
What is a Shifter: Well a shape shifter….Shifter just is shorter…and more sexy…no idea why it just is. Well so that you get my shifter view a little more…I'll explain: Shifters can transform into anything but they have their original form(The form before their shifter blood was activated ex. Human, demon, half-demon, or anything else) Then they have the form they shift into most…which is really any type of mythical creature or animal….Shifters can pretty much live forever because once they hit a certain part in life or something activates their blood they stop aging(Yes they can still have children and stuff.) Their quite strong but other things are stronger….SO go read the summary fools XD

Summary: Shifter Inuyasha is trying to escape being persecuted by the government who plan to use his powers to create a mindless super weapon out of him, but they are hard on his tail(literally) Until one day while trying to escape them he runs into a female Shifter who has a very peculiar necklace around her neck…however this necklace could be the key to his survival…and her demise…


He was running.

Running from these evil creatures that called themselves "humans" they showed nothing but cruelty and deceit.

He was trying to escape one of their "Research Labs" but to him they were nothing but torture chambers, he remembered them pinning him down to a table and shooting him in the head until he was close to death, them injecting him with needles, and putting him in tanks of water to see how long he could swim before getting tired.

Hell seemed a much nicer place than this life he was currently living.

He heard the outraged shouts of his brother who was still in a cage begging to be set free while he ran but there was little he could do aside from run from those people who were chasing him. Trying to shoot him with those gold bullets filled with some strange poison.

A bullet whizzed past his head and in surprised he tripped and slid across the floor.

"Shit." He muttered and shifted down into a giant white Kishu Hound.

Then he began running once more. It was a straight shot out of the lab now but their were people coming out of doors with their guns trying to shoot at him but all they managed to get was their own lab equipment.

He hopped on an examination table then looked over the sea of people's heads to the doors exit where a strange purple mist was starting to form.

Pain shot through him from his right, hind paw.

He'd been shot because he was thinking far too long. Then without thinking anymore he leaped off the table and over the people's heads'

Then he froze when he saw the white baboon pelt of the man in charge right at the door.

"You'll never escape me, even if you leave this lab my men will hunt you down and just bring you back, you are merely only a pawn."

Then it was gone.

The shouts of his pursuers were coming closer and he broke the glass doors in one charge.


A Kishu hound is a breed of Japanese dog with white fur.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed Rate and Review…or DIE!

This is merely a prologue the actual chapters will be longer =3
