Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the affiliated characters, nor do I make any money from this work of fiction.

WARNING!: This is YAOI, not just shonen-ai. There is male-sex ahead (pun totally intended) everyone, so please do not read in the same room as, say, a parent, a sibling... your boss...

This is un-edited/non-beta'd/straight off the top of my head, so please excuse any mistakes you might find.


Sakura nervously fidgeted with the large stone on her left ring finger—a beautiful, pink sapphire cut in a princess cut and set in a gorgeous, 14 karat, white gold band—as she and her husband-to-be waited, somewhat patiently, for their wedding planner to enter his office. When they had checked in with the secretary twenty-five minutes earlier, the chestnut haired young woman had assured them that it would only be a few minutes before the planner from a previous appointment.

The young woman—she had introduced herself to the couple simply as 'Lin'—had then led them to a plush office to wait. Nearly half an hour had passed since then and there was still no sign of the planner.

Light green eyes glanced over to her excitable fiancé; watching as he practically bounced in his, admittedly, comfortable chair. "Honey," she called to him, pulling his attention away from the door he had been fixedly staring at, as if he could will the planner's arrival by sheer mental fortitude.

"Yes, my blossom?" Sakura could feel herself flush minutely. They had been together for over five years now and she still got a bit pink in the cheeks from his endearments. She looked away from him, somewhat bashfully, and focused her attention to the view outside of the modestly decorated office.

From where she sat, she could see the Washington Monument and the buildings that made up the Smithsonian and the Mall. It was a clear, crisp November day and she could see for what seemed like miles. Her cheeks lost their pink hue and she turned back to her fiancé with a mock stern look.

"Staring at the door like that won't make him come any faster, Lee." The man looked on blankly for a split second before he leapt from his chair and struck his patented "Awesome Guy Pose!"—a more pizzazzed version of his father figure's "Good Guy Pose".

"Do not worry, my guiding light! My faith in our planner's youth will expedite his arrival and lessen our youthful anxieties!" Lee laughed deeply—the only kind of laugh someone filled with overpowering confidence could laugh—and Sakura found herself following along with an honest chuckle, both missing as the door to the room was opened on silent hinges.

"Glad to see you're still as exuberant as ever, Bushy Brows." Round black eyes and wide green both snapped to the figure leaning on the doorjamb, a lazy grin plastered onto his tan, whisker marked face.

"NARUTO!" Lee yelled as he barreled towards the other; laughing with delight as he picked up and swung the blonde around. "Oi! No swinging in the office; you might make me hit something." Naruto's scolding was broken by his laughter at such a greeting from his long time friend.

Lee put Naruto down and, after the blond set down the stylish messenger bag he had had slung over his shoulder, broad hands clasped in a more subdued greeting. Sakura stood off to the side, waiting for her turn to hug the blond man. His grin only widened as he scooped her up in his arms and proceeded to spin her in a circle, albeit a much smaller and more controlled circle. "Oh, Naruto," she said after she had been released. "It's been ages. How are you?" She cupped his cheek gently and looked into his mirthful blue eyes.

"I'm good, Sakura, real good. But let's talk about you! Congratulations, to both of you." He held Sakura's hand in his left and clapped Lee on the shoulder with his right. He used his hold on them to lead them back to their seats. After depositing them into the plush chairs, he turned around and retrieved his dropped bag. He then moved around the dark stained, red-wood desk to sit in his own chair.

"Now, then, let's get down to business. What can I do to make your wedding day the most memorably occasion in your lives?" Naruto's smile was completely professional and entirely genuine as he looked over his friends. Sakura stifled a bit of a giggle and Lee grinned so widely Naruto worried for a moment if the other man's mouth was in danger of falling off.

"Well, we have a few ideas of what we want, but there needs to be quite a bit of fine tuning." Sakura began, "We both loved how you managed Choji and Ino's wedding, so coming to you was a no brainer". Naruto held back from beaming at the compliment and toned his smile down to a gentle tilt of lips. "Choji and Ino's wedding was one of the best weddings I've ever had the fortune to be a part of. And you looked gorgeous in your matron of honor's dress, Sakura."

The pink haired young woman didn't bother to hold back on her smile, pearly whites showing clearly as she fondly remembered the purple gown Ino had chosen. "Everything was so perfect that day," she reached over to clasp Lee's hand and he gave her a thumbs-up with his other.

