Living A Nightmare

An Itasasu Story

Chapter one

Naruto, And Sasuke were all at the training field waiting for their Sensei Kakashi...Sakura had called them and said she was sick, So Its just Naruto and Sasuke for now...

"Hey Sasuke!"


"You want to spar while we wait for Kakashi?"

"No thanks dobe, I'm already certain that I would win anyway..."

"I'm strong too teme!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Yes, I do!"

"...You do..?"

"Yep, Whoever wins gets to pick what they have to do..." Naruto says, Smirking

"Alright then..."

Naruto immediately runs at Sasuke punching him in the stomach

"You bastard! I wasn't ready!"

"Heh. That was just a demonstration of how strong I am, Prepare for full force now!"

They run at eachother...Chidori blazing and Rasengan spiraling...20 minutes later Sasuke was on the ground coughing out blood, And Panting. Naruto standing over him laughing

"I win!" Naruto says kicking dirt on Sasuke

"fi-Fine dobe...You win..."

"What was that?"

"I said you win!"

Naruto laughs "Who's stronger now bitch? That's right me!"

"...What do I have to do..?"

Naruto thought for a moment then smirked "You have to come over my house everyday from 4 to 6"

"What do you want me to do make you dinner or something?"

"Or Something like that.."

Sasuke shakes his head in confusion "There is really no understanding you, Is there?"


"How many days do I have to come over?"

"Hmm...I'm Nice so I'll Say about 2 weeks..."

"2 weeks! Thats what you call nice?"

"Hey I could've made it a month..."

"I have to see if it's ok with my brother, He can sometimes be protective of where I go..."

"Stop taking orders from him Sasuke..."

"...Fine, I guess your right..."

a crow comes flying in front of their faces, cawing crazily

"What the hell!" Sasuke shouts

"It's Kakashi-Sensei's"

Naruto takes the papre from it's back and reads it outloud

"It says "Im Sorry guys but I'm a little busy, So I won't be showing up today""

"That bastard!" Sasuke swears

"...See You at my house tonight Sasuke!" Naruto shouts while walking away

"umm....ok..." Sasuke says, Watching Naruto leave

.: At Naruto's House :.

'So kit, It's looks like you finally get that kid all to yourself...For two weeks.'

"I know kyuubi, It will be awesome, I'll make sure he knows that he's my bitch and no one else's" Naruto says smirking

'What are you going to do now?'

"I'm getting everything ready....Tonight I'll make him mine"

'So your planning to rape him right on the first day hmm? I thought you would wait a couple of days'

"Now way kyuubi, I only get to do this for two weeks, The fast I do it, The more I can..."

'Thats true..But, What if he tells the police or his brother...?'

"I have no intention of anyone finding out, I'll threaten to make his life a living hell"

'How evil of you Naruto...' Kyuubi chuckles

Should I continue?

Sorry that It's short, If people want me to continue the next chapter will be up quick and it will be longer...

Songs I listened t owhile typing:

~ Call Me When Your Sober ( Evanescence )

~ Our Solemn Hour ( Within Temptation )

~ Already Over ( Red )

...Reviews Please...

Thats All
