I own nothing. All known characters are the property of Fox/WB and Paramount.

Chapter 1. Discovery

In the 24th century.......

Cadet Wesley Crusher quietly observed the ruined landscape of ancient Los Angeles. Even after 300 years the affect of the nuclear strike that started the third "world war" on earth it had not been fully excavated. Starfleet and federation ideals demanded that each body found deserved a proper burial. Surveying the devastation of the late 20th and early 21st century metropolis made todays ethics lesson truly hit home for him.

"Power and authority must be handled with the utmost care and responsibility." is what his professor told him.

Turning he set his gaze upon the three people who made the journey to accompany and guide him through this lesson. Captain Jean-Luc Picard, his mentor and sponsor gazed upon him proudly seeing that this lesson was being taken to heart. Crusher would make a fine officer one day he concluded. On the captain's right was Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge. Though he could not actually see, he could feel and imagine the landscape. On the captain's left left was his mother, Dr. Beverly Crusher who had raised him alone from an early age since the death of his father. It wasn't until her posting on the Enterprise that the other two became definitive roll models for his development.

Wesley moved to close the distance to embrace his mother. He was three steps from her when is foot caught something. Something old, hard, and unmoving. After a display of impressive accidental acrobatics that only a young, prideful man is capable of, the three visitors rushed to the aid of the fallen youth. The captain had a look of concern but after realizing that the boy only had his pride hurt allowed himself an inward smile. Geordi did not bother to hid his smile and smirked openly. Dr. Crusher of course fussed over him as only a mother is capable.

"Are you alright?" she asked with her medical tricorder already out and taking readings on his ankle.

"I'm fine, what tripped me?"

The four then gazed at the offending object and noticed a small rust covered latch handle. Picard, ever the archaeologist and explorer could not resist.

"Geordi" stated the captain.

"Its obviously an entrance to an underground tunnel. Do you think we should open it and take a look?" he asked taking out his own tricorder.

"I believe we should since we discovered this. Would you like to come along Wesley?"

The doctor gave Picard a dirty look that only she could get away with and Wesley quickly stood up and answered "Yes, Sir."

The Captain and Georgi used MK 1 Phasers to cut through the surrounding landscape and to unlock the latch. Opening the hatch the four were greeted by a wave of stagnant air but Beverly confirmed that it was safe to breath. As they descended into the tunnel the four activated their search lamps. As they passed several chambers Picard took up the lead with a small but obvious smile on his face. Beverly could not remember seeing him so happy as she attempted to scan for life signs. Geordi scanned the tunnels for, well, anything and Wesley used his tricorder to map the explored areas of the tunnel system. Beverly found only decaying remains of people, rodents and dogs long since dead. Geordi's tricorder beeped slightly more as he made his first discovery.

"Captain, I believe this is a combination of primitive projectile fire as well as high yield plasma fire" He said examining a wall with numerous bullet holes and plasma scorch marks.

"I'm also detecting trace amounts of blood still in decay. Odd-" started Beverly

"What is it doctor"

"Well some of this blood does appear to be synthetic"

"It is likely a conventional battle took place here during the chaos after the nuclear strike" Wesley added his input.

They decided to continue on until they came to a large chamber. Looking around all for noticed a very large, heavy and secure door. Geordi's tricorder started beeping like crazy.

"Captain, I'm piking up several power sources. One appears to be nuclear but on a stand by mode if you will. I'm not detecting any radiation however. The nuclear power source is behind that door.

They moved towards the door and both Beverly and Wesley identified a retinal scanner next to it. Geordi immediately began configuring his tricorder to duplicate a compatible retina to be scanned by the primitive scanner. Picard noted a metal sign on the door reading "Gen. Con-" before the rest was covered with grime and carbon. The all collectively held their breath as the door started to open.

The four gazed into the room seeing it blank with only a desk with a primitive computer on top of it. A cot that served as a bed with the decaying remains of a human male. And a chair in which sat what appeared to be a human teenage girl with her head resting on the man's chest and her arm wrapped possessively around him.

And fifteen seconds after they entered they saw her move. She first turned her head to look upon the intruders and then stood up taking great care not to jostle the remains. An old Colt 1911 in her right had that she did not raise but still took a defensive posture. Her brown eyes glowed an azure blue as she scanned the four humans and commanded in a cold and monotone voice "Identify yourselves."

This is my first fanfic please tell me what you think. I do have plans to continue this and feedback, input and muses would be appreciated.