"Well, let's make sure that your wedding is just as perfect," the coordinator said as he pulled out a legal pad and a pen. "First off, about what date were you both thinking for the ceremony? What we can get done depends heavily on how close we are to that date."

Sakura and Lee exchanged a quick glance before the bowl-cut man answered. "We were thinking of having the wedding when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. What to suit my delicate blossom, then to be surrounded by her glorious namesake?" Even Naruto flushed a bit at the romantic declaration.

"Ahem," he coughed quietly behind his hand, successfully suppressing the urge to snicker. "I see. Hmm," Naruto opened his satchel and pulled out his—rather large and overstuffed—date book. "Now where is it…" he flipped through the pages, the words on them being nothing more than chicken scratch to anyone who might try to read them over the blonde's shoulder.

His assistant had told him time and time again to upgrade to a digital date planner. "A Blackberry would do you good, Naruto. Maybe then I'd know what you were up to." Still, he loved having a date book. What would happen if technology failed him and all of his information was on said technology? He'd be up shit-creek, that's what. He'd stick to his out-moded means of planning.

"Ah-ha!" he exclaimed, laying the book down for the couple to see several dates circled in red during the end of March and the beginning of April. "The cherry blossoms are expected to bloom fully between March 27th and April 11th. So, some day in that time is what we're going to aim for, yes?"

Naruto looked up to watch as pink and black heads nodded in confirmation. Sakura pulled out her own Blackberry—causing him to wince imperceptibly—to check the dates that he had just given them. "Having it on a Saturday would be the best thing. We'll be having relatives from all over coming, so a weekend would be best." Naruto hummed in agreement, but said nothing as he let the bride decide on what she wanted.

"I think the third would be the best day. Just in the middle of the blooms, right, my darling?" Lee held his thoughtful grin softened to a smile when the slightly calloused fingers in his grasp squeezed back. "April the third then," Naruto wrote a quick note in his planner before grinning back up at them. "Excellent. That gives us roughly four months to get everything together. A little closer than I'd usually advise, but everything should work out just fine."

Sakura looked worried for a moment, "Do you think it won't be enough time to get everything ready? I mean, we don't have to get married with the blossoms. We could wait a little bit longer. W could always just-" "Sakura!" Naruto interrupted, a bemused expression on his face. "There's nothing you need to fret about. I'm going to personally make sure that your wedding day is one you'll remember and cherish always. The only thing I want you to worry about is color schemes."

The blonde let out a snort of amusement that was chorused by chuckles from the rooms other occupants, all tension dissipating as Naruto got down to business hashing out the wedding details.

~Three Months To Go~

"If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: there's no way you're going to be able to book Tidal Basin during the blossom festival." Blue eyes zeroed in on the harried worker sitting behind the file-overflowing desk at the National Parks Service Center(1). This aging man had been the bane of Naruto's phone-using existence for the past month and the wedding planner decided it was time for a face-to-face confrontation.

So, dressed in his best, Naruto had gone down to the man's office to try and straighten things out. "And I've told you before, Mr. Ero(2), that I've had a reservation for the park area of Tidal Basin for well over three months. I, in fact, booked it with the Parks Service in September for several days during the festival. I have the paperwork right here."

The man pushed his dark sunglasses up from where they had fallen down his nose. "I'm sorry to inform you, Mr. Uzumaki, but the date you're requesting is not one of the dates that you had reserved. I'm afraid the date you're asking for is," he leaned back to check his itinerary on his computer, "Ah, the day of the fireworks. There's a musical introduction that will be going with them and Tidal Basin must be cleared for the orchestra to set up."

"That won't be until the evening," Naruto stressed. "This wedding will be over long before the musicians need to start setting up and I've even offered to have the wedding's chairs be organized in the way the musicians will need them positioned later." The blonde felt like ripping his hair from his head in frustration at the official.

Everything else for the wedding was going smoothly and according to plan. Sakura had been very specific with her color choices, which had made his job that much easier. The company that they had ordered the cake from was run by one of their long time friends and Choji Akimichi had promised to do the cake himself.

The large boned man was grateful to Naruto in more ways than one. Not only had the blond been the one to arrange his wedding, Naruto also only ever used Choji's bakery for any event he was planning. "When you've already found perfection," the blond was fond of saying to the flushed chef, "Why bother to look for something less?"

