Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the affiliated characters, nor do I make any money from this work of fiction.

WARNING!!!: This is YAOI, not just shonen-ai. There is male-sex ahead (pun totally intended) everyone, so please do not read in the same room as, say, a parent, a sibling... your boss...




It wasn't hard to see why he did it, not really. They were just sitting there, the most enchanting and beautiful set of throwing knives he had ever seen. Just looking at their glorious stainless steel, sharpened to the micro-inch blades set his loins aquiver. He had to have them.

"Pardon, I think I misheard you. How much did you say these were?" The saleswoman gulped at the eerily blank face of the pale man before her. He was obviously a shinobi…or a prostitute, the clothes didn't really leave much to the imagination. "I-it's five hundred for the set, sir." Gaping black holes stared back at her until she could take no more. "H-how about fifty-no! Twenty-five for them?" She was sweating bullets now, and his smile made matters worse. "That's a very reasonable price. I'll take them."

Sai walked out of the store, knives in hand, gift wrapped with gorgeous golden paper with a silver bow. "I wonder why Naruto-kun and Sakura-chan still insist that I am rude to the shop owners." He contemplated this question as he made his way back to his studio flat.

Chaos had occurred during his outing, he could feel it. Entering through his front door, the former ROOT nin was greeted with the sight of an infamous blonde shinobi passed out on his luxurious couch. "Naruto-kun?" He called as he took off his sandals, stepping lightly into the room toward the sleeping man.

A tan hand shot out at him at lightening speed, nearly crushing his wrist before bleary blue eyes opened to take him in. "Sai?" Naruto's voice was gruff, and Sai could tell it was not just from sleep. The hand holding him firmly loosened until it was just a light caress.

"Did you just get back? Where did you go?" Naruto sat up, stretching his arms above his head to pop the joints in his back. "I could ask you the same thing. You were not here when I left this morning, I assumed you had a mission." He moved out of the living room and into the kitchen, intent on washing and improving his new treasures.

"Nah, had a meeting with the council way early. I didn't want to wake you up." Strong arms wrapped around a bare waist, a nose settling firmly into a black clothed shoulder. Sai turned his head briefly to slide his check along Naruto's forehead before pulling most of his attention back to the task at hand.

"A meeting with the council? Is everything alright?" Naruto smiled broadly at the undercurrent of worry in the words. "Yeah, they just gave me some more shit on how I have to learn to control the fox and my temper better. Apparently, I let out too much charka while I'm training and it puts the older nins on edge." He snorted softly as he pulled away from the raven headed nin.

Sai frowned briefly, his face smoothing out almost instantly. "I see. Did Danzo-sama make an appearance?" Naruto snorted louder this time, plunking down on a cushion beside the low table in the dining area of the living room. "Yeah, the old fuck was there. Trying to get the clan heads on his side. He's just pissed 'cause all the heads like me and not him."

He ducked as Sai flicked a blueberry at his head, but got pegged with the strawberry that followed. "Why do you always use fruit as your weapon when you think I'm being stupid!?" Sai turned around then to see Naruto munching on the afore mentioned fruit, a pout on his lips. "It seems to get my point across and you need the vitamins." A slightly red tongue stuck out at him at the words but he was nonplussed to see it. "If you need to find something to do with that, I'm sure I can accommodate."

Naruto's cheeks flushed briefly, a leer coming up just as fast. "Really? I think I'm in the mood to be accommodated." It was Sai's turned to blush now as Naruto stood up laughing. "I'mma take a quick shower. I smell like old people and corruption." He moved behind Sai in a move that left behind an orange streak and tongued a fiery path up the pale neck. "I guess I'll take this as compensation."

The blonde haired demon container sighed as he exited the bathroom, completely squeaky clean. He followed his nose to where the other nin in the apartment was and found him still stationed in the kitchen. "Wha? Sai, have you been in here the whole time?!"

The pale man looked up from where he was meticulously engraving something onto the blades of his new throwing knives. Naruto's enhanced eyes immediately focused on whatever Sai was doing, causing him to gasp at what was revealed. "Sai?" The artist turned to face him fully, holding out the blade he had been working on.

"Do you like it?" He asked, his tone flat but Naruto could pick out the faint apprehension. Tan fingers delicately lifted the knife from the other's hand to inspect the work closer. At the base of the gleaming steel, just a few scant centimeters above the black leather grip, was etched a small Uzumaki swirl. Blue eyes softened as they took in the tiny craftsmanship.

He looked up to see Sai's face carefully schooled into complete blankness. He smiled widely at the other, carefully putting the sharp blade next to the others, before leaning down to press a soft kiss at paper white lips. When he pulled away, the lips were smiling just as softly back at him. "I love them, Sai. Thank you."

Black pulled him in again and he let himself go to the artist's sweet caress. "Happy Birthday. Naruto-koi."

~~End Shot One!!

Author's Note at the Bottom!!

I have a very active imagination, as such, I get bombarded with all sorts of pesky little plot bunnies. Because of said bunnies, it's a pain for me to try to finish stories that I'm already working on coughsequelcough. Soooo, in order to make some room in my head for the relevent writing I give you: THE NARUSAINARU COLLECTIONS OF ONE-SHOTS!!!

Next to ItaNaruIta, this is my favorite pairing, so it's excruciatingly easy for me to just push out a couple of these little one shots at a time. As you may have noticed, those of you who have read my other one-shots, this is extremely short. There is a valid reason!! And that reason is.... *shifty eyes**stage whisper* There's more than one! Gasp!

Moving on, please enjoy these little ones while I continue the battle against "WDIHTBSDH?!"'s sequel. ^^