stick with me I'm really excited for where this story is going next!