Naruto had also been the one to host Ino's baby shower, for free this time. He had taken care of everything, including getting several of the more expensive baby boutiques in the area to pull together a gift basket of some of their best sellers. Their daughter had been born with a real silver spoon in her mouth.

A lot of Choji's revenue came from Naruto's sterling recommendations, so the man was more than willing to help in any way he could. All of that, and he had been friends with the bride and groom since they were all children; it would have been insulting for them to go to anyone else.

The style of the bride's maids dresses was decided upon—after much fuss with the Matron of Honor, who just couldn't seem to agree with Sakura's choice of strapless, light pink gowns—and the seamster that Naruto usually referred his clients to had given his word that all the dresses would be made to perfection.

Kakuzu was an odd man, to be sure, but he was the best tailor on the Eastern seaboard. Naruto called on him for everything clothing related, including his own custom suits. He was a quiet person with a foreboding figure and presence, but was incredibly polite and professional—once he saw the cash, at least. He was the partner of another one of their friends and ran the shop in D.C., while she ran the main store in New York.

Finding the wedding dress was a synch. Sakura had already had a design in mind when he took her to his favorite boutique and it had only taken minutes to find the "Perfect Dress". Hinata Hyuuga, another childhood friend and Kakuzu's boss/partner, had discovered her niche in design when they had been in high school.

Her father had nearly disowned her when he found out that she had been skipping the Future Business Leaders of America Club in order to go to the Fashion Club. It was only after she had presented him with one of her projects—a gorgeous three piece, dark blue pin-striped suit with silver vest and matching tie—as a gift that he realized she had true talent in the art.

Hiashi had been reluctant, but he finally allowed Hinata to follow her dream; sending her with his blessing to a fashion design college on the West coast. When she had returned, Hinata was full to bursting with confidence and ideas. She had opened her own store in Manhattan, which then lead to the opening of stores in D.C., L.A., and an exclusive shop in Paris. And while Naruto had already been using Kakuzu for some time, he went to Hinata for already completed outfits.

So when he and Sakura had walked through the door to the D.C. shop, both were pleasantly surprised to find her waiting for them with several racks of gowns. "Naruto called me last month with the news. Congratulations, Sakura" the women embraced, both pulling away so that Hinata could lead them around the shop. They had already taken the grand tour with Kakuzu on the morning they had come in for the bridal gown meeting, but followed the graceful Hyuuga nonetheless.

"These are just some of my favorite designs. I wasn't sure what you would want, so I brought along all of them." Hinata flushed with over-zealous embarrassment but Sakura merely giggled. "Don't worry, Hinata. I'm sure that one of these is going to be the winner." Sure enough, not half an hour into their visit, Sakura cried out in triumph when she found the dress.

"Oh, Hinata! This is perfect. Almost exactly how I pictured it in my head." She held the gown in front of herself and stood before a full-lengthed mirror, admiring the flow of silk and lace. Hinata grinned uncharacteristically and Naruto applauded the find.

After purchasing the dress, the girls exchanged updated numbers and addresses. Naruto took the gown and Sakura's measurements (taken by Hinata before the purchase had been completed) and made his way to the back area of the shop. There, he saw Kakuzu already hard at work making the alterations to the other gowns they had purchased.

"How's everything, Kakuzu?" the blonde greeted while he hung the newest addition to Sakura's order up. The dark haired man grunted, but lifted his head enough for Naruto to see the magnifier glasses settled on the bridge of his nose.

"Is that the bride's gown?" he asked in his usual gruff tone, bringing a grin to Naruto's tan features. He lifted both arms and crossed his fingers behind his neck. "Yup, only took her a couple minutes to pick it out of the ones Hinata brought with her. Speaking of," he dropped his arms and adopted a serious expression. "Did you know that Hinata was going to come all the way down here, 'Kuzu?"

The older man coughed somewhat meekly into his hand at Naruto's question, causing blue eyes to widen in shock. "She asked me not to say anything to you. She knew you wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from Ms. Haruno." Kakuzu coughed uncomfortably into his hand once more before turning back to his work table and the sewing machine settled on top.

Naruto shook his head with a snort of laughter. "Figures she'd think something like that. I'm not a little kid anymore. I can keep a secret." The elder lifted his hand in a 'shooing' gesture and laughed raspily when Naruto let out an indignant squawk and huffed out of the room.

