Disclaimer: I don't own Scrubs...I can only dream :)
This is a Cox/JD story and I'm writing it because my other story is becoming harder to write.
My Scream
They both entered the apartment as quiet as they could and turned to look at the other.
"We have to be quiet, Perry."
"Oh, please. If anyone's going to be making any sound it'll probably be you." Though the two had been dating the last couple months, it was a secret and nobody else knew about it. The two lovers entered the bedroom and began to undress kissing each other while the clothing was was being tossed to the floor in a messy heap.
Meanwhile in the other bedroom Carla and Turk were sleeping, dreaming about who knows what. It's quite possible Turk is having another kinky sex dream about Elliot, that maybe the sex is better than it is with Carla. Carla might actually be having a dream about JD and Turk getting married with Rowdy as the best man...er...dog.
I now pronounce you man an-Aaah!
Turk and Carla jumped. That was an extremely loud scream they just heard. Perhaps JD brought home a girl with him, At last! It has finally happened! Usually JD didn't have much luck with the ladies but tonight he was definitely getting it on with someone.
"Did you hear that, Turk?"
"Yeah. JD brought home a hot chick and now he's finally getting some!" Carla rolled her eyes at the awkwardly excited response and hopped out of the bed.
"Where are you goin', baby?"
"I'm going to go see what JD's doing."
"...but...you know what he's doing." Carla shook her head in slight annoyance.
"Yeah, Turk. But with who is what I want to know. Judging from that scream we just heard she is obviously enjoying fooling around with your best friend in there." Turk's expression of confusion was immediately taken over by excitement.
"You're right. We will just enter and then say 'Oops sorry' even though we really aren't at all!" Carla smiled and grabbed her boyfriend's hand tugging him in the direction of JD's bedroom.
Once at the the door they listened contently. Not missing a single moan of pleasure or scream of ecstasy.
"Alright, Turk, On three." Carla's whispers so light, Turk could barely hear them.
"One...two...THREE!" The Turk's busted through the bedroom door, clearly not on some complete accident.
"AAAH!" Shrieking, Turk's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell backwards landing harshly on the apartment floor. Carla however, felt the blush creeping over her face and she gave a huge grin. Taking a mental picture of the scene before her: JD laying on his back, Cox lay in between his legs looking up from the young brunette's neck that he'd most likely been sucking. Both of them a little shocked.
'So Bambi was the girl screaming, huh' :)