Author: Tempest-Races
Lose the Road
Disclaimer: All characters from The Fast and
the Furious belong to Universal Studios and their subsidiaries and
any other original copyright holders. New characters found here
belong to me. I do this for love, not money, and no profit will be
made from this story.
Summary: Two years ago she ran from a
hurt worse than she ever knew the human heart was capable of taking.
She's all put back together now, but how long will she be able to
stay that way when circumstances pull her back into the life she was
so sure she'd left behind?
Rating: Very, Very M, I have no doubt.
Feedback: Yes please! I'm incredibly tough so there's
no need to be gentle. Please be perfectly honest with me. The pickier
you want to be with me the better. But just letting me know what you
think is ok too.
Warning: This story is not meant to be
taken seriously. Doing so may prove hazardous to your brain. This
story is an action film. It doesn't have to make sense. I may,
despite my absolute best efforts not to, forget something I put into
writing in the 250,000 word monstrosity the last 'book' was. If I
do that, and I realize I'll likely fix it. But you know how in a
long running TV show they sometimes contradict something they said in
season one? Well, its kinda like that!
Ok, so I suppose this story needs some introduction. It is part two of 'Funeral of a Good Girl'. Basically, both stories are 'written' in 2001. The first story was, as someone pointed out, Tempest remembering what happened in the summer of 1999 when she went to visit Jesse.
So, now it's 2001. And we all know what happened in 2001 don't we? The first Film. So now when Tempest gets a call as the only family Los Angeles knows Jesse has who isn't on the run from the law or in jail, what will she do when she finds herself dragged kicking and screaming back into Jesse's world?
Part one was necessary so we all know why she doesn't want to go back anywhere near Jesse's world.
I must warn you, this story is going to be where I attempt to do something I'm actually very against. I'll be taking film two and basically disregarding canon and using it however I wish. There will be no Rome. There will be Brian. The basic plot line of film two will be worked into this story, but not exactly as it appeared on screen. I'm hoping that it will be far enough removed from how film two actually went that no big fans of film two will be disappointed but I need Brian and the events of the second movie to lead me to where I wish this second story to end.
Movie three will not exist. It was ok, but really it had nothing to do with The Fast and the Furious. The only thing me disregarding it means is Dom never went to Japan and that doesn't even mean there can't be Han someday since Dom doesn't go to Japan until after he's known Han in L.A. and Han is already dead anyway.
I must confess that in all likelihood film 4 won't exist in this world either. I do have a film 4 plot bunnie kicking around my head but... Who knows. This story and finishing Catalyst will certainly be my priorities for the near future at least.
With that out of the way, onto Chapter one of Lose the Road!