A/N: Yes, I am back! I hate College, I hate writer's block. The only thing that has changed is that instead of studying for my exams, I'm writing again. Yet, I feel happy, because I'm finally continuing this story again. If there's one story that I enjoy writing, then it must be this one. You might wanna check back on the first chapter, for those who followed this story. In any case, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter as much as you enjoyed the first. There might be a few typo's, but I'm still looking for a beta, if you are ineterested.


Neighbour Wars
Chapter 02


.+.The second step in becoming enemies is by befriending said enemy's crazy friend. And plan together.+.

Chapter 2: Crazy People All Over The Place


"I can't believe it! He didn't come to apologise!" Allen huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at his bedpost. "Rude jerk. To say I waited all day long and was prepared waiting until eleven o'clock in the evening."

He had decided going to bed early since school started tomorrow and he would have to go to work afterwards. Allen wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but if he didn't gain some money and brought his share of the deal he'd made with Cross, he'd have to find somewhere else to live.

"This reminds me… the movers are coming tomorrow morning. Luckily I already informed Principal Lee that I'd arrive a bit later so he gave me class free in the noon." Allen changed his position from leaning against the headboard to lie completely under the covers. He took a quick glance at his clock.

"Ten-thirty. Guess it's time to sleep. It's not like our long-haired neighbour is going to stand in front of the door. Maybe tomorrow, he will."


"I'm exhausted! I'm glad I hadn't a lot to do at work."

It took all of Allen's willpower not to fall face first on the ground and take a nap. He never thought that his first day at school would be so frantic. Of course he knew that his sense of orientation was bad, but today was worse than ever. It also didn't help him much that principal Komui Lee sucked all the energy out of him with some weird tests and dramatic moments with floods of tears whenever his younger sister was involved.

"L'innocence. What a strange choice of name for a school where delinquents are practically squatting around every corner." Allen flopped down on his couch ungraciously, rubbing his eyes.

"Then again, Komui did tell me it was to lure stupid parents with stupid kids. I'm not sure if I should feel offended or not." Allen mused. Timcanpy came whirling around the white-haired boy's head.

"Ugh, not now, Tim. I'm too tired to play right now."

He sat on the couch and took a look around his house. The movers had done a great job at placing the rest of his furniture just where it belonged. Not that Allen had a lot of furniture, but he had enough to come around.

"The only thing missing now is my girly neighbour sitting across me with a cup of tea and a mouthful of apologies. That would make my day so much better," Allen huffed. He was used to rude people, and from strangers he could care less. But a neighbour, a person who he was supposed to live next to for how knows how long… No, apologies were a must.

"Maybe I should take the first step…" He thought a bit over that, then sighed and made it to the door. "I'll be right back, Tim. Stay here and be good, okay?"

Once at Kanda's door, Allen knocked three times and waited.


Waited a bit longer.

Still waited.

"I'm pretty sure he's home," Allen murmured to himself. He looked at the black Seat car, definitely one Kanda would own.

"Heh, thought he'd prefer an Audi. Would suit his high ego class."

"Come again, midget?" The sudden voice startled Allen and he yelped, quite surprised to see his neighbour standing in the doorway.

"Kanda. Thought you weren't home." Allen greeted him. Of course, Kanda didn't return the favour.

"What the hell are you doing here? Don't you think you have caused enough damage already?" He snarled, not pleased at all to see Allen. The white-haired male cocked an eyebrow. "Excuse me? It's your fault, too. Don't blame it all on me. I only wanted to befriend you, as your new neighbour."

Kanda huffed and crossed his arms. "Yeah well, I've got news for you," he uncrossed an arm and with his finger he started to nudge Allen in the chest.

"You are the most annoying thing I've ever had the displeasure of meeting."

"Hey! I'm not a thing! I'm a human being, you wanna-be-samurai!" Allen pushed Kanda's arm away and glared at him. Oh, what an insufferable person!

"Really now?" Kanda grinned, "I thought you were some kind of vegetable, beansprout." He started to turn around, but Allen was not done saying his part.

"Well, I was pretty certain that your brain was underdeveloped, so bite me."


"Oh, wait. Put that in the present tense. Sorry, my bad." And with that, Allen made back to his house, leaving a baffled Kanda behind. It was not until he closed his door that he heard the many vulgar words being screamed by his neighbour. But Allen was satisfied.

"You see, Timcanpy. Sometimes you need to sacrifice your politeness if you want to get through thick-skulled people. He might hate me, but I feel that our conversation is not yet finished," he said, grinning. He felt like how he feels while cheating at Poker; powerful, and like a devil.

"I'm betting school will be promising as well." He made his way to the kitchen, and while cooking his dinner, from time to time he could hear chopping sounds coming from next door.


"Strange. It's so quiet… did classes already started or am I just too early?"

Allen checked his watch. 8:15 AM, classes would only start in fifteen minutes. Yet, when he walked around the school facilities, it was as empty as it would be during a zombie apocalypse.

