Guard Duty

Shizuka Taiyou

Summery: Transfomers: Animated: You would never think that Sari Sumdac being rich she would have a body guard? But when she does have one how will she react to her charges friends being alien robots?

Disclaimer: I do not own TF: Animated. Nor this fic or Alie. They both belong to ViolentBigGrl who discontinued it. I just merely asked to finish it for her since it was too much of a good fic to go unfinished.

Enjoy another awesome fic from the Quiet of the Sun.


My name is Alie, and I'm a body guard. Yeah you all think BIG FREAKIN DEAL. Well, for your information, I'm a body guard for the daughter of a very famous scientist, Isaac Sumdac. He has hired me to guard his daughter, Sari. I for one don't like kids. But Sari is different from most. She is very mature and I find her to be one of the coolest I have ever known and met. She is very smart, smarter then she lets her dad to believe. I have known her for four years now and I assure you that I don't regret taking this job.

Sari was playing with her robotic dog that her dad built her for Christmas one year Sparkplug. Well, more or less like playing tug of war with her key. I told her many times that she shouldn't tease the dog like that, but she didn't listen……. Yet again!

"Sari quit messing around with Sparkplug and get your homework done. Your dad will be VERY upset if you don't get it done." I said with a bored tone.

"I'm….. trying…… to… get….. it…. BACK!" she said through gritted teeth while she was trying to get her key back from the robotic dog. Unfortunately the dog won slipped and ran off with the key.



"What I heard it from you."

I sighed, damn my foul language. "Sari your only twelve. You shouldn't curse like that…. Wait till your fourteen." I said with a deadpan look, but I was really laughing. She rolled her eyes.

"Well why can YOU curse?" "Because I'm much older than you, so I'm aloud, now make sure I don't rub off on you and get your key back." I said. She ran out the door and rolled my eyes. God, I love that kid, but she can be VERY annoying. I tugged at my ID card for a few seconds, and then got up from the chair I was sitting on and walked out the door. Now don't get me wrong I'm a fan of technology, but things have gone far enough in my opinion. Robots are used all the time now a days, and it can be irritating. I always thought about robots taking over the world or starting a rebellion of some sort. I sighed again; I watch too many science fiction movies. I kept walking down the tiled hallways of the towers, letting my imagination go wild until the alarms went off.

"What the hell?" I said. I look around for a minute, and the building shook. An earthquake?

No, it couldn't be an earthquake, we never get those. The building shook again and there was a roar.

"…What the hell was that?" I asked myself. I ran down the hallway, luckily I was on the ground floor. I looked out the window and saw something unthinkable, a giant slug THING. I shook my head to make sure I wasn't seeing things and not going insane. I heard crashing noises from outside and ran out the door.

The slug thing was HUGE, and very disgusting. It kind of looked like someone's shit that was a science experiment that went wrong. The police were shooting at it and manage to blow it up. ''Ah, good old explosions, just like it should be.'' I thought to myself. I looked around the ground and saw the bits of the monster.

"Ew, that is fucking nasty." I said. I started to walk away, when thy started to move again. I gasped at what was happening, as did others that were there and watching, as the monster put itself back together.

"…… Well THAT sucks." I said, and then ran off before I was shot at by accident. I began to run to where the crowd was when I saw a small streak of yellow pass by fast. I stop for a minute, and then realized what that was.

"SARI!" I shouted. I ran after her, but an officer told me to get back away from the area.

"THAT'S MY KID YOU ASS!" I shouted.

"We're doing everything we can miss."

"THEN LET ME GET HER!" I shouted again, he pushed me back and then there was an explosion. I fell back and then the police were coming, they ran into the building. I followed and saw Isaac being helped out.

"Isaac!" I shouted out to him. He looked as me.

"Alie, tell me where Sari is!"

" That THING outside has her, I can't do anything"

"That thins HAS her!?" he shouted. I nodded, he sighed.

