This is the first story that I wrote, I hope you enjoy it.

Its basically just drabble. (Sorry I don't have any ideas haveaneas at the moment, give me some if you can, ill try to write you a better story)

I don't own D Gray-Man, if I did something interesting would defiantly happen between Allen and Kanda, which I think most people would enjoy. (Snicker)


Kanda Pov—

When I first met him I couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy, which to most people would find almost impossible. But somehow to me he seemed small and delicate, and somehow over time he broke down my walls. I didn't know when it started but I started to notice that most of the time he seems to be holding most things in. I'm surprised that most people don't notice, it's pretty obvious that some of the smiles he shows are completely fake, or that there is a lot of sadness in his eyes. I'm Surprised he hasn't broke, yet sometimes I swear it's just a little wait until he starts to collapse.

The other day the stupid rabbit asked my why I care so much, I didn't know how to answer that when I didn't even understand it my self. He said that I finally let some one through my barriers. I couldn't hep thinking that he was right. (He actually said something good for once) But then he had to say something stupid straight after that. (When wouldn't Lavi mess it up, it just had to happen)

I don't even want to think about it, because it would be impossible and not just because has a guy. Now that the stupid rabbit said that I just couldn't wipe it from my mind, but it's completely impossible.......right?

Today he almost died; I would never have thought that it would have hurt so much.

I never understood why I heart thumped so loudly when he was near me or why I was always so confused when he was with me. I finally realised what the stupid rabbit said was right on the dot for once in his life.

I was deeply in love with the stupid beansprout. The person who finally broke through my walls, the only one ever to do that, I was defiantly in love with Allen Walker.


Sorry this is quite messed up, I know, but I hoped you enjoyed it any way

(Nervous laugh)

Review me please?

Ha ha ha have any ideas