After that, Naruto went back up to the front to bid Sakura and Hinata farewell for the day. Sakura left with him before they went their separate ways; Naruto, to the Parks and Recs office, and Sakura, to her shift at the hospital.

Naruto resisted the urge to slam his head on the cheap desk before him as the dark bi-spectacled man repeated the same words over and over. "Again, I'm sorry, Mr. Uzumaki." A pause to push up the afore mentioned eyewear. "But there's simply no way we can change over your reservation dates."

The blonde glared balefully at the other before releasing a defeated sigh. "I know what it is you want from me, Ebisu. Why can't you just do this for me and I promise to pay you back for it?" The man, Ebisu, looked around quickly, searchingly, making sure that no one could hear their conversation. "Alright, Naruto. I'll do this for you, but you have to swear to get me it before the end of the week. Deal?"

Naruto grinned widely and shook the pale man's hand. "Deal! So… I'm good for the third of April?" Ebisu sighed, letting his hand go and waving him off dismissively. "Yes, yes. I'll change your date from the fourth to the third." Naruto stood, smoothing out his dark blue suit and stark orange tie.

"Thanks a bunch, Ebisu. I'll make sure to get "Icha Icha" signed for you by the end of the week." "Shhh!" Ebisu hushed him, head whipping back and forth to make sure no one had heard. Naruto walked away laughing.

~Two Months To Go~

"What do you mean he's off 'finding himself'? He's an interior and architectural designer, what's there left to find?" Naruto paced in tight circles while his hand gripped his cell phone with white knuckles. Contrary to popular belief, Naruto did own a cell phone. But he did exactly two things with it: text and call. For everything else, he had the date book and a never ending supply of sticky pads.

"You're preaching to the choir here, Naruto. I asked him the same damn thing." The woman on the other side of the phone voiced. He could hear a flurry of activity in the background and knew that the whole place was in disarray from having its main client holder disappear.

The blond flopped down on the beige leather love seat in his home office with an exasperated sigh. "Why couldn't Sasuke do this shit six months ago when I told him to take some time off? Gah! I already booked him for this! He's on the guest list, even!"

The woman growled into the phone, her voice steadily rising with every word she spoke. "You think you're the only person he left hanging? That prissy little shit had two other big accounts that he's supposed to be doing work for and he just up and left! How the hell and I supposed to help him run a business if he's going to just run off to Europe every time he needs to have a spiritual awakening?"

Naruto chuckled a bit at the woman's melodramatic shouting. "You'll be okay, Tenten. If ever the time comes and you just can't handle the bastard anymore, you'll always have a place working for me." Tenten's laugh carried over the line, prompting another chuckle from the coordinator.

He hung his head a moment later though, when he realized he was still out a designer and was just two months shy of the upcoming wedding date. "What am I supposed to do, Tenten? Sasuke's the only one whose judgment I trust with my weddings."

"Don't worry. He didn't completely abandon us this time." Naruto winced silently at the reminder of the disaster that had occurred three years previous, where Sasuke had left the country without a word in the middle of a very elaborate political wedding. Naruto had had to scramble around to find a designer whose style was decidedly not what Naruto wanted or needed.

Working his ass off—and calling in more favors than he would ever be comfortable with—the blonde had just barely managed to pull the whole thing off. Sasuke's excuse? "They were auctioning off a 1903 Merlot in this remote French village. Did you want me to miss out on that?" The resulting black eye did nothing to stop Sasuke from enjoying a glass the next time they had dinner at his apartment.

Naruto shivered but came back to the conversation. "His cousin Sai is here for the time being. So far he hasn't done anything to bring down fire and brimstone, and no one's really complained about his designs."

The blonde 'hmm'ed as he got up from his sofa and walked over towards his antiqued oak desk, where his planner sat open to a red circled date. "I had an appointment with the Bastard next Tuesday. Does that still stand? Circumstance being as they are?"

He heard a few quick taps on a keyboard and the quick click of a mouse. "Yup, you're still on the schedule. You'll just have to make do with seeing Sai instead." "Okay, then. Guess I'll be seeing you one Tuesday."

Naruto ran a hand through his hair as he let out another sigh and shut the cell phone. "Shit, I'm gonna give that asshole something worse than a black eye next time I see him." He stomped out of the office and made his way down the hall to the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to wash the frustration away.

~The Following Tuesday~

"Do you even have a dick?" Naruto was proud to say that, for the most part, he had matured in leaps and bounds since he was a teenager. Formerly the first one to throw punches when things got heated, the blonde event coordinator was now known to have the patience of a near saint.