"Your suppose to be her bodyguard." He said in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry, but I'll do anything to-"my sentence was cut short from another explosion. The police escorted Isaac out of the building, I went to follow, when that part of the building begin to collapse. I backed up the only was through the parking lot. So I ran in that direction. I was looking around and I saw Sari standing in the parking lot.

"Sari, there you are. Your father's worried about you." I shouted. I ran up and grabbed her.

"Come on Sari, we have to go!" She shook her head.

"No, we can't" I glared.

"COMEON SARI, WE HAVE TO GO-"I finally focused my attention to my surroundings. I glanced behind her and saw two large yellow pillars. Wait… those weren't there before… I slowly moved my head up, they weren't pillars, and they were LEGS. I scanned up the legs and finally got to the hip, then continued to scan up. I had to take a step back or two to finally see the head. I was staring at an eighteen foot tall robot. He was shooting electricity at the police bots that the law enforcement used. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

"…. Oh my god, big robot." Was all I said. It looked at us for, and then ran out of the parking lot. I looked on, then Sari poked my arm, for a girl my age, I was pretty short, I'm only five foot five inches, and Sari is about five feet one. I looked at her.

"We need to help them!"


"I don't know, they've shot at it and everything."

"So exactly is happening?"

"Every time they attack, all it does is absorb it; it's like a sponge, a very LARGE and GROSS sponge…." She said. I tilted my head.

"So, you would need to kill it from the inside." I said. It wasn't that hard to figure out. I stopped, and then turned to the dead police bots. A police bot was always armed with a grenade. I ran over to one and opened it up, there was the grenade, only for emergency, it could take out half a city block. I grabbed it and turned back to Sari. "DON'T MOVE" I shouted.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to feed it" I said.

I ran up the ramp to the roof. I was not a very good runner at all. So I had to catch my breath once I got to the roof. There it was, right below the roof level, I could NOT believe I was about to throw something at that thing. I looked and saw the same robot from before, and two others that looked bigger then him that were with him. I watched them fight a little longer, they were losing, they seemed to stop and talk, I finally took a deep breath.

"HEY, FATASS!" I shouted at the monster. It turned its head towards me, I shuddered when it did, then I straightened back up. "YOU WANT SOMETHING TO EAT!? TRY THIS!" I shouted. I pressed the button, arched my arm back, prayed to the lord that it would work and I chucked it. It flew about 30 feet and started to drop. Common, take it…. TAKE IT!

It opened its mouth and swallowed. YES! It turned back to the robots, and then froze, and then it started to shake violently. It opened my mouth and a light started to come out.

"OH SNAP!" I shouted and ducked. There was a huge explosion, and then a gust of wind. I peeked my head up and only saw smoke and a crater, it was dead. I sighed with relief and looked back down again. The two other robots were inspecting a third that was black that I haven't seen before. I narrowed my eyes. Wait…. Where's the yellow one? I leaned forward a little bit to get a better look and stopped. … Oh crap I slowly turned around and saw a pair of yellow legs and then looked up at its face. Its face had a look that I could recognize as confusion. It looked at me for a moment and then I heard a voice from below. "Bumblebee, what's going up there?"

'Bumblebee' leaned forward and shouted below. "There's an organic up here that caused the explosion!" he shouted. I was still staring at him and realized he was talking about me. I started to back away and then bolted to the nearest exit. I didn't make it far when a giant hand grabbed me and lifted me. I scream from the shock. He positioned me where I was looking into his eyes. He had very pretty blue eyes and then I heard her.

"Bumblebee, what are you doing?" Sari shouted. He looked down at her, then back at me.

"Do you know each other?" he asked.

"Yeah, she's my bodyguard." She said simply. He looked at me for a moment, and then put me down on the ground. I backed up and he started to crouch down and TRANSFORMED. He was now a yellow police car with a black stripe. He opened his door and I heard his voice. "Hop in and be quiet." He said.