"Maybe I misread and English starts a bit later…" he wasn't watching where he was going, and when he turned around a corner he bumped into something solid and stumbled a bit back.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and—"

Well, of course. The person who he accidentally bumped into just had to be his moody neighbour.

"Unbelievable! We go to the same school?" Allen exclaimed, secretly hoping Kanda was.

"Beansprout? What the hell are you doing here on a day off?" Kanda was also quite surprised to see his weird, nerdy midget. "And for your question; I don't. I'm in college, but I'm ditching class. Can't be arsed going to Chemistry and listen to Link's unending blabbing."

He cocked an eyebrow at Allen's surprised yet hesitating look. He grinned and leaned closer, "Why, happy to see me? Because I'm definitely not happy to see your face again."

Allen regained his composure. He had been distracted when Kanda said it was a day off, and made a note to himself to check his schedule before going to school. Then he made the pleasure to reciprocate.

"Kanda, when are you ever happy? I was just surprised since I never thought you had the smarts to be accepted in college." He let the words linger for a bit, then put a finger against his chin and made is as if he were thinking, "In any school, actually. It must be some kind of miracle!"

"I'm going to give you a miracle with my fist if you don't shut that British mouth of yours, beansprout!" Kanda actually did clench his fingers into a fist, when suddenly, out of the blue, a wild thing appeared on Kanda's back.


"Oh fuck me!" Kanda tried to shake off the bundle of arms and legs off his back, and the person dropped on the ground, a grin so wide on its face it made Allen remind of the Joker.

"Aww, Yuu! You made a new buddy!" Now that Allen could take a good look at the person, he could see it was a man around Kanda's age, and very, very different too. The complete opposite of the dark-haired male.

"Don't call me by my first name, you idiot! Shit, can't you, like, go fuck your creepy boyfriend or what?" Kanda was extremely displeased with this person's presence. Yet, the person in question didn't even pay regard to the burning hate that was flowing from Kanda's body. He found it quite amusing, actually.

"Whatever, Yuu. And no he's working; you know he doesn't have that much time as the director of his company." He turned his attention to Allen. Instantly, the boy backed away.

"Hey there kiddo, my name's Lavi! I'm Yuu's best buddy!" the Lavi person extended his hand.

Hesitatingly, Allen shook hands with Lavi, "Uh. Nice to meet you, Lavi. My name's Allen Walker."

"Allen, what a beautiful name."

"By the way, self-proclaimed best friend: if you ever touch me again, you won't have a dick anymore. Not that you need it in the first place. That Tacky guy gets the ass." Kanda said, smirking at Lavi.

"You don't need a dick either," Allen murmured. Not quiet enough, as Lavi started to laugh.

"Say that again, you bastard!" Kanda made ready to tear off Allen's head when Lavi came in between, shushing the angry male.

"Now, now. Firstly, it's Tyki. Try to remember the name, Yuu. Secondly… Nice comeback, kid." He said very proudly, trying not to laugh in front of Kanda.

Allen smiled a bit. He thought Lavi seemed okay, a bit strange, but okay. "I must say, I am quite impressed that you are still alive, Lavi."

Lavi turned away from Kanda and placed a hand on his hip, making some gestures with his other hand towards his friend.

"Yeah well. If you hand around this guy long enough, it's A-Okay!"

"More like you're latching to me like a parasite. Stupid rabbit," Kanda mumbled, his arms crossed again.

Allen did not know what to make from these two. They were friends, you could see that, but they had a very interesting friendship. He guessed that Lavi put his life on the life every day, and that Kanda wanted to kill Lavi every day. Yet, when you looked at them, you could see they trusted each other.

"…Charming. Say Lavi, does he give pet names to all the people he snaps to?" Allen asked curiously.

Lavi thought for a second. "Until recently, I was the only one. But now I guess you could join the club!"

"How nice. Should I feel honoured? Please, let me have this privilege, too. Kandy."

Something must have snapped inside Kanda, because in an instant he went from Zen mode to Wolverine mode. Good thing Lavi was here to restrain him. He had a lot of experience with this, you could tell.

"Dude," he said, half laughing, half grunting when Kanda kicked him against his shin, "Kid. I like, totally love you in a totally platonic way."

"You are so dead, beansprout! You too, fucking rabbit!"

At the end of the day, when Allen came home, he felt like he had fought in a Third World War and survived. He was right about two things: one, Kanda was insane, and two: at least he made a new friend, even if Lavi was the most peculiar person he had ever met next to Cross.

"At least I know I won't be bored anymore, right Tim?" Allen spoke. Timcanpy bit in his hair.

"Yup, it's gonna be a very interesting year."

To be continued…

A/N: Like I said: I am in need of a Beta. Please PM if you're up for this. And REVIEW! I love reviews :3 I wanna know if my writing is still okay as it was previously :(