However, when he was wet and tired and a bit miffed at all the tourists who couldn't handle the middle of town when the water was pouring down in sheets, his temper tended to drift towards the red. And, just to be the cherry on top of his shit sundae, some guy he had never met before having the nerve to bring his—rather impressive, if he did say so himself—penis' existence into question? There weren't enough saints in all of Catholicism to save the poor moron.

"The hell? Fuck you, asshole!" Cerulean flashed as Naruto practically snarled into the smooth pale face of his adversary. A voice deep within his subconscious yelled to him that the raven hair, nearly translucent skin and fathomless ebony eyes were all very familiar, but Naruto smashed the voice down with vicious fury.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, asking someone something like that? Have we ever fucked?" Narrowed blue traveled up and down the smartly dressed, lithe frame in disgust. "No. So why the hell are you asking me such a stupid fucking question? Goddammit, I outta-" "Naruto!" The blonde's verbal rampage was halted as Tenten came rushing over to where the two men stood from across the showroom floor, her heels clicking urgently.

"Hey, Tenten." Naruto cut his eyes across to the young woman, before gesturing back to the man in front of him. "Who the fuck is this asshole?" Tenten flushed heavily while a fake smile surfaced on pale lips. "Naruto Uzumaki, meet Sai."


"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Uzumaki. My cousin simply raves about you whenever the family gets together." A blonde brow twitched as Naruto listened to the deep monotone pouring from the raven haired weirdo.

"My, how interesting," he took a sip of the coffee Tenten had brought in for him. He nearly purred with pleasure when he tasted a hint of rum. 'Ah, leave it to Tenten to break into the Bastard's stash for me.' "I never knew the Bas-Sasuke talked about me so much at home."

The head tilted and Naruto felt a cold chill flow up his spine. "Why, yes. He speaks of your idiocy and lack of dick quite often. One would think he holds some sort of romantic feelings for you."

It took a lot for Naruto to stop himself from lunging across the gunmetal painted steal table to strangle the black-suited man. Another hearty gulp of his coffee revealed that most of the rum had sunken to the bottom, and he had just reached the motherload. The planner couldn't remember the last time he had been put so on edge just by someone's mere presence.

"Yes, well, Sasuke does have an…odd way of showing his affection. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to discuss the actual reason for my visit today."

For the first time since Naruto had walked into the large showroom—and especially so since they had moved into Sasuke's office monochrome themed office—Sai dropped the creepy fake smile and looked at the blonde with complete seriousness.

"Of course. Sasuke left specific instructions regarding the Lee/Haruno wedding." Sai stood from his arm chair to retrieve one of the large portfolios placed behind the black-lacquered desk. "I've been to the location already and I have a few things I would like to change from my cousin's original designs."

Naruto cleared the coffee mugs and a plate that had held scones from the table to make room for the large drawing book. He was a bit shocked at the images Sai presented to him; not at all prepared for just how artistically talented the odd man was.

"Well have to change the way the chairs are positioned." Naruto move in closer to Sai, taking a pencil from the artist's hand, and made a few sweeping motions on a blank sheet of paper. "The festival will be in full swing the weekend of the wedding and it just so happens that the fireworks extravaganza is on the same night as the ceremony. I've already made a deal with the orchestra's leader and he's agreed to let us have the wedding there as long as we helped with the chairs for the orchestra later in the evening."

Naruto's hand moved over the paper as he spoke, redrawing lines for the audience's placement. Black eyes followed every movement of the broad hand, taking in every minute shift in the muscles beneath the tanned skin.

The planner's eyes were sharp as they scoured over the drawings, occasionally murmuring in agreement or grunting when he found something he didn't like. He pulled a picture of an intricate, flower covered lattice arch closer to himself from the far side of the table where he had placed it when he had initially spread the drawings out.

"This right here." Sai leaned in a bit. "This will be perfect. If we place it so that this archway is just near the water, we can arrange the guests in a wide 'u' around them." "Much like an orchestra pit," Sai mused, the idea clicking in his head.

Naruto turned toward him with a face splitting grin. "Exactly. We'll have a canopy set up so that there won't be too many prying eyes, so this can be placed in one of the doorways. It will make a sort of frame for the couple standing under the arch."

"All of the guests will have a perfect view of them with the cherry blossoms as a backdrop." A small smile came to Sai's face and Naruto couldn't help but stare. He also couldn't help but notice how close they had gotten to each other in their excitement.

They were sitting hip-to-hip, legs touching all the way from there to their knees. Sai was leaning into Naruto's torso to better look at the sketch of the seating the blonde had made, and the fingers of his left hand brushed marginally against the fingers of his right hand.

From such a close distance, and with global warming being what it was, Naruto couldn't have stopped the thought from crossing his mind even if he had been aware enough to try. 'He's actually pretty hot.' A flush spread slowly but surely across his cheeks then down his neck. Sai either didn't notice or decided to play ignorant.

The artist gently took the sketch from Naruto's slack fingers and proceeded to make a few notes here and there on the page. "I shall get to work on the arch's construction immediately. I should have a progress report for you within the next week to week and a half."

Naruto snapped to attention at Sai's words, clearing his throat a bit uncomfortably and standing. "Alright then. If there's anything you need me for before then, here's my number." He pulled one of his business cards from his breast pocket, but wrote something extra on it before handing it over to the pale man.

"Anything at all." He stressed, making sure his fingers lingered around the others before letting go completely and exiting the office with a little wave.

Sai looked down at the crisp white card, noticing Naruto's name, profession, work number and cell number. On the back, however, another number was written with the word 'Home' scrawled beneath it.

~Quick Transition~

The next time the two men met, there were no over-stuffed planners or portfolios involved.

~The Big Day~

"I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." A roar arose from the audience as Lee and Sakura shared their first kiss as newly-weds. Even sourpuss Sasuke stood and loudly applauded the newly nuptialed couple. The bride and groom walked back down the aisle together, being followed shortly thereafter by their maids and men; Ino making 'coo' faces at her baby girl as Neji led her down the aisle.

Naruto stood off to the side, watching with tears in his eyes as his friends were ushered into the limo that would take them to the hotel where the reception was set to take place. He wiped his eyes with a handkerchief as he felt someone come up behind him.

"Are you all right?" the deep-monotonous voice asked him and he had to chuckle at the concern that was trying to fight its way out. He turned around to look at the tux clad man and grinned.

"Yeah, I'm just fine." He wrapped his arms loosely around the designer's slim waist and buried his nose firmly in the other man's neck. He huffed in frustration, however, when the high collar of the tux got in his way.

Sai smiled at the blonde's antics, patting him on the head in a soothing manner. "Come now, you still have a bit to do before we can go on to the party."

Naruto stood back and the grin re-grew on his lips. "Yosh! I've got this!" He abruptly about-faced and marched in the direction of the men who were already at work taking down the tent that had housed the ceremony.


"And iff they dun dance, then therr no frien's o' mine!"(3) Naruto leaned heavily on Sai as he repeated the lyrics for the fifth time… since they had left the elevator that led to his flat. Sai didn't know who the "Men Without Hats" were, but if Naruto didn't shut up, then they would soon find themselves to be men without scrotums as well.

"Naruto, where are your keys?" The blonde blinked at him uncomprehendingly for a moment before his face lit up with recognition.

"They're in my pantsss, Sssai. But you have to reach in a ge~t the~m!" He sing-songed, completely caught off guard when Sai began riffling through his pockets without so much as a "Howdy do?".

The door to the apartment swung open on silent hinges and Sai was immensely grateful for the light that was on in the entryway. He dragged the inebriated blonde further into the domicile, taking care to remove both of their shoes just inside of the door.

Naruto stumbled off into the kitchen and Sai could hear as the blonde open and closed the refrigerator. He followed the sounds until he found the coordinator sitting in one of the highback chairs that surrounded the table in the breakfast nook.

Naruto looked up at his entrance, blue eyes focusing sharply on his frame as he moved closer. With slow and deliberate movements, Sai lifted himself and straddled the seated man.

"Naruto…" he whispered, moving in to take the tan man's lips with his own. Naruto moaned softly, putting down the water bottle he had picked up in order to chord his hands through short raven locks. He tilted the other's head and deepened the kiss by slithering his tongue into the Sai's hot mouth.

"Naruto…"Sai called again when Naruto released him to move down to his neck. A growl was the only warning he had before the sound of cloth ripping let him know that he'd have to procure a new tux before his next formal event.