Sari ran in and buckled up, I turned to the exit and figured I wouldn't be able to run away and got in. The door shut on its own and the belt wrapped around me. He drove down the ramp and in front of the other robots. My eyes widened at their size. They then transformed and drove off, Bumblebee followed. We were going down the ramp and underwater. Sari whispered "Will we be able to breathe down here?"

"Oh sure…. What's breathe?" I snorted at the comment. We drove to what seemed to be a ship. The other robots transformed but Bumblebee drove to a different direction. He was creeping away when one of the robots yelled back.

"Bumblebee, transform into robot mode and get your aft over here!" I heard an older voice shout.

"Right… robot mode…." He drove off to a different direction, opened his doors, and flew right into a hole. We were going down a slide, flew into the air, and landed with a thud. We looked around; the room was large, and very orange. Man it kind of reminded me of Naruto when he wore his jumpsuits. Sari got up and dusted herself off. I shook my head. I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them. Sari was standing in front of a glowing object.

"Sari get back here!" I shouted. I didn't know if this thing was radioactive or not. The object shot a light at her; I jumped up and ran to her. But she wasn't being hit but her key. It started to glow brightly, I covered my eyes and when I opened them the light was gone and Sari was looking at her key. It was metallic and in shape of the letter "T". I narrowed my eyes at it, looking at it suspiciously.

"If you mess this up for me you owe me my security deposit kid." I said with a scowl. I would've laughed, if it weren't for the fact I was being lifted up form the ground again. I mean seriously it's annoying now. I turned and there was the blue and red robot from before. He lifted up Sari with other hand.

"How did you two get in here?" Bumblebee popped up from behind him, he opened his mouth up to say something but I beat him to the clock.

"The door." I said flatly. Then I covered my mouth. Why the hell do I have to be such a smart ass? I muffled out an Oh shit from behind my hand when he raised an eyebrow toward me. Bumblebee chuckle, when the other whipped his head around toward him.

"Uh, it followed me home……. Can I keep it?" Sari scowled.

"I'm not an IT, I'm a she!" she said. Then I raised an eyebrow.

"WHAT?! YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" I shouted and pointed to him. The red robot's gaze shifted to me and then back to him.

"Is this true"

"Well you told me to inspect what caused the explosion." He said.

"That was you?" he asked. I nodded quickly, he looked at Bumblebee.

"Ok, and WHEN were you going to plan on telling me this?"

"I was working on putting it on my top five." I rolled my eyes and looked at Sari.

"Look at what you get me into?"

"WHAT!? I didn't do anything!"

"You lie like a freaking rug on Christmas morning!"


" OUR SITUATION DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" We would've kept up the argument but another voice was heard.

"PRIME, we need you here now!" it shouted. He practically DROPPED us onto the floor and ran to the other room. Bumblebee followed and we ran after. We seem to be in a medical bay and there was the same black robot as before on a bed. A white and red robot was working on his chest.

"His circuits are too badly damaged, I can't keep this up!" he shouted. After that statement, Sari's key started to glow and she was being dragged to the bed. Bumblebee leaned down and picked her up and placed her onto the bed. I leaned on my toes trying to see what was happening. Curse my short legs. A flash of blue light came out of nowhere and then the black robot sat up.

"That's…. quite the cure." He said looking at her. The red and white robot was leaning onto the table, completely baffled at what just happened, I don't blame him.

"….. Did you just bring a dieing giant robot back to life?" I asked. She shrugged, I smiled. "I say this once again; you are the COOLEST kid I have ever met." I said with a smile. She blushed and then the red and blue robot sighed.

"The solar cycle isn't over yet." He said dryly. Sari frowned.

"I think my dad's worried about me." She said.

I mouthed Oh my god to the ceiling, the big green bot stared at me. Not even looking at him, I whipped out my cell phone and dialed a number. I watched the screen while waiting for him to pick up, the robots staring at me while I did this. He finally picked up.

"Oh thank God it's you, where's Sari?"

"She's fine, we're just relaxing, call the police off."

