And here's the last drabble. Thank you for all of your lovely reviews, and I'm sorry for flooding your Inboxes in the last few weeks! It's been great fun writing these, and I've loved hearing all your comments. I've also made 35 icons for these themes, and if you're interested in seeing them, there's a link on my bio page. If you leave a signed review for this chapter, I'll make sure to send you a little message of thanks. Please enjoy, and know that though this set of drabbles is finished, Usagi and Mamoru's story will never end. :)
Week 5: Halloween
5g. Graveyard
She couldn't stand looking at him any longer. While the rest of the city was celebrating Halloween with their costumes and candy, Mamoru was at the graveyard, kneeling in front of two tombstones that were adorned with a white rose each. Usagi had always wondered about Mamoru's aloofness, but today, after seeing him unexpectedly while she was visiting her own grandmother, she knew the answer was right in front of her. Her decision made, she took one step, then two, then countless more.
This close, he looked less lonely, less fragile, more of the Mamoru she fought with everyday. But when he turned to face her, his eyes were uncertain, exposed. She saw him shift internally, trying to grasp something solid and real, something that promised him a new beginning.
So Usagi dropped to her knees beside him, and placed her hand in his.