These thoughts were forgotten as Naruto latched onto his pulse, nibbling along the strong column of pale flesh. Clumsy hands pawed at his pants and he knew that neither of them would last long enough to make it to the bed. He had been half hard all day watching the blonde give orders to the various people working at the event, the planner's ready authority acting as a turn on that Sai would have never expected.

He attempted to detangle himself from the leech attached to his neck, but it was slow going. Finally, he managed to get his intention through to Naruto by grinding down, HARD. The blonde pulled away to gasp and Sai used the opportunity to escape the cage well muscled arms made.

"Sai~!" Naruto whined, his hands reaching forward to pull the designer back towards his lap, where he was quite content to have him. His jaw dropped as, instead of walking into the open arms, Sai ripped what was left of his shirt off, then proceeded to unbutton and pull down his dress pants.

It took a second for Naruto alcohol fogged brain to catch up with what was happening and by the time it did, Sai was already working on pulling his bow-tie off and tearing his shirt off; buttons be damned.

The blonde got with the program, replacing Sai's hands with his own in order to get his slacks off. He tossed them to the side then watched in utter fascination as Sai sunk down onto his knees in front of him.

"Sai? Wha-AH! Holy shitfuck!" Tan hands flew into black hair as the man on his knees bobbed his head and hummed around the rigid erection buried almost to the root in his throat. Naruto groaned loudly, forcing himself to keep his hips still as Sai drew up then swallowed back down. He pulled off to lave at the tip, making sure to spread copious amounts of saliva and pre-cum all along the shaft.

He quickly stood up, his own erection jutting out painfully. "Naruto." The blonde could have sworn the man crooned it as he turned around and braced his arms on the table, presenting Naruto with the sight of two gloriously round, firm, pale orbs.

A saucy look was tossed at him and Naruto leapt to his feet. He placed his still dripping cock at the winking entrance of the beautiful creature bent for him, watching as the muscles slowly stretched to accommodate his girth.

Sai hissed at the pressure, but he would've rather died than tell Naruto to stop. It only took a few seconds for the blonde to plant himself deeply into artist's body, the perspiration on his lower abdomen causing the pale ass in front of him to stick to his body.

Sai shifted, prompting a groan from both men and Naruto just couldn't wait any longer. After a series of swift thrust that got them nowhere, the blonde finally slammed home into the bundle of nerves that made Sai's vision spark dangerously.

"Naru~!" He knew he wasn't going to last long, not if the fireworks were any indication. A few more heavy thrusts and he was done. With his mouth open in a silent scream, Sai's entire body locked up; stopping all motion completely before suddenly falling into spasms.

Naruto held on for as long as he could, but the exhaustion of the day, combined with the alcohol he consumed at the reception, mixed together with the maddeningly tight grip of Sai's anal muscles on his cock were his undoing.

"Ooh, ugh, SAI!" He didn't bother to keep in his shout s of completion, falling limply onto Sai's heaving back when his own muscles ceased their locked-up state. He nuzzled into the other's neck, whispering words of endearment that were only meant for Sai's ears.


After a quick bathroom break and shower, both men settled down into Naruto's over-sized bed. Naruto snuggled into the pale man's arms, enjoying the other's warmth even though it was a lovely spring night.

"The cherry blossoms were certainly beautiful weren't they?" He asked the designer with a sleepy yawn. Sai allowed a rare smile to grace his face. "They most certainly were."

End Shot Ten!

(1) Okay, I have no Idea if Washington DC, or Maryland in general, has a Parks and Recs commission. But, I figured, with all those national monuments hanging around there has to be somebody in charge of all that mess. So, there you go. ^^

(2) lol I couldn't resist. To my knowledge, Ebisu's last name has never been revealed to any of the readers/watcher of Naruto. So, what better name to give him than 'Ero'?

(3) "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats. This is my little tribute to Kamikazexxx, who has reminded me just how much I love that song… and the ridiculous dance associated with it. XD

Author's Note At The Bottom

Er… Hi all. ^^; I know, I know. It's been faaaar too long since I've updated. But to be far, look at the length of this thing! I think it's the longest one-shot I've written since my ItaNaruItas. Kind of worth it, maybe?

Anyway, super sorry that I left you hanging for so long. I started so many different chapters for this, but for some reason, it's just been really hard for me to sit down and make myself write them. I promise to try harder next time.

As always, please drop me a review. I love the feedback. It makes me smile. ^^