"I won't until I get Sari back."

"She's fine, trust me."

"Please, let me talk to her." He said in a pleading tone. I sighed and then looked at Sari, at the bots, and back at Sari.

"I don't like being mishandled, so you BETTER not drop this." I said in a menacing tone. She nodded and I tossed the phone up, gasped when it didn't go high enough, but she caught it. The robots looked at me with confused looks. "Hey that was an expensive and it's a good phone, I don't want it broken." I said with a shrug. They still looked confused, and Sari called my name. I turned, she tossed the phone, and I caught it, sighed with relief, and put it to my ear. "Happy?"


"Call them off."

"Well we ca-"

"IF YOU DON'T CALL THEM THE FUCK OFF IN THE NEXT FIVE FUCKING SECONDS, YOUR SECURITY BOTS WILL LOOK LIKE FLUFFY WHITE BUNNIES COMPARED TO ME YOU BASTARD!" I shouted in a very scary tone. I saw the robots jump back from my outburst, one of them shuddering; I think it was the yellow one. I saw the police drive off quickly on the screen, and the robots turned back to me in pure amazement. I grinned. "Thank you." I said calmly and hung up the phone. They gawked at me, which I found amusing, by the way.

"…. Well, I think we should leave now." I said while walking to the door, but a blue hand blocked my path.

"You're not going anywhere until we get an explanation." The red and blue robot said with authority. I turned back and saluted, which made Bumblebee and the green robot start to laugh hysterically. He groaned, and picked me up, with my protest by the way, and put me down next to Sari. I leaned back on the black robots leg, a habit of mine, and then jumped about a foot when I remembered what it was. Sari giggled, I glared, and she shut up. The red robot crossed his arms across his chest.

"I would like an explanation about how you destroyed that creature we were fighting earlier today." He said. I tilted my head in thought, and looked back at him.

"Well, I first would like some names; I'm getting tired of thinking of you as red robot, white robot, black robot, and etcetera." I explained. Bumblebee started to snicker and then stopped when the red robot looked at him.

"Fine, I'm Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots; this is Ratchet-"he pointed to the white one, who nodded. "Prowl" He pointed to the black one, who muttered out a hello. Which got me thinking that he must be one of those anti-social types? "Bulkhead" He pointed to the green one, who waved. "And you already know Bumblebee." He said and pointed to him. Sari perked up.

"I'm Sari" she said. I straightened up.

"I am Luke Skywalker, the last of the ultimate warriors of this glorious planet, the Jedi. Bow to my awesome powers." I said while making a pose. Sari shook her head.

"Can you not be a nerd for five seconds?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine ruin my fun, I'm Alie, and I have to watch this brat"



Optimus face palmed and looked at us with a deadpan stare. "Can you two stop fighting like children?" he asked.

"Yes mommie dearest." I said. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Ratchet howled with laughter. Even Prowl managed a snicker. Optimus scowled as I put my hands up in surrender. He sighed and shook his head, then chuckled a little bit from my comment.

"Alright, now we've made introductions, you can answer my question." I nodded and stop to think, and then I perked up again.

"Well…… you guys kept attacking it from the outside, which didn't work on it. So, not to be a smartass, but your second choice for attack is to attack from the inside. I had the grenade and saw my chance. In a nutshell, I came, I saw, and I kicked some ass." I said, laughing at the last part, God I'm such a dork. There was more laughter, Optimus being one of them. He sighed again.

"Primus organics are funny." He said.

"Humans." Sari corrected, they all took note to this.

"We are eager to learn more about you." He said.

"Same here man, same here." I said with a nod. I had a feeling that my life was going to get interesting with these guys.


And there's the first chapter of Guard Duty. And like I said I do not own the show or the fic or any of the characters. They belong to they're original owners. Even the plot of the story isn't mine. And I thank ViolentBigGrl for letting me adopt her fic from her. I hope that I finish this fic for you. It would be an honor to do so.


Shizuka Taiyou