Sadly, all good things must come to an end. I can't tell you how much fun I had writing this and how much I enjoyed the reaction. You guys have made this story exponentially more popular than anything else I have written. Thank you so much! I hope you all enjoyed reading the story, and I especially hope you enjoy this last chapter!

Chad and Sonny walked hand-in-hand a few days later underneath a warm, blue sky. They were walking across the roof-top of Condor Studios – a place the two often retreated to when they needed to get away. Sonny's fingers were laced between Chad's – the only way she would want them.

"So tell me, Monroe. I just need to know one little thing. Unicorns, really?" Chad looked down at her.

"I got the first one from my dad when he left on a mission trip. He was a doctor, and he was going to help out in third-world countries for a couple of weeks. It was with this whole pro bono group he started up. He told me that unicorns had magical powers. That if I ever missed him, all I had to do was hug the stuffed unicorn he gave me, and I wouldn't miss him anymore." Sonny paused for a short moment to recollect her thoughts. "He was shot in the leg when some really desperate men attacked their makeshift hospital. If he was here in the states, he would have been absolutely fine. But there wasn't enough equipment and his wound got infected. By the time they could fly him back to America, we barely had enough time to say goodbye. So, I keep the unicorns, because when I look at them, I don't miss him as much. I admit I may have overdone it in my room a little bit."

"No," Chad laughed. "You're room is perfect." The two stopped in the spot they were at, faced one another, and connected in a kiss – an act that was becoming more and more comfortable between the two each time they touched.

"Ew," Tawni walked over from the ledge of the roof. "Can we please get this over with before the two of you make us all nauseous?"

Chad and Sonny smiled at one another and then at Tawni. "Come here, Tawni," Sonny smiled, trying to pull her into their hug.

"Don't touch me!" Tawni swatted Sonny's hand away. "Come on, Nico and Grady have the tank all set up and Zora has her recipe finished." Sonny and Chad linked their hands together once again and walked to the edge of the roof. Every major paparazzi company was standing directly beneath them, awaiting some 'huge announcement' Sonny and Chad had alerted them all about. Sonny recognized Charlie and Aaron standing amongst the crowd as well. It had taken a little more effort, but together, they were able to convince them that they should be a part of the media group too.

"That smells awful!" Sonny declared as Zora opened the large tank and began pouring a mystery mixture in through a hose. "What did you put in it?"

"Well, the cafeteria was having its biannual renewal of food, and they had a ton of junk that was just going to be thrown out. So, I so generously offered to take it off their hands for them," Zora motioned towards the brown-tinted blend. By now, it was mostly liquid, but there were definitely visible chunks throughout the stew. It was perfect!

"We're ready, Marshall," Nico picked up his walkie-talkie and alerted their director.

The six kids peeked over the ledge as Marshall came out and ordered everyone in a straight line along the building. "Sonny and Chad will be out shortly to speak with you, but we've been ordered by security to keep you all in a single-file line. For safety purposes," Marshall explained. After some reorganization, the press representatives finally made their way into a straight line. "We're set to go," Marshall replied on his radio, hurrying inside to avoid sure disaster.

"Are you ready with the camera, Zora?" Sonny checked – the young girl too small to lift the tank.

"Roger that," Zora positioned the camera in her hand down at the line of paparazzi.

"Okay, one…two…three!" Sonny shouted. Together, the five teens tilted the huge tank of the leftover blend, and one by one, doused everyone who had tried to take advantage of Sonny over the last month.

The actors were all relieved they were safe on the rooftop, because when the reporters and photographers looked up and saw them standing there smiling down on them, they shook their fists and shouted foul threats to them. Some swore they would sue for the damages to their equipment, but when the police were called by a few, Murphy reported he did not see a thing, and Mr. Condor insisted that all of his actors were in rehearsal all morning.

"So, Sonny," Chad pulled her away from the chaos. "Do you still think I'm a conceited jerk?"

"Absolutely, Chad." Sonny fell into his hug. "But you're my conceited jerk, and that's all that matters." She pushed up onto her tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the nose.

"That's all I get? I risk my reputation for you and that's all I get?" Chad whined. Sonny nodded. "Fine, then I guess I'll have to take the rest." He caressed her face with his fingers before leaning down and gently kissing her with intense hidden passion, just the way she liked it.

"There's somewhere I need to take you," Sonny abruptly pulled away and yanked Chad's arm. He was not as easy to drag as she was, so Sonny relied on Chad's willingness to follow her anywhere.

"Where are we going, Sonny? We do need to get back to rehearsals eventually."

"Just a little further, Chad," she insisted. She pulled him through the cafeteria, down several hallways, and out to the back of the building.

"The garbage can, Monroe?" Chad looked at her strangely. "The garbage can? Haven't we dealt with enough junk today?"

"Well, we've been on the rooftop a lot recently, and so I wanted to make a new memory. You know, the time Sonny Monroe took Chad Dylan Cooper behind the garbage can? It'll be a classic."

"You Randoms never could do anything original," Chad teased before leaning in